MATLAB - Aplication of Arrays and Matrices in Electrical SystemsShameer Ahmed Koya
This document discusses using matrices and linear algebra to analyze electrical systems. It explains how to represent sets of linear equations in matrix form as A*x=y and solve for x using the inverse of A. It also discusses calculating the rank of a matrix and condition number. Examples are given of using matrices to solve circuit problems involving node analysis, mesh analysis, and AC circuits. Solutions are found by taking the inverse of the matrix or using the backslash operator in MATLAB.
In MATLAB, a vector is created by assigning the elements of the vector to a variable. This can be done in several ways depending on the source of the information.
Enter an explicit list of elements油
Load matrices from external data files油
Using built-in functions油
Using own functions in M-files
MATLAB program are stored as script file(.m files). This type of file contains MATLAB commands, so running it is equivalent to typing all the commandsone at a timeat the Command window prompt. You can run the file by typing its name at the Command window.
This document discusses competency mapping for a sales manager role and research and development staff role. It defines competency and lists different types of competencies. It outlines the steps in competency mapping including identifying roles, collecting data through interviews, identifying skills and proficiency levels, and mapping competencies. Assessment tools for competency mapping include behavioral event interviews and surveys. Competencies are mapped for a sales manager role focusing on dimensions like sharing vision, communication, planning, and being a team builder. Competencies are also mapped for an R&D staff role focusing on technical, managerial, and behavioral dimensions.
This document provides an overview of several Matlab commands for input/output:
1) The input command prompts the user to enter a value and stores it in a variable. The sscanf command reads data as a string and converts it to other formats.
2) The disp command displays variable values or text without variable names. The fprintf command formats and displays data on screen or writes it to a file with control over formatting.
3) The fprintf command uses formatting operators like %d, %f, and %s to control the display of different data types when combined with conversion characters.
This document discusses various polynomial functions in MATLAB. It covers defining and manipulating polynomials, including evaluation, finding roots, addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, derivatives, and curve fitting using polynomial regression. Polynomials in MATLAB are defined as row vectors of coefficients. Key functions include polyval for evaluation, roots for finding roots, conv for multiplication, deconv for division, and polyfit for curve fitting.
McDonald's began in 1937 in California and was founded by the McDonald brothers. Ray Kroc joined as a franchise agent in 1955 and later bought out the McDonald brothers, founding McDonald's Corporation. McDonald's pioneered the fast food industry and saw tremendous growth throughout the 20th century, becoming the largest restaurant chain in the world. However, McDonald's faced challenges adapting to the Indian market due to cultural differences around beef consumption and pricing. McDonald's launched vegetarian options and value menus to succeed in India over the past 19 years.
Become a Partner - Worldwide InternshipsCassie Grimm
This document summarizes an internship placement agency that connects university students with international work opportunities. The agency recruits students from top universities and screens them to ensure successful internships. It has partnerships with companies in various industries across over 10 countries. The agency assists both students and partner companies/hotels at every stage of the internship process from recruitment to follow up support. Its services are free for partner organizations and aim to inspire youth to discover success through global work experience.
Karen Graham founded the William S. Graham Foundation for Melanoma Research after her son Billy died of melanoma at age 22. The foundation is dedicated to melanoma research and education. Graham has extensive experience managing the foundation and developing programs to raise awareness about melanoma prevention, screening, and treatment. She has represented the foundation at numerous national and international conferences and committees, and has been published and interviewed about melanoma by various media outlets.
Este documento apresenta um resumo de 10 t坦picos principais da Teologia Contempor但nea: 1) influ棚ncias pr辿-contempor但neas como a teologia b鱈blica, cat坦lica e protestante; 2) a teologia m鱈stica e tom鱈stica; 3) a Reforma e Contra-Reforma; 4) Galileu e a Inquisi巽達o; 5) o liberalismo teol坦gico e a alta cr鱈tica b鱈blica; 6) o novo modernismo de Barth e Brunner; 7) novas correntes como a teologia do mito e da
Este an炭ncio promove a paz atrav辿s de um produto invis鱈vel e sem marca que todos j叩 compraram mas que as entregas est達o atrasadas. O an炭ncio inteiramente em branco sem pessoas, animais, m炭sica ou efeitos especiais pode ser compreendido em todo o mundo, pois o produto - a paz - 辿 universalmente desejado.
A short presentation with basic facts and figures on our concept and business model. PPT will be given tonight by myself on the VWBO event @acdhandling Groot-Bijgaarden.
Este documento resume os servi巽os de legaliza巽達o de documentos oferecidos pelo Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Nova York, incluindo quais documentos podem ser legalizados, como realizar o processo e taxas aplicadas.
Este documento resume os servi巽os de legaliza巽達o de documentos oferecidos pelo Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Nova York, incluindo quais documentos podem ser legalizados, como realizar o processo e taxas aplicadas.
O documento explica os procedimentos para legalizar documentos no Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Nova York, incluindo quais documentos podem ser legalizados, como legalizar assinaturas pessoalmente ou por correio, e taxas aplic叩veis. Al辿m disso, fornece detalhes sobre a legaliza巽達o de documentos escolares, animais de estima巽達o, faturas comerciais e doa巽探es.
This document provides an overview of several Matlab commands for input/output:
1) The input command prompts the user to enter a value and stores it in a variable. The sscanf command reads data as a string and converts it to other formats.
2) The disp command displays variable values or text without variable names. The fprintf command formats and displays data on screen or writes it to a file with control over formatting.
3) The fprintf command uses formatting operators like %d, %f, and %s to control the display of different data types when combined with conversion characters.
This document discusses various polynomial functions in MATLAB. It covers defining and manipulating polynomials, including evaluation, finding roots, addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, derivatives, and curve fitting using polynomial regression. Polynomials in MATLAB are defined as row vectors of coefficients. Key functions include polyval for evaluation, roots for finding roots, conv for multiplication, deconv for division, and polyfit for curve fitting.
McDonald's began in 1937 in California and was founded by the McDonald brothers. Ray Kroc joined as a franchise agent in 1955 and later bought out the McDonald brothers, founding McDonald's Corporation. McDonald's pioneered the fast food industry and saw tremendous growth throughout the 20th century, becoming the largest restaurant chain in the world. However, McDonald's faced challenges adapting to the Indian market due to cultural differences around beef consumption and pricing. McDonald's launched vegetarian options and value menus to succeed in India over the past 19 years.
Become a Partner - Worldwide InternshipsCassie Grimm
This document summarizes an internship placement agency that connects university students with international work opportunities. The agency recruits students from top universities and screens them to ensure successful internships. It has partnerships with companies in various industries across over 10 countries. The agency assists both students and partner companies/hotels at every stage of the internship process from recruitment to follow up support. Its services are free for partner organizations and aim to inspire youth to discover success through global work experience.
Karen Graham founded the William S. Graham Foundation for Melanoma Research after her son Billy died of melanoma at age 22. The foundation is dedicated to melanoma research and education. Graham has extensive experience managing the foundation and developing programs to raise awareness about melanoma prevention, screening, and treatment. She has represented the foundation at numerous national and international conferences and committees, and has been published and interviewed about melanoma by various media outlets.
Este documento apresenta um resumo de 10 t坦picos principais da Teologia Contempor但nea: 1) influ棚ncias pr辿-contempor但neas como a teologia b鱈blica, cat坦lica e protestante; 2) a teologia m鱈stica e tom鱈stica; 3) a Reforma e Contra-Reforma; 4) Galileu e a Inquisi巽達o; 5) o liberalismo teol坦gico e a alta cr鱈tica b鱈blica; 6) o novo modernismo de Barth e Brunner; 7) novas correntes como a teologia do mito e da
Este an炭ncio promove a paz atrav辿s de um produto invis鱈vel e sem marca que todos j叩 compraram mas que as entregas est達o atrasadas. O an炭ncio inteiramente em branco sem pessoas, animais, m炭sica ou efeitos especiais pode ser compreendido em todo o mundo, pois o produto - a paz - 辿 universalmente desejado.
A short presentation with basic facts and figures on our concept and business model. PPT will be given tonight by myself on the VWBO event @acdhandling Groot-Bijgaarden.
Este documento resume os servi巽os de legaliza巽達o de documentos oferecidos pelo Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Nova York, incluindo quais documentos podem ser legalizados, como realizar o processo e taxas aplicadas.
Este documento resume os servi巽os de legaliza巽達o de documentos oferecidos pelo Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Nova York, incluindo quais documentos podem ser legalizados, como realizar o processo e taxas aplicadas.
O documento explica os procedimentos para legalizar documentos no Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Nova York, incluindo quais documentos podem ser legalizados, como legalizar assinaturas pessoalmente ou por correio, e taxas aplic叩veis. Al辿m disso, fornece detalhes sobre a legaliza巽達o de documentos escolares, animais de estima巽達o, faturas comerciais e doa巽探es.