The document provides guidance for creating a creative writing PowerPoint presentation, including suggesting including an introduction, topic, setting description, characters, plot, vocabulary, images, proper grammar and an ending. It also prompts drawing an image and having a classmate write a 2-3 sentence creative caption to describe the image.
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Guided notes for creative writing
1. Name:
Bullet point facts
What is creative writing? Creative writing is a form of writing that..
How do people write
What is the purpose?
What can you write creatively
When is creative writing used?
2. Group Members:
Our PowerPoint presentation is about
We have included:
A creative introduction slide
A real or imagined topic for our story/experience
5-7 slides total
A detailed description of the setting
Interesting characters, an intriguing plot, and a strong choice of vocabulary
Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
An unforgettable ending
3. Name:
Draw a creative image then pass this image to a classmate who can write a creative 2-3
sentence caption of the image:
Student Image 1 Example:
Student Caption1 Example:
It was a gloomy Friday night,not a personin sight.
Cars filledwith empty seats andonlythe shadowof the clouds gleam through the light.
Student Image:
Student Caption: