The document outlines guidelines for faculty in the Architecture & Planning faculty. It states that classes must begin and end sharply at scheduled times, attendance must be taken with blue or black pen and absences marked with red pen. Faculty must notify the Dean/Head of Department before taking leave and adjust classes accordingly. Students should not be given breaks during theory classes except in studio subjects. Faculty and students must keep mobile phones switched off or silent during classes. Faculty must discuss course progress and class discipline with the Dean/Head as needed. It is the faculty's responsibility to maintain discipline in class and around campus.
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Guidelines of Architecture Faculty
1. Faculty of Architecture & Planning
Guidelines of Architecture Faculty
Classtiming8:30 to 4:00. The classesshouldbeginsharplyatthe scheduledtimeandshouldbe
leftat the scheduledtime only.
Facultyshall complete students attendance inthe appropriate monthssheetwithblue/black
Absentstudentsshall be markedwitharedball pointpenonly.
The facultiesneedtointimate beforehandforthe adjustmentof theirclassesbefore goingon
leave,tothe office of Dean/Headof Department.
The facultymemberscanavail leave onlyafterpriorapproval of the Dean/Headof Department.
Facultymembersare requiredtoadjusttheirclassesinconsultationwiththe Dean/HODbefore
The studentsshouldnotbe givenanybreakduringthe theoryperiodexceptinthe Studiosubje
Facultiesshouldensure thatall the Mobilesof the studentsare onswitched-off mode during
the class timings.Alsothe facultymembersare requiredtokeeptheirmobile phoneseither on
switchedoff mode oronsilentmode andnotto attendany call duringthe class timings.
Facultymembersare requiredtodiscussthe progressof the course covered,aswell asclass
disciplinewiththe Dean/Headof Departmentasandwhenrequired.
It isthe entire responsibilityof the facultytomaintainthe discipline inthe class&inthe college
Permita studentinthe classnot laterthan10 minutesof the beginningof the class.
It isessential toattachone copy of the Assignmentgiven,classtestsconducted,Noteshandouts
distributedinthe logbookforthe officerecord.
Facultymembersare requiredtocover60% of the syllabi beforeMid-termexams.Anddiscuss
the previousyearsquestionpaperinthe subsequentclasslectures.Theyshouldtake extra
effortswithslowlearnerstoimprove performance.
For LCD/ Lab requirementspleaseintimate inthe office,atleastone weekinadvance.
Facultieshave toprepare,acommonquestionpaperforMid-term& a model questionpaper
for End-termexam&submitthe same ina softcopy & hard copyto the Office,FOAPwhen