Dr. Akin Oparison introduced the leadership development tool "An Even Better Place to Work" to his MBA students at Lagos Business School. The tool allows individuals to assess their organization's culture, identify areas for improvement, and implement practical exercises to enhance leadership skills and increase employee engagement. One student used the tool to empower his direct reports, which led to improved productivity, reduced overtime costs, and happier employees. Other users reported benefits like increased performance, commitment, innovation and quality decision-making from empowering their teams.
Realidad Aumentada m叩s all叩 de Glass - Droidcon 2014Fernando Gallego
En esta presentaci坦n aprender叩s los pasos b叩sicos para crear aplicaciones de realidad aumentada en Android usando el Metaio SDK, disponible tanto para ordenadores, dispositivos m坦viles y tablets como para wearables que lleven android.
Tras una breve introducci坦n para explicar qu辿 es la realidad aumentada, nos meteremos de lleno con el SDK, mostr叩ndote paso por paso c坦mo empezar con 辿l. Los asistentes aprender叩n a distinguir entre los diferentes tipos de tracking, esencial para desarrollar cualquier proyecto de Realidad Aumentada y todos los tipos de contenidos que se pueden mostrar, as鱈 como la arquitectura y c坦mo funciona.
Despu辿s pasaremos a la integraci坦n de la realidad aumentada en aplicaciones con algunos ejemplos, centr叩ndonos tanto en multiplataforma con AREL (javascript) como nativo en Android.
Seguidamente repasaremos las distintas gafas inteligentes para las que puedes desarrollar apps de Realidad Aumentada, empezando por Google Glass y continuando con las Epson Moverio BT-200 y las Vuzix M100, explicando las diferencias de hardware de cada una, as鱈 como la forma de interactuar con estos dispositivos ya que son bastante diferentes entre s鱈. Tras explicar c坦mo es la integraci坦n de tu app de realidad aumentada en ellas, por 炭ltimo, conoceremos otros dispositivos que usados en combinaci坦n con las smart glasses, pueden usarse para interactuar con los objetos virtuales y as鱈 hacer tu proyecto m叩s inmersivo.
Este documento presenta un plan para mejorar el gusto por la lectura entre los estudiantes de una escuela. El plan identifica varias 叩reas que se pueden mejorar, como abrir la biblioteca en m叩s horarios, ofrecer m叩s actividades de apoyo a la lectura, y usar m叩s la biblioteca y la bibliotecaria. El plan propone cinco 叩mbitos para trabajar, incluyendo la lectura cooperativa, lectura individual, escritura creativa, uso de recursos multimedia, y desarrollo del lenguaje oral. Se incluye un posible horario y actividades, y
This document provides recommendations for the best restaurants, bars, and attractions in Atlanta. It lists the top Italian restaurant as Il Mulino New York, best pub as Ormsby's, and best Thai bistro as Tamarind Seed. Additional recommendations include the best farmers market, green events venue, seafood restaurant, burger bar, BBQ, and pizza places. It also provides information on restaurant deals and specials throughout the week.
La Antigua Grecia influy坦 en las civilizaciones modernas a trav辿s de su arte, filosof鱈a y cultura diversa. Los griegos valoraban la belleza y la est辿tica, cuidando mucho su higiene personal y cabello. Tanto hombres como mujeres se maquillaban y usaban productos cosm辿ticos como khol y cera con albayalde para la piel, y te単鱈an su cabello de rubio usando p辿talos de flores. Su vestimenta consist鱈a principalmente en telas enrolladas alrededor del cuerpo de manera sencilla
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para la instalaci坦n y uso del regulador de luz empotrado LWM1P. El LWM1P permite controlar la iluminaci坦n de forma local mediante un interruptor conectado o de forma remota a trav辿s de se単ales X-10. Puede regular la intensidad de la luz de forma suave y mantener la 炭ltima configuraci坦n de iluminaci坦n incluso despu辿s de un corte de energ鱈a. El documento explica c坦mo conectar el dispositivo y programarlo para su uso.
Barclays: Gesti坦n inteligente de llamadas para la recuperaci坦n de la deudacontactcenter
Barclays cre坦 una nueva plataforma dedicada exclusivamente a la gesti坦n de recobro de deuda para automatizar los procesos de gesti坦n de llamadas y cobro. La plataforma utiliza la tecnolog鱈a de Aspect para funciones como marcado autom叩tico inteligente que aumenta las llamadas efectivas y mejora los resultados de recobro. Barclays est叩 satisfecho con los servicios de Aspect y planea continuar innovando la plataforma con ellos.
永姻看馨叩鉛温乙温 es la empresa municipal de iniciativas y actividades empresariales de M叩laga cuyo objetivo es generar empleo e impulsar proyectos relacionados con infraestructuras e iniciativas empresariales. 永姻看馨叩鉛温乙温 trabaja en 叩reas como grandes proyectos de la ciudad, desarrollo tur鱈stico y cultural, programas europeos, participaci坦n empresarial e incubadoras.
#IABForum2014 - Local Search Marketing: massimizzare la visibilit delle atti...Gianluca Rabbiosi
Come trarre il massimo vantaggio dalle ricerche di tipo locale, utilizzando le azioni di Local Search Marketing attraverso un percorso di Customer Journey in continua evoluzione tra mondo online e offline.
Presentazione: IAB Forum 2014.
Brochure from the youth conference European Values for the future of South Ea...Nemanja Zivkovic
Each year in Krusevo, Macedonia, is organized one of the biggest and most important youth conferences in South East Europe. Here are the specific info and impact with results, as well.
Company Profile Tuner Indonesia for Greatest 2014Tuner Indonesia
Tuner Indonesia last 2013 growth with repeat, reputable & respect client, also satisfied result in execution & marketing/sales.
I proud to share with you our glory
Hope can DO IT more with your company & brand.
El documento presenta un seminario sobre los beneficios de la tecnolog鱈a Bluetooth marketing como estrategia de conectividad para una empresa grande campestre en Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas. El objetivo es documentar los beneficios que aporta el Bluetooth marketing, como enviar publicidad a un menor costo que medios tradicionales. Se describen los equipos necesarios como el bluebox y c坦mo configurarlo y administrar las campa単as Bluetooth.
Este documento presenta el libro de texto "Educaci坦n Art鱈stica. Sexto grado" que ser叩 utilizado en las escuelas primarias de M辿xico. El libro contiene 27 lecciones organizadas en 5 bloques que cubren los cuatro lenguajes art鱈sticos: artes visuales, danza, m炭sica y teatro. Cada lecci坦n presenta actividades pr叩cticas para que los estudiantes desarrollen su creatividad y apreciaci坦n de las artes. El libro tambi辿n incluye una secci坦n final de autoevaluaci坦n y un proyecto de ensamble para aplic
Cat叩logo de la exposici坦n Variation. Fundacion Arco Alcobendas.
Centro de Arte Alcobendas desde 12 febrero hasta Abril 2014
多Es posible extender a SharePoint 2013? Probablemente en m+as de una formaJuan Carlos Gonzalez
En esta presentaci坦n se resumen las principales posibilidades de extensibilidad de la plataforma SharePoint 2013 mediante desarrollo haciendo foco especial en el nuevo modelo de Aplicaciones.
This protective cover has been helping stop false fire alarms for over 30 years without restricting legitimate alarms. It consists of a clear polycarbonate shield and frame that fits over manual pull stations. When lifted, models with a horn sound an alarm until it is reset. It is designed to deter vandalism while allowing emergency responders to be alerted during a real fire. A variety of models are available for indoor or outdoor use with options like horns, spacers, and relays. It has been tested and approved by safety standards organizations and comes with a three-year warranty.
1st. patent application to the UIBM and withdraw note
Suplemento do jornal Publico "Fugas" dedicada ilha de Santa MariaClube Naval Maria
Este artigo descreve a experi棚ncia de mergulho no mar de Santa Maria, A巽ores, onde foram avistados golfinhos e esperava-se encontrar jamantas. Apesar de n達o terem encontrado jamantas nos primeiros mergulhos, continuaram na esperan巽a de as ver, confirmando que a ilha 辿 um dos melhores locais da Europa para observar estas esp辿cies.
TDWI NYC Chapter - Tony Baer Ovum on Big data, Data quality, and BI ConvergenceFitzgerald Analytics, Inc.
Intersecting with Neil Raden's keynote, Ovum Principal Analyst Tony Baer asks, what does it take to turn the promise of Big Data into tangible results? Big opportunities to benefit from new technology have come and gone, yet the consistent challenge has been translating new potential into concrete benefits. Mr. Baer shared a practical perspective on making big data manageable by understanding key challenges you must overcome to leverage big data, especially the unique data quality issues the Big Data sources introduce.
Mr. Baer also shared his insight that while Business Intelligence and Big Data are viewed and managed separately, in reality "Big Data and Business Intelligence must converge." Big Data needs to be approached with "less of a silo mentality," and so does Business Intelligence.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Fuel part 1.pptx........................ksbhattadcm
For First year diploma
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Barclays: Gesti坦n inteligente de llamadas para la recuperaci坦n de la deudacontactcenter
Barclays cre坦 una nueva plataforma dedicada exclusivamente a la gesti坦n de recobro de deuda para automatizar los procesos de gesti坦n de llamadas y cobro. La plataforma utiliza la tecnolog鱈a de Aspect para funciones como marcado autom叩tico inteligente que aumenta las llamadas efectivas y mejora los resultados de recobro. Barclays est叩 satisfecho con los servicios de Aspect y planea continuar innovando la plataforma con ellos.
永姻看馨叩鉛温乙温 es la empresa municipal de iniciativas y actividades empresariales de M叩laga cuyo objetivo es generar empleo e impulsar proyectos relacionados con infraestructuras e iniciativas empresariales. 永姻看馨叩鉛温乙温 trabaja en 叩reas como grandes proyectos de la ciudad, desarrollo tur鱈stico y cultural, programas europeos, participaci坦n empresarial e incubadoras.
#IABForum2014 - Local Search Marketing: massimizzare la visibilit delle atti...Gianluca Rabbiosi
Come trarre il massimo vantaggio dalle ricerche di tipo locale, utilizzando le azioni di Local Search Marketing attraverso un percorso di Customer Journey in continua evoluzione tra mondo online e offline.
Presentazione: IAB Forum 2014.
Brochure from the youth conference European Values for the future of South Ea...Nemanja Zivkovic
Each year in Krusevo, Macedonia, is organized one of the biggest and most important youth conferences in South East Europe. Here are the specific info and impact with results, as well.
Company Profile Tuner Indonesia for Greatest 2014Tuner Indonesia
Tuner Indonesia last 2013 growth with repeat, reputable & respect client, also satisfied result in execution & marketing/sales.
I proud to share with you our glory
Hope can DO IT more with your company & brand.
El documento presenta un seminario sobre los beneficios de la tecnolog鱈a Bluetooth marketing como estrategia de conectividad para una empresa grande campestre en Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas. El objetivo es documentar los beneficios que aporta el Bluetooth marketing, como enviar publicidad a un menor costo que medios tradicionales. Se describen los equipos necesarios como el bluebox y c坦mo configurarlo y administrar las campa単as Bluetooth.
Este documento presenta el libro de texto "Educaci坦n Art鱈stica. Sexto grado" que ser叩 utilizado en las escuelas primarias de M辿xico. El libro contiene 27 lecciones organizadas en 5 bloques que cubren los cuatro lenguajes art鱈sticos: artes visuales, danza, m炭sica y teatro. Cada lecci坦n presenta actividades pr叩cticas para que los estudiantes desarrollen su creatividad y apreciaci坦n de las artes. El libro tambi辿n incluye una secci坦n final de autoevaluaci坦n y un proyecto de ensamble para aplic
Cat叩logo de la exposici坦n Variation. Fundacion Arco Alcobendas.
Centro de Arte Alcobendas desde 12 febrero hasta Abril 2014
多Es posible extender a SharePoint 2013? Probablemente en m+as de una formaJuan Carlos Gonzalez
En esta presentaci坦n se resumen las principales posibilidades de extensibilidad de la plataforma SharePoint 2013 mediante desarrollo haciendo foco especial en el nuevo modelo de Aplicaciones.
This protective cover has been helping stop false fire alarms for over 30 years without restricting legitimate alarms. It consists of a clear polycarbonate shield and frame that fits over manual pull stations. When lifted, models with a horn sound an alarm until it is reset. It is designed to deter vandalism while allowing emergency responders to be alerted during a real fire. A variety of models are available for indoor or outdoor use with options like horns, spacers, and relays. It has been tested and approved by safety standards organizations and comes with a three-year warranty.
1st. patent application to the UIBM and withdraw note
Suplemento do jornal Publico "Fugas" dedicada ilha de Santa MariaClube Naval Maria
Este artigo descreve a experi棚ncia de mergulho no mar de Santa Maria, A巽ores, onde foram avistados golfinhos e esperava-se encontrar jamantas. Apesar de n達o terem encontrado jamantas nos primeiros mergulhos, continuaram na esperan巽a de as ver, confirmando que a ilha 辿 um dos melhores locais da Europa para observar estas esp辿cies.
TDWI NYC Chapter - Tony Baer Ovum on Big data, Data quality, and BI ConvergenceFitzgerald Analytics, Inc.
Intersecting with Neil Raden's keynote, Ovum Principal Analyst Tony Baer asks, what does it take to turn the promise of Big Data into tangible results? Big opportunities to benefit from new technology have come and gone, yet the consistent challenge has been translating new potential into concrete benefits. Mr. Baer shared a practical perspective on making big data manageable by understanding key challenges you must overcome to leverage big data, especially the unique data quality issues the Big Data sources introduce.
Mr. Baer also shared his insight that while Business Intelligence and Big Data are viewed and managed separately, in reality "Big Data and Business Intelligence must converge." Big Data needs to be approached with "less of a silo mentality," and so does Business Intelligence.
Barclays: Gesti坦n inteligente de llamadas para la recuperaci坦n de la deudacontactcenter
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
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Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy language.in this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.