This guided reading lesson plan outlines strategies for students to use when reading a text, including solving unfamiliar words, monitoring comprehension, using text features, summarizing events, making predictions, drawing connections, differentiating new from known information, analyzing text structure, and critiquing the text. The plan suggests focusing on vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency, with an emphasis on supporting answers with evidence from the text.
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1. Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Date: LEVEL:
Within the Text
Solving Words
___Notice new/interesting words
___solve content specific words using
graphics, word boxes
___apply problem solving strategies to
complex words
___Monitor accuracy and and
understanding, self-correcting when
errors detract from meaning.
Searching for/Using Information
___captions, photos, other text features
___compound sentences
___plot tension/suspense (narrative)
___Follow and remember a sequence of
events in chronological order
___Identify important ideas and report
them in an organized manner
___Identify and understand sets of related
Beyond the Text
___Use text structure to predict outcome
___Use text evidence to confirm/disprove
Making Connections
Bring knowledge from
___background ___other text
___Differentiate between what is known
and new information
___Mentally form categories of related info
___Express changes in ideas/learning after
About the Text
___Notice variety in layout/text features
___Understand when author has used
compare/contrast, cause/effect, etc.
___Notice how author used pictures or other
graphics to convey meaning
___Evaluate quality of text feature, interest level.
___Notice author’s qualifications to write text
Group Members:
Instructional Focus
Word Work Vocabulary
Next Time
Keep in Mind
Fluency: Phrased, fluent oral reading with expression that reflects understanding of
author’s purpose, characters, expression, appropriate use of pausing/intonation.
Comprehension: Based on observations during discussion, revisit text to clarify/extend
understanding. Remind students to go back to the text to support answers. What makes you think
that? What part of the text made you think that?