This document provides suggestions for zero-budget social media marketing strategies for startups. It lists ways to do zero-budget marketing like setting up profiles on platforms like Google+, Twitter, YouTube and writing blog posts. It also discusses amplifying marketing efforts through videos and QR codes. The document outlines the effectiveness of word-of-mouth referrals and better utilization of email marketing. Examples provided include a Salvation Army campaign. The document answers why companies spend money on advertising and provides suggestions for startups to improve their zero-budget efforts such as better tracking customers and using visual content.
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Zero budget marketing
1. Zero-Budget Social Media
Marketing (for startups)
Prepared by (Group 13):-
FT13124 Erin Jacob
FT13361 Rajarajan Sritharan
FT13240 Manvi Yadav
FT13442 Preeti
FT13277 Shreya Vats
2. Ways of doing Zero budget marketing
The key to 'zero budget' is usually spending time over cash.
Public Relations and publicity. Eg: Journalists
Find other pages where your customers and prospects hang out
Setup a Google+ business page to boost the organic placement of your
website in Googles search results
Set up a Twitter account
Public Relations and publicity. Eg: Journalists
Connect all of your social media accounts so that you only need to post
to one place for all accounts to be updated.
Write Blog posts, Guest posts
3. Ways of doing Zero budget marketing
The key to 'zero budget' is usually spending time over cash.
Sign up for a account. It will
facilitate one to publish on RSS feeds
Create videos and post them to YouTube
Having a plan that incorporates online and offline can make a big difference to the
success or failure of your guerilla marketing campaign
o Amplify your offline graffiti art campaign by videoing the whole thing.
o Amplify your everyday activities
o Put a QR code in the window of your premises and connect it to a mobile page on
your website
o Give your exact target market something fun to do online. @betfairpoker do this
really well.
o Run a QR street campaign
4. Effectiveness of Zero budget marketing
Businesses build their brand and boost their bottom line by word of
mouth or referrals.
Applying a couple of ideas people can grow their business by 10%
Seeking businesses from past customer by word of mouth and
If people are out networking, it could easily increase word-of-
mouth referrals by20-25%.
By just adding a sentence of forwarding the email to interested
people can grow the customer database.
Better subject line in the mail.
Build networks by going out and talking to people.
Drive word-of-mouth referrals from your current customer base.
5. Effectiveness of Zero budget marketing
Systematize, track and optimize your current marketing activities.
Go back to existing customers and see if there is anything else you
can sell them.
Organize contra deals with other businesses. For example, offer a
service for promotion in a newsletter.
Organize cross-promotions with other businesses whose client base
includes customers you want to reach.
Make greater use of email.
Organize events to reach your audienceit can be more time
effective to gather ten people in a room that spend 10 hours in the
field visiting them.
Make better use of media and PR by making your product more
remarkable and worth talking about.
Spend wisely on marketing.
6. Examples of successful Zero budget
marketing :- In Portland, Maine the salvation Army
got local businesses together to donate space to promote the work of
the organisation. The result worked out completely free and tied in
nicely with the marketing message the Salvation Army spends more
on people inneed and less on unimportant things that could eat into
their budgets
7. Examples of companies that does
successful Zero budget marketing (2)
2nd hand Business cards
9. Why do companies spend money if the
can do it for free?
Customized Advertising
This is possible only if you pay for it. Examples of targeted ads are
Fitness ads alone (for fitness freaks), Sports Gears (Sports Enthusiasts)
Gadget Ads (Technology Enthusiasts)
Advertisements can be based on the following
Interests (what you search often, etc.)
You Acquaintances Preference (what your friends are interested in
Advertisements at the side
Advertisements alongside the mainstream Facebook page (not possible for
free advertising)
Advertising alongside online Games
It shows only for companies that pay (on the sides while you play the game)
You invite someone else to play/it directly shows up for your contacts (they
see the ads as well). They in turn suggest more games and it goes on.
For example, Farmville and Investigation games
10. Why do companies spend money if the
can do it for free?
More Space and time:
The space that a paid ad occupies is more that the free ads (without botheration
Time for which its shows (without botheration counts)
The most important thing is Impact factor = Space * Time (more for paid ads)
Effectiveness of companies:
When you have a budget constraint, you tend to make optimal use of resources
Thus starts-up use efficiently the free space, while others pay for it
Effectiveness of Free Ads:
There is tendency to undermine the free ads (as we question their credibility)
Also companies tend to feel the same way.
Restricted to Interests:
Although ads are customized to interests, they can invoke interest as well (where
as free ads depend of explicitly expressed interests your own or friends)
11. Suggestions/Recommendation for the
start-up to do it better
Aps usage Go Beyond just zero
The zero budget marketers can use budget marketing
more free aps available for page Microsoft Docs could be used by
designs (to make it appealing) companies for their day-to-day
Free page manager for mobiles, operations
Graph search, Page post targeting
Facebook office can be give like
Companies dont track Give content, then give
Companies dont track the tail of add
customers as much they should be First impress the audience by a
doing (or as much Facebook allows sample of what you have to offer,
them to do). then put an ad at the end
12. Suggestions/Recommendation for the
start-up to do it better
Better designs for
Facebook page
Better usage of Crowd Design not enough for startup due
to lack of resources both
sourcing, community monetary and personnel (take free
based targeting landers Kishore who are
comparatively cheap that
professional companies and do a
far better job).
Listen to customer s (or Use visual effects more
potential customers) (in fact exploit it before
Interact with customers, reply to others )
queries, Support them online, etc. 80% engagement level is more for
visual contents like videos and
Still there is lots of text found in
certain pages of companies.