4. ? The 2nd Amendment
? Opinions of the founders
? Media Bias
? False
? Media omissions
? Reports on firearms and violence
? National Academy of Science Report
? Center for Disease Control Report
5. ? Is it an individual right?
? A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the
security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep
and bear Arms, shall not be
6. ? "Arms in the hands of
citizens may be used at
individual discretion ¡"
-A defense of the Constitution of the US
7. ? "Firearms stand next in
importance to the
Constitution itself. They are
the people's liberty teeth
(and) keystone... ¡° -Address
to 1st session of Congress
? "A free people ought to be
armed.¡°-Jan 14 1790, Boston
Independent Chronicle.
8. ? "No free man shall ever be
debarred the use of arms.¡°
-T. Jefferson papers, 334, C.J.
Boyd, Ed. 1950.
9. ? ¡°[A] standing army can never
be formidable (threatening) to
the liberties of the people,
while there is a large body of
citizens, little if at all inferior to
them in the use of arms."
-Federalist Paper #29
10. ? There are several ways the media expresses
bias against firearms.
? Publicizing false stories on firearms.
? Failure to report stories supporting firearm
11. ? While reporting on the ongoing drug war in
Mexico, CBS, NBC, and ABC have all cited a
statistic that claims that 90% of the guns
being used in the violence are from the
United States.
? An ATF spokeswoman told FOXNews.com
only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican
crime scenes have been traced to the U.S.
? On April 17th National Public Radio (NPR) also
debunked the 90% story.
12. ? The media fails to inform their audience of
powerful arguments against gun control.
? A 1997 study published by the Department of
Justice stated that firearms were used to defend
from criminals about 3.1 million times in 1994.
? www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/pubs-sum/165476.htm
13. Armed Self Defense Versus Armed
Murder Stories, January 1-August 1, 2007
Network Self-Defense Murder
ABC 1 178
NBC 1 228
CBS 0 244
-The Media Research Center
14. ? National Academy of Science report
entitled Firearms and Violence
highlights issues that are avoided by
the media:
? Ineffectiveness of gun control
15. ? The Center for Disease Control survey examined:
? Bans on firearms
? Restrictions on firearms
? Waiting periods
? Licensing
? ¡°The Task Force found insufficient evidence to
determine the effectiveness of any of the
firearms laws or combinations of laws reviewed
on violent outcomes.¡±
? www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5214a2.htm
16. ? Activist Judges and proposed congressional
legislation is a threat to the 2nd Amendment
? 5 to 4 vote at the Supreme Court
? HR 45:
? Federal licensingto own firearms
? Establish database of all firearms
? Hold owners criminally liable for stolen guns
17. ? There are many steps Americans can take to
ensure their rights are not taken from them.
? Get involved in government by contacting your
? Support groups such as the NRA
? Voice your opinion