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Assistant Professor
Rama Institute of Para Medical Sciences
The basic fact of today is the tremendous pace of change in
human life.  Jawaharlal Nehru
Change refers to evolution, progress or adaptation.
Change is the law of nature. The word, change denotes a
difference in anything observed, over a period of time.
Society is a web of social relationship, therefore Social
relationships include social processes, social patterns and social
interactions. It is a change in the institutional and normative
structure of society and human relationships
Variations in or modifications of any aspect of social processes, social
patterns, social interactions or social organisations Jones ME
Large numbers of persons are engaging in activities that differ from those
which or their immediate forefathers engaged in some time before
Merrill and Eldredge
Some change in social behaviour and in social structure B Kuppuswami
A new fashion or mode either, either modification or replacing the old, in
the life of a people or in the societal operationsMajumdar HT
Social change is a modification in any aspect of social process. It occurs in:
Geographical environment
Cultural means
Biological (physical) level
 Ideological plane
Structure and function of society
1-Cultural Factor :-
Changes in culture are accompanied by social change.
Any change in the culture in the form of learning is called as 
Cultural change.
 It may be materialistic or non-materialistic. Changes in culture occur
by acculturisation and diffusion, which are indicative of social change.
Eg: Invention of gas stove, TV, pressure cooker, refrigerator
It influences social relationship; culture gives speed and direction
to social change and determines the limits, beyond which social change
cannot occur.
2-Biological Factor :-
Will have indirect influence upon social change.
Eg: Aspect of the population related to heredity and mutation like
Darwins principle of survival of the fittest, struggle for existence.ence
upon social change.
3-Population Factor :-
Factors that determine the number, the composition, the selection and
the hereditary, quality of the successive generations.
Each new generation is a new beginning.
Eg: 1. If we compare ourselves with our parents we will know that we
are different from them in make-up, ideas and in most other things.
2.There is a close relationship between the growth of population and
the level of physical health and vitality of the population as there are
many mouths to feed which lead to malnutrition, apathy and lack of
3. Increase in population may add to social problems. This also creates
a demand for more medical and health services.
4-Geographical/Environ mental Factor:-
Any change in the nature of geographical or environment will have its
impact on human society. Eg: Flood, earthquake, and draughts.
5-Psychological Factor:-
The cause of social change is the psychology of the man himself. Man
is by nature, a lover of change.
He/She is always trying to discover new things in every sphere of life
and is always anxious for novel experience. As a result of this
tendency the mores, traditions, customs of every human society are
perpetually underlying change.
New customs and methods that replace the old traditions are respected
but time demands change and adaptation to changing conditions,
when change does not occur at the appropriate time
6-Technological Factor:-
The process of application of new innovation is technology.
≒Technology discloses mans mode of dealing with nature and the
process of production by which he sustains his life and thereby lays
the mode of formation of social relations and of mental conceptions
that flow from themKarl Marx
Technology is a systematic knowledge, which facilitates the use of
machines or tools. Technology affects society greatly.
The present age is often called The age of power or The scientific
age is a tool for man in his behaviour towards nature. Technology is
the means of economic production, which is an end.
It played a major role in the development and progress of human
Introduction of Machines in Industries
Development of the Means of Communication
Development of Means of Transport
Development of New Agricultural Techniques
1- Introduction of Machines in Industries :- Some fundamental changes
have occurred in social structure due to the introduction of machines.
Birth of factory system: Mechanisation is the replacement of the system
of individual production by the factory system.
Urbanisation: Industrialisation and birth of factories led to
urbanisation and big cities came into existence.
industrialisation many labourers migrated to the 236 Textbook
of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students sites of work and
settled around it. Establishing market centres, schools,
colleges, hospitals, recreation clubs, etc. fulfilled their need.
Evolution of new classes: Urbanisation and industrialisation
transformed the structure of society. It is divided itself into
classes. Eg: Capitalist, labour classes, middle class.
Improvement in the condition of women: The burden of
work in the family, which falls to the woman, has been
decreased by the increasing use of mechanical appliances.
Eg: Status of women in the industrial age, has destroyed the
domestic system of production, brought women from home to
factory, office and distinguished their earnings. It created a new
social life for women.
Internal harmony will be maintained if the individual is experiencing
emotional balance, normative reaction. Always eustress is essential to
function optimally.
Stress is a complex process, which a person undergoes due to various
changes taking place in his social setup.
A persons adaptive or physiological response of the body
to a stimulus that places excessive physical or
physiological demands on him.
Stress, first is the notion of adaptation; second is the
stimulus, the stimulus is termed as, stressor, which induces
stress; thirdphysical or physiological stimuli; fourth is the
demands the stressor places on the individual must be
excessive for the stress to result (what is excessive for one
may be perfectly tolerable for other)
Eustress is a positive in nature and essential for optimum
functioning of the individual and lead productivity.
For example, receiving a bonus and deciding how to spend can be
stressful. So getting promotion, giving recognition, selfmotivation,
auto-suggestion are termed as eustress.
Change in law of nature, every moment of individual life he is
experiencing one or other form of stress. Stress leads to frustration,
depression, conflict, threat and maladjustment.
The factors which contribute to stress are:-
Change in social norm: Social or cultural norm changes rapidly,
keeping face with advanced technological development. Some
individuals may accept the change as positive; some may find it
difficult to accept.
Class and caste prejudice and discrimination: The prejudice and
discrimination leads to deprivation, frustration and may led the person to
indulge in anti-social activities like communal riots and crime.
 Economy and employment: Unemployment or underemployment will
lead to stressful situations, maladjustment with colleagues, some with over
ambitious and try to succeed economically over night, which leads to
Domestic discard and family instability: In a nuclear family setup,
burden will be more on the working couples in which women is over
loaded with responsibilities of domestic and working environment which
leads to irritation, misunderstanding, frustration, emotional conflicts.
Education: Inspite of securing high grade on basic level, the student is
deprived of his desired higher education due to reservation preference for
some backward community people.
The term "social change and health" describes the study of how societal changes,
such as political, economic, or cultural shifts, affect people's health and well-being.
It looks at how these changes affect disease patterns, health behaviors,
healthcare access, and general health outcomes in a community.
Social Change and Health Programmes
Health programmes are developed for the welfare of
the society at large.
The programmes were devised to reduce
morbidity, mortality, prevalence and incidence
rates of the specific diseases, to protect vulnerable
population and to improve the environmental
Social change and the development/modification in
the health programmes are interrelated, as the
advancement takes place right from agriculture to
the science and technology;
Government has implemented and amended several
health programmes to meet needs.
National family planning programme was launched in 1952
with the concept of small family norm emphasising with 3
children; then amended to 2 child norm; now it is one or none
Family planning programme has been renamed in 1977 to
family welfare programme to improve the quality of living.
 In 1978, expanded programme of immunisation was
launched, where pregnant women and under-five children were
protected against 6 killer diseases; in 1985, EPI has changed to
universal immunisation programme (UIP) the beneficiaries
were children under-one year of age and pregnant women.
 To eradicate polio, in 1995 pulse polio programme was
Social planning is a concept of recent origin and is an
instrument made by the Government to achieve desired
social and economic developments.
It is a part of national development planning.
Definition :-A conscious interactional process combining
investigation, discussion, agreement and action in order to
achieve those conditions relationships and value that are
regarded as desirableHimes
To check the recurrence of social problems
 To bring about a harmonious adjustment of relationships between the different societal parts
 To win mastery over physical and societal forces which affect human evolution
 To maintain social order (stability, peace)
 To produce equivalent of a workable blueprint to serve as a program of action
 To adapt our culture to meet the present needs
 To adjust the institutions for changes in conditions of life
 It closes the gap between material culture and social institutions
 To deal effectively with the other societal problems
 To quicken the social progress
 To develop positive outlook and material progress
 Real understanding of human society is a problem (Emotional raw
 Lack of scientific study to investigate thoroughly about the social problem
(Planning without adequate scientific knowledge results failure)
 Lack of manpower to carry out the work of social planning
 Vested interests of society, who exercise powerful influence over the
Government machinery
 Indifference and apathy of the masses: Masses have to learn to view
social phenomena objectively and cooperate in the formation and
administration of social policy.
Government of India formulated the Planning
Commission to promote the social welfare activities and
coordinate the welfare services maintained and social
welfare organisations developed to strengthen, improve
and extending the existing activities of social welfare and
develop new programmes and to carry out new projects
a. Government interest: Any social welfare plan must be based on a
strong political will as manifested by clear directives or policies given by
the political authority, legislation.
The social and health policies formulated and to be translated into
legislation to safeguard the disabled individuals like Disability Act,
Workmens Compensation Act
b. Organisation for planning: The Central Planning Commission, which
consists of technical experts in the field of social and economic
Central Ministry of Social Welfare board coordinates and plans a number
of social welfare programmes.
C. Administrative capacity: The State Government and
different voluntary agencies distribute funds for
implementing the programmes and look after the
execution of the welfare activities.
Welfare extension projects were carried out for
rehabilitation of handicapped, delinquents,
establishment of craft centres and recreational homes,
training centres, correctional institutions were focused
around rescues were implemented.
1. Analysis of social situation:
2. Establishment of objectives and goals:
3. Assessment of resources:
4. Fixing priorities:
5. Alternate plans:
6. Programming and implementation:
7. Monitoring:
8. Evaluation:
Steps in Planning Cycle
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of society and human relationships).pptx

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SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of society and human relationships).pptx

  • 2. INTRODUCTION The basic fact of today is the tremendous pace of change in human life. Jawaharlal Nehru Change refers to evolution, progress or adaptation. Change is the law of nature. The word, change denotes a difference in anything observed, over a period of time. Society is a web of social relationship, therefore Social relationships include social processes, social patterns and social interactions. It is a change in the institutional and normative structure of society and human relationships
  • 3. DEFINITION Variations in or modifications of any aspect of social processes, social patterns, social interactions or social organisations Jones ME Large numbers of persons are engaging in activities that differ from those which or their immediate forefathers engaged in some time before Merrill and Eldredge Some change in social behaviour and in social structure B Kuppuswami A new fashion or mode either, either modification or replacing the old, in the life of a people or in the societal operationsMajumdar HT
  • 4. Social change is a modification in any aspect of social process. It occurs in: Geographical environment Cultural means Biological (physical) level Ideological plane Structure and function of society
  • 5. FACTORS AFFECTING SOCIAL CHANGE 1-Cultural Factor :- Changes in culture are accompanied by social change. Any change in the culture in the form of learning is called as Cultural change. It may be materialistic or non-materialistic. Changes in culture occur by acculturisation and diffusion, which are indicative of social change. Eg: Invention of gas stove, TV, pressure cooker, refrigerator It influences social relationship; culture gives speed and direction to social change and determines the limits, beyond which social change cannot occur.
  • 6. 2-Biological Factor :- Will have indirect influence upon social change. Eg: Aspect of the population related to heredity and mutation like Darwins principle of survival of the fittest, struggle for existence.ence upon social change. 3-Population Factor :- Factors that determine the number, the composition, the selection and the hereditary, quality of the successive generations. Each new generation is a new beginning. Eg: 1. If we compare ourselves with our parents we will know that we are different from them in make-up, ideas and in most other things. 2.There is a close relationship between the growth of population and the level of physical health and vitality of the population as there are many mouths to feed which lead to malnutrition, apathy and lack of enterprise. 3. Increase in population may add to social problems. This also creates a demand for more medical and health services.
  • 7. 4-Geographical/Environ mental Factor:- Any change in the nature of geographical or environment will have its impact on human society. Eg: Flood, earthquake, and draughts. 5-Psychological Factor:- The cause of social change is the psychology of the man himself. Man is by nature, a lover of change. He/She is always trying to discover new things in every sphere of life and is always anxious for novel experience. As a result of this tendency the mores, traditions, customs of every human society are perpetually underlying change. New customs and methods that replace the old traditions are respected but time demands change and adaptation to changing conditions, when change does not occur at the appropriate time
  • 8. 6-Technological Factor:- The process of application of new innovation is technology. ≒Technology discloses mans mode of dealing with nature and the process of production by which he sustains his life and thereby lays the mode of formation of social relations and of mental conceptions that flow from themKarl Marx Technology is a systematic knowledge, which facilitates the use of machines or tools. Technology affects society greatly. The present age is often called The age of power or The scientific age is a tool for man in his behaviour towards nature. Technology is the means of economic production, which is an end. It played a major role in the development and progress of human civilisation.
  • 9. MAIN TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Introduction of Machines in Industries Development of the Means of Communication Development of Means of Transport Development of New Agricultural Techniques 1- Introduction of Machines in Industries :- Some fundamental changes have occurred in social structure due to the introduction of machines. Birth of factory system: Mechanisation is the replacement of the system of individual production by the factory system.
  • 10. Urbanisation: Industrialisation and birth of factories led to urbanisation and big cities came into existence. industrialisation many labourers migrated to the 236 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students sites of work and settled around it. Establishing market centres, schools, colleges, hospitals, recreation clubs, etc. fulfilled their need. Evolution of new classes: Urbanisation and industrialisation transformed the structure of society. It is divided itself into classes. Eg: Capitalist, labour classes, middle class. Improvement in the condition of women: The burden of work in the family, which falls to the woman, has been decreased by the increasing use of mechanical appliances. Eg: Status of women in the industrial age, has destroyed the domestic system of production, brought women from home to factory, office and distinguished their earnings. It created a new social life for women.
  • 11. SOCIAL CHANGE AND STRESS Internal harmony will be maintained if the individual is experiencing emotional balance, normative reaction. Always eustress is essential to function optimally. Stress is a complex process, which a person undergoes due to various changes taking place in his social setup.
  • 12. DEFINITION OF STRESS :- A persons adaptive or physiological response of the body to a stimulus that places excessive physical or physiological demands on him. Stress, first is the notion of adaptation; second is the stimulus, the stimulus is termed as, stressor, which induces stress; thirdphysical or physiological stimuli; fourth is the demands the stressor places on the individual must be excessive for the stress to result (what is excessive for one may be perfectly tolerable for other)
  • 13. Eustress is a positive in nature and essential for optimum functioning of the individual and lead productivity. For example, receiving a bonus and deciding how to spend can be stressful. So getting promotion, giving recognition, selfmotivation, auto-suggestion are termed as eustress. Change in law of nature, every moment of individual life he is experiencing one or other form of stress. Stress leads to frustration, depression, conflict, threat and maladjustment. The factors which contribute to stress are:- Change in social norm: Social or cultural norm changes rapidly, keeping face with advanced technological development. Some individuals may accept the change as positive; some may find it difficult to accept.
  • 14. Class and caste prejudice and discrimination: The prejudice and discrimination leads to deprivation, frustration and may led the person to indulge in anti-social activities like communal riots and crime. Economy and employment: Unemployment or underemployment will lead to stressful situations, maladjustment with colleagues, some with over ambitious and try to succeed economically over night, which leads to stress. Domestic discard and family instability: In a nuclear family setup, burden will be more on the working couples in which women is over loaded with responsibilities of domestic and working environment which leads to irritation, misunderstanding, frustration, emotional conflicts. Education: Inspite of securing high grade on basic level, the student is deprived of his desired higher education due to reservation preference for some backward community people.
  • 15. The term "social change and health" describes the study of how societal changes, such as political, economic, or cultural shifts, affect people's health and well-being. It looks at how these changes affect disease patterns, health behaviors, healthcare access, and general health outcomes in a community. Social Change and Health Programmes
  • 16. Health programmes are developed for the welfare of the society at large. The programmes were devised to reduce morbidity, mortality, prevalence and incidence rates of the specific diseases, to protect vulnerable population and to improve the environmental sanitation. Social change and the development/modification in the health programmes are interrelated, as the advancement takes place right from agriculture to the science and technology; Government has implemented and amended several health programmes to meet needs.
  • 17. EXAMPLE:- National family planning programme was launched in 1952 with the concept of small family norm emphasising with 3 children; then amended to 2 child norm; now it is one or none formula. Family planning programme has been renamed in 1977 to family welfare programme to improve the quality of living. In 1978, expanded programme of immunisation was launched, where pregnant women and under-five children were protected against 6 killer diseases; in 1985, EPI has changed to universal immunisation programme (UIP) the beneficiaries were children under-one year of age and pregnant women. To eradicate polio, in 1995 pulse polio programme was implemented
  • 18. SOCIAL PLANNING Social planning is a concept of recent origin and is an instrument made by the Government to achieve desired social and economic developments. It is a part of national development planning. Definition :-A conscious interactional process combining investigation, discussion, agreement and action in order to achieve those conditions relationships and value that are regarded as desirableHimes
  • 19. AIMS OF SOCIAL PLANNING To check the recurrence of social problems To bring about a harmonious adjustment of relationships between the different societal parts To win mastery over physical and societal forces which affect human evolution To maintain social order (stability, peace) To produce equivalent of a workable blueprint to serve as a program of action To adapt our culture to meet the present needs To adjust the institutions for changes in conditions of life It closes the gap between material culture and social institutions To deal effectively with the other societal problems To quicken the social progress To develop positive outlook and material progress
  • 20. DIFFICULTIES IN IMPLEMENTING SOCIAL PLANNING Real understanding of human society is a problem (Emotional raw material) Lack of scientific study to investigate thoroughly about the social problem (Planning without adequate scientific knowledge results failure) Lack of manpower to carry out the work of social planning Vested interests of society, who exercise powerful influence over the Government machinery Indifference and apathy of the masses: Masses have to learn to view social phenomena objectively and cooperate in the formation and administration of social policy.
  • 21. SOCIAL PLANNING IN INDIA Government of India formulated the Planning Commission to promote the social welfare activities and coordinate the welfare services maintained and social welfare organisations developed to strengthen, improve and extending the existing activities of social welfare and develop new programmes and to carry out new projects
  • 22. THE ROLE OF SOCIAL PLANNING IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATION a. Government interest: Any social welfare plan must be based on a strong political will as manifested by clear directives or policies given by the political authority, legislation. The social and health policies formulated and to be translated into legislation to safeguard the disabled individuals like Disability Act, Workmens Compensation Act b. Organisation for planning: The Central Planning Commission, which consists of technical experts in the field of social and economic development. Central Ministry of Social Welfare board coordinates and plans a number of social welfare programmes.
  • 23. C. Administrative capacity: The State Government and different voluntary agencies distribute funds for implementing the programmes and look after the execution of the welfare activities. Welfare extension projects were carried out for rehabilitation of handicapped, delinquents, establishment of craft centres and recreational homes, training centres, correctional institutions were focused around rescues were implemented.
  • 24. 1. Analysis of social situation: 2. Establishment of objectives and goals: 3. Assessment of resources: 4. Fixing priorities: 5. Alternate plans: 6. Programming and implementation: 7. Monitoring: 8. Evaluation: Steps in Planning Cycle