Gun control needs more limitations according to the author. There should be more thorough background checks and tests to prove mental stability before gun ownership. Guns also need to be locked up and kept away from children for safety.
Les Chroniques de Nuremberg furent publi¨¦es en deux ¨¦ditions, en latin (le 12 juillet 1493) et en allemand (le 23 d¨¦cembre 1493). Elles contiennent 1809 gravures, tir¨¦es de 645 bois : il y a donc 1164 r¨¦p¨¦titions. Les Chroniques, toutefois, tirent leur splendeur de la vari¨¦t¨¦, du nombre et de la taille de ces gravures dont on ne trouve pas d'autre exemple ¨¤ cette ¨¦poque. Cet ouvrage raconte l'histoire des hommes au fils de 7 "¨¦tats du monde". Pour l'essentiel il s'agit d'une reprise des faits bibliques, mais une place non n¨¦gligeable est donn¨¦e ¨¤ des ¨¦v¨¦nements marquants plus r¨¦cents, comme le passage de la com¨¨te de Halley en 684 ou l'invention de l'imprimerie. On y trouve ¨¦galement les personnages c¨¦l¨¨bres de l'antiquit¨¦ tels que Jules C¨¦sar, Alexandre le Grand ou des po¨¨tes et des philosophes ainsi que des repr¨¦sentations de grandes cit¨¦s souvent inspir¨¦es de villes allemandes.
On estime son tirage ¨¤ 1500 exemplaires pour l'¨¦dition latine, et 1000 pour l'¨¦dition allemande. On a recens¨¦ en 1976 pr¨¨s de 800 exemplaires de l'¨¦dition latine, et 400 de l'¨¦dition allemande. De nombreux exemplaires ont ¨¦t¨¦ mis en couleur ¨¤ la main. Ce f?t sans doute le premier best seller de l'histoire du livre.
Les Chroniques de Nuremberg sont un t¨¦moin de la perfection de la typographie ¨¤ la fin du XV¨¨me si¨¨cle.
Bjorn Lomborg was originally a Greenpeace activist but after researching arguments against climate change, he became convinced by skeptics' positions. He published two books arguing that combating climate change requires considering economic and social impacts. As director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, he brought together economists and diplomats to discuss addressing climate change with available resources, not just focusing on emissions reductions. While environmentalists push for limits on carbon emissions, Lomborg believes more investment in alternative energy technology is needed rather than policies that restrict global resource reliance.
Google+ Authorship allows authors to verify their identity on Google+ profiles and connect it to their articles and websites. This helps search engines like Google highlight authors and rank search results based on author reputation and social relationships. To start using Google+ Authorship, authors create a Google+ profile, verify it on Google's authorship site, link their profile to published articles, and add rel=author tags connecting the content to their profile.
The document discusses the dangers of radiation from nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs. It notes that radiation within 20 miles of a power plant can be dangerous, and that people within 12 miles of the Fukushima plant were able to take shelter. It also explains that there are two types of radiation: ionizing radiation, which can cause cancer, and nonionizing radiation, which is safer and used in devices like microwaves and cell phones. Exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation from a nuclear bomb or accident can cause nausea, tiredness, vomiting, hair loss, diarrhea, and increased risk of death.
Guildford Draft Local Plan - Worplesdon Public Meeting 2nd Julypaulkassell
This document summarizes Worplesdon Parish Council's presentation on Guildford Borough Council's Draft Local Plan consultation. The presentation objects to several proposed development sites due to their location in the Green Belt or potential environmental impacts. It also questions whether proposed mitigation measures like SANG sites will effectively protect the Whitmoor Common SPA from increased visitors. While supporting some site allocations, the Parish Council will need to comment on whether Draft Local Plan policies sufficiently protect Worplesdon and if identified infrastructure projects adequately address development impacts.
III Congresso Crimes Eletr?nicos, 10/10/2011 - Apresenta??o de Renato Opice BlumFecomercioSP
O documento discute os riscos legais associados ao uso de redes sociais, fornecendo exemplos de casos judiciais relacionados a publica??es em redes sociais que resultaram em processos ou condena??es. O documento tamb¨¦m aborda quest?es como privacidade na internet, responsabilidade de provedores de redes sociais e a import?ncia de se ter cuidado com as informa??es compartilhadas online.
Este es un estudio boliviano sobre el comportamiento, conocimiento y actitud sexual entre j¨®venes del oriente, que tiene como objetivo obtener informaci¨®n sobre sus h¨¢bitos sexuales, conocimientos en tema de prevenci¨®n, embarazo e ITS, as¨ª como su posici¨®n sobre la sexualidad.
Lucas Knecht introduces his senior project which involved collecting used soccer equipment and sending it to children in Saipan. He researched how unemployment on the Northern Mariana Islands affects the local economy and concluded that donations were needed to support the children's love of soccer given the low average incomes. Lucas collected over three boxes of cleats, shin guards, balls, and two boxes of shorts, shirts, and socks for children in Saipan. Through this project, Lucas discovered a passion for working with people and helping others, which influenced his decision to study public affairs at College of Coastal Georgia in the fall.
The document is a report analyzing charitable giving trends in 2013 based on data from the Blackbaud Index. Some key findings include:
- Overall charitable giving grew 4.9% in 2013 while online giving grew 13.5%
- International affairs organizations had the greatest increase in overall giving at 13.2% while faith-based organizations had the largest increase in online giving at 18.1%
- More than one-third of overall giving and online giving occurred in the last three months of the year, with December being the highest monthly total for both.
A newspaper is a periodical publication that contains current news, articles, features, editorials, and advertising, typically printed on inexpensive paper. The document then lists examples of national newspapers in the UK that circulate throughout the country, as well as some local newspapers that serve specific cities or regions, and some international English-language newspapers. It also notes that some local newspapers in the UK are free, while others are paid.
Maybe, the police unions do have a point. Dominic Carter ReportsDominic Carter
Pat Lynch, president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, criticized Mayor Bill De Blasio for implying that the NYPD is racist. Lynch felt this was unfair to police officers and painted them with an unjust broad brush. Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, also criticized De Blasio's comments about advising his biracial son to be cautious of police as divisive and embarrassing. Both union leaders argued that police officers risk their lives every day to keep the city safe and should not be accused of racism.
Paul de Sousa ¨¦ um consultor de finan?as e gest?o com 23 anos de experi¨ºncia na ?frica e Estados Unidos. Ele fundou escrit¨®rios da KPMG em Mo?ambique e Angola e foi o primeiro "Regional Executive Partner" da KPMG ?frica. Atualmente, ele ¨¦ o presidente da Austral-Investek, uma empresa de consultoria multidisciplinar baseada em Luanda.
Market Indicators - General Overview - December 2014MLSListings Inc
The document provides housing inventory and sales data for several counties in California from 2004 to 2014. It shows that in December 2014 compared to prior years, total home inventory was down 0.8% in the home counties, with single family inventory increasing in some counties like Monterey but decreasing in others. Home sales were down 24.3% in December 2014 compared to December 2013, with new listings declining by 63.5% over the same period.
1) The document outlines a 5-day lesson plan about safaris for a 3rd grade class of 20 students.
2) Over the 5 days, students will learn about safari animals through videos, photos, songs and posters. They will discuss what they learn.
3) Students will make crafts like hats and masks of safari animals. Then they will use what they learned to create and perform their own safari, explaining the animals.
This unit plan is for a 3rd grade class and focuses on safari life and climate. The students will learn about different types of animals found on safaris, details about each animal, and the climate and plant life. To teach these concepts, the unit plan incorporates videos, songs, posters, crafts and allows students to participate in their own simulated safari where they take on roles of both explorers and animals.
This unit plan involves a week-long safari theme for a third grade class of 20 students. On the first two days, students will watch videos and listen to songs about safaris to learn about climate and animals. They will then make crafts and posters on day three. On day four, students will work together to create their own safari. Finally, on the last day they will go on a simulated safari using what they learned during the week. The teacher will use YouTube, craft materials, posters, and a camera during the activities to help students meet the goal of describing safaris with 95% accuracy.
This unit plan focuses on teaching a class of 15 first grade students about rhyming words and onomatopoeias over the course of a week. The teacher will use songs, crafts, videos and worksheets to help students learn to recite rhyming words and three onomatopoeias with 90% accuracy by the end of the week. Each day will focus on a different activity like listening to rhyming songs, making rhyming crafts, learning about onomatopoeias through games and videos, crafting with onomatopoeias, and having students present what they've learned.
The unit plan spans 5 days and teaches students about rhyming and onomatopoeia. On day 1, students learn definitions using videos and must recite terms with 50% accuracy. Day 2 focuses on rhyming words through songs and videos, with students giving examples at 60% accuracy. Day 3 has students identify onomatopoeias from a webquest and poster, then recite them in a podcast at 45% accuracy. On day 4, students finish podcasts and make a group video reciting terms at 75% accuracy. Finally, on day 5 students re-do their videos and a final assessment to show improved understanding, reciting with 80% accuracy.
Emily Butcher followed five people on Twitter for her assignment. The first person she followed was Tom Altepeter because of his passion for social justice issues and posting interesting sports links and being against violence. The second person was Kyle Pace who seems knowledgeable about technology and its use in education. The third was Josh Stumpenhorst who is an expert in making videos, which Emily enjoys. The fourth was Shannon Smith because of her positive encouragement of students. The fifth was Michael Zimmer who has many ideas for using technology creatively in the classroom.
This document discusses the importance of language acquisition in 21st century education. It defines language acquisition as how humans learn to perceive, comprehend, produce and use language to communicate. The document notes that language acquisition enhances mental development, career opportunities, and cultural understanding. It explains that classrooms are more diverse now and technology allows for more language interaction beyond the classroom. Finally, it concludes that technology gives language more relevance by allowing student-centered learning and connection with students globally.
An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates or resembles the sound it describes, such as sizzle, bang, bark, and boing. Onomatopoeias mimic sounds associated with their meaning through the letters and syllables used to form the word.
The document outlines an ASSURE lesson plan for teaching Russian immigrant students ages 10-19 about Fourth of July activities and traditions in the United States. The teacher will use videos, songs, and games to teach the students about different Fourth of July activities with the goal that the students will be able to recite the activities with 75% accuracy by the end of the week. The students will listen to videos and songs, play memory games to reinforce learning, and the teacher will orally assess the students' understanding throughout the week.
The document outlines an ASSURE lesson plan for teaching 15 mildly vision impaired students ages 10-19 who recently moved to the US from Russia about Fourth of July activities and traditions. The plan involves using songs, videos, games and questions to teach the students about activities like fireworks and their meanings. The objective is for students to recite different activities and their meanings with 75% accuracy by the end of the week.
Immigration is a significant problem in the United States that requires further action to address. The author proposes three solutions: 1) increasing checks on incoming imports could reduce people being smuggled in boxes by creating more jobs to conduct searches; 2) enhancing the security features of social security cards could help reduce illegal copying since they are too easily replicated currently; 3) closer monitoring of company payrolls may decrease hiring of undocumented immigrants if businesses cannot underpay workers and more enforcement of minimum wage is applied.
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III Congresso Crimes Eletr?nicos, 10/10/2011 - Apresenta??o de Renato Opice BlumFecomercioSP
O documento discute os riscos legais associados ao uso de redes sociais, fornecendo exemplos de casos judiciais relacionados a publica??es em redes sociais que resultaram em processos ou condena??es. O documento tamb¨¦m aborda quest?es como privacidade na internet, responsabilidade de provedores de redes sociais e a import?ncia de se ter cuidado com as informa??es compartilhadas online.
Este es un estudio boliviano sobre el comportamiento, conocimiento y actitud sexual entre j¨®venes del oriente, que tiene como objetivo obtener informaci¨®n sobre sus h¨¢bitos sexuales, conocimientos en tema de prevenci¨®n, embarazo e ITS, as¨ª como su posici¨®n sobre la sexualidad.
Lucas Knecht introduces his senior project which involved collecting used soccer equipment and sending it to children in Saipan. He researched how unemployment on the Northern Mariana Islands affects the local economy and concluded that donations were needed to support the children's love of soccer given the low average incomes. Lucas collected over three boxes of cleats, shin guards, balls, and two boxes of shorts, shirts, and socks for children in Saipan. Through this project, Lucas discovered a passion for working with people and helping others, which influenced his decision to study public affairs at College of Coastal Georgia in the fall.
The document is a report analyzing charitable giving trends in 2013 based on data from the Blackbaud Index. Some key findings include:
- Overall charitable giving grew 4.9% in 2013 while online giving grew 13.5%
- International affairs organizations had the greatest increase in overall giving at 13.2% while faith-based organizations had the largest increase in online giving at 18.1%
- More than one-third of overall giving and online giving occurred in the last three months of the year, with December being the highest monthly total for both.
A newspaper is a periodical publication that contains current news, articles, features, editorials, and advertising, typically printed on inexpensive paper. The document then lists examples of national newspapers in the UK that circulate throughout the country, as well as some local newspapers that serve specific cities or regions, and some international English-language newspapers. It also notes that some local newspapers in the UK are free, while others are paid.
Maybe, the police unions do have a point. Dominic Carter ReportsDominic Carter
Pat Lynch, president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, criticized Mayor Bill De Blasio for implying that the NYPD is racist. Lynch felt this was unfair to police officers and painted them with an unjust broad brush. Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, also criticized De Blasio's comments about advising his biracial son to be cautious of police as divisive and embarrassing. Both union leaders argued that police officers risk their lives every day to keep the city safe and should not be accused of racism.
Paul de Sousa ¨¦ um consultor de finan?as e gest?o com 23 anos de experi¨ºncia na ?frica e Estados Unidos. Ele fundou escrit¨®rios da KPMG em Mo?ambique e Angola e foi o primeiro "Regional Executive Partner" da KPMG ?frica. Atualmente, ele ¨¦ o presidente da Austral-Investek, uma empresa de consultoria multidisciplinar baseada em Luanda.
Market Indicators - General Overview - December 2014MLSListings Inc
The document provides housing inventory and sales data for several counties in California from 2004 to 2014. It shows that in December 2014 compared to prior years, total home inventory was down 0.8% in the home counties, with single family inventory increasing in some counties like Monterey but decreasing in others. Home sales were down 24.3% in December 2014 compared to December 2013, with new listings declining by 63.5% over the same period.
III Congresso Crimes Eletr?nicos, 10/10/2011 - Apresenta??o de Renato Opice BlumFecomercioSP
1) The document outlines a 5-day lesson plan about safaris for a 3rd grade class of 20 students.
2) Over the 5 days, students will learn about safari animals through videos, photos, songs and posters. They will discuss what they learn.
3) Students will make crafts like hats and masks of safari animals. Then they will use what they learned to create and perform their own safari, explaining the animals.
This unit plan is for a 3rd grade class and focuses on safari life and climate. The students will learn about different types of animals found on safaris, details about each animal, and the climate and plant life. To teach these concepts, the unit plan incorporates videos, songs, posters, crafts and allows students to participate in their own simulated safari where they take on roles of both explorers and animals.
This unit plan involves a week-long safari theme for a third grade class of 20 students. On the first two days, students will watch videos and listen to songs about safaris to learn about climate and animals. They will then make crafts and posters on day three. On day four, students will work together to create their own safari. Finally, on the last day they will go on a simulated safari using what they learned during the week. The teacher will use YouTube, craft materials, posters, and a camera during the activities to help students meet the goal of describing safaris with 95% accuracy.
This unit plan focuses on teaching a class of 15 first grade students about rhyming words and onomatopoeias over the course of a week. The teacher will use songs, crafts, videos and worksheets to help students learn to recite rhyming words and three onomatopoeias with 90% accuracy by the end of the week. Each day will focus on a different activity like listening to rhyming songs, making rhyming crafts, learning about onomatopoeias through games and videos, crafting with onomatopoeias, and having students present what they've learned.
The unit plan spans 5 days and teaches students about rhyming and onomatopoeia. On day 1, students learn definitions using videos and must recite terms with 50% accuracy. Day 2 focuses on rhyming words through songs and videos, with students giving examples at 60% accuracy. Day 3 has students identify onomatopoeias from a webquest and poster, then recite them in a podcast at 45% accuracy. On day 4, students finish podcasts and make a group video reciting terms at 75% accuracy. Finally, on day 5 students re-do their videos and a final assessment to show improved understanding, reciting with 80% accuracy.
Emily Butcher followed five people on Twitter for her assignment. The first person she followed was Tom Altepeter because of his passion for social justice issues and posting interesting sports links and being against violence. The second person was Kyle Pace who seems knowledgeable about technology and its use in education. The third was Josh Stumpenhorst who is an expert in making videos, which Emily enjoys. The fourth was Shannon Smith because of her positive encouragement of students. The fifth was Michael Zimmer who has many ideas for using technology creatively in the classroom.
This document discusses the importance of language acquisition in 21st century education. It defines language acquisition as how humans learn to perceive, comprehend, produce and use language to communicate. The document notes that language acquisition enhances mental development, career opportunities, and cultural understanding. It explains that classrooms are more diverse now and technology allows for more language interaction beyond the classroom. Finally, it concludes that technology gives language more relevance by allowing student-centered learning and connection with students globally.
An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates or resembles the sound it describes, such as sizzle, bang, bark, and boing. Onomatopoeias mimic sounds associated with their meaning through the letters and syllables used to form the word.
The document outlines an ASSURE lesson plan for teaching Russian immigrant students ages 10-19 about Fourth of July activities and traditions in the United States. The teacher will use videos, songs, and games to teach the students about different Fourth of July activities with the goal that the students will be able to recite the activities with 75% accuracy by the end of the week. The students will listen to videos and songs, play memory games to reinforce learning, and the teacher will orally assess the students' understanding throughout the week.
The document outlines an ASSURE lesson plan for teaching 15 mildly vision impaired students ages 10-19 who recently moved to the US from Russia about Fourth of July activities and traditions. The plan involves using songs, videos, games and questions to teach the students about activities like fireworks and their meanings. The objective is for students to recite different activities and their meanings with 75% accuracy by the end of the week.
Immigration is a significant problem in the United States that requires further action to address. The author proposes three solutions: 1) increasing checks on incoming imports could reduce people being smuggled in boxes by creating more jobs to conduct searches; 2) enhancing the security features of social security cards could help reduce illegal copying since they are too easily replicated currently; 3) closer monitoring of company payrolls may decrease hiring of undocumented immigrants if businesses cannot underpay workers and more enforcement of minimum wage is applied.
Ylime woke up one morning noticing her scales had lost their sparkle from living alone in her fish bowl for too long. She wanted friends like the other fish she was originally bought with. Through doing one hundred one-fin push-ups to build strength, Ylime pushed off from the bottom of her bowl with all her might to break through the surface of the water and try to land in the bowl with the other fish. Although she fell a little short, the other fish tilted their bowl just enough for Ylime to safely land inside so she could finally have friends to play with.
I received a 68% on an American history test, realizing I know less about the subject than I thought. This concerns me because if I were an immigrant taking a citizenship test, my score would be too low to pass, highlighting how native-born Americans generally know less history than those seeking citizenship.
The document discusses a photograph showing either four German boys doing a Nazi salute on bikes, or a group of happy military men in uniform. The author infers that the photo depicts children being raised to hurt others, or shows a non-solemn military. This photo could provide historical context around the Holocaust or a war, but also raises questions about the subjects and situation depicted. More research like Googling details could provide further information to understand this ambiguous photo.
The document discusses a hypothetical photograph and asks a series of questions to analyze what might be depicted and inferred. Based on the responses provided, the photograph likely shows African American men interacting with police officers and dogs during the Civil Rights Movement, suggesting segregation and racial tensions. It raises questions about what specifically transpired and the broader historical context.
This document lists examples of racist portrayals in different TV shows, including Keeping Up with the Kardashians talking about Khloe Kardashian's black husband's penis, Family Guy making jokes about people in wheelchairs, Jews, and black men, and New Girl containing a racist portrayal of Indians.
The document discusses different perspectives on gun control presented in three articles. The first article provides an overview of gun control history, definitions, and current policies. The second argues that gun violence is caused more by people than guns. The third claims tighter restrictions would reduce gun violence. Supporters of stricter laws want child locks and gun storage requirements, while opponents see it as infringing on Second Amendment rights. There is debate around whether controlling guns or gun culture is the best approach, and if restricting access could prevent some crimes or violations of rights.
President Obama's 2014 State of the Union address focused on the positive developments in the US including ending the war in Iraq and low unemployment. However, Obama acknowledged issues with inequality, such as the gender pay gap and low minimum wage. While gun control was discussed more in the 2013 address, it received less attention this year. The author agreed with most of the issues raised in the speech and felt progress was being made to improve the country.
1. Emily Butcher
Gun Control
My personal opinion on gun control is that it needs more limitations. I do not think guns
should be completely taken away. There needs to be more thorough background checks; there
should also be a test that needs to be passed to be proven that a person is mentally stable enough
to own a gun. The guns should also have to be locked up and kept away from children.