Presentation from Web Search and Navigation symposium at 21st Annual Meeting of Society for Text and Discourse, Poitiers, July 11-13, 2011
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Cognitive Ability Effects on Effort in Web Search & Navigation by Gwizdka
1. Cognitive Ability Effects on Effort
in Web Search and Navigation
Jacek Gwizdka
Department of Library and Information Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Text & Discourse Annual Meeting, University of Poitiers, 12.07.2011
2. Background
People are assumed to strive to minimize effort the
principle of least effort (Zipf, 1949)
In more demanding situations people are expected to
make decisions based on satisficing (Simon 1956; Rational Analysis
framework: Anderson, 1990)
Bounded rationality and satisficing were found to explain
behaviour on low-level and high-level info search tasks (Fu &
Gray, 2006; Gray & Fu, 2001; Mansourian & Ford, 2007)
For increased difficulty one could expect that a user would
perform less actions and stop sooner
3. Experiment
37 participants
Working memory assessed using memory span task (Francis & Neath 2003)
Within subject design with 2 factors: task and user interface
everyday information search (e.g., travel, shopping) at two levels of
task complexity
Four task rotations for each of two user interfaces
Information Information
Fact finding Fact finding
gathering gathering
Information Information
Fact finding Fact finding
gathering gathering
Information Information
Fact finding Fact finding
gathering gathering
Information Information
Fact finding Fact finding
gathering gathering 3
4. User Interfaces: Result List vs. Overview Tag-Cloud
1 UI. List
New Tag Search Delete Tag
Click Click
Result Back
URL button Click Done &
enter answer
one result
page End
2 UI. List +
Overview Tag Cloud 4
5. Research Questions
How does performance and effort change in more
demanding situations?
Task and user interface effects;
Individual differences - cognitive ability effects.
6. Measures
Task completion time
Cognitive effort:
search and navigation decisions expressed as user actions:
selection of search terms number of queries,
selection of documents to view
reading effort: scanning vs. reading; length of reading sequences;
length of reading fixations (based on reading model)
Performance: task outcome = relevance * completeness
7. Introducing Reading Model
Scanning fixations provide some semantic information
limited to foveal visual field (1属 visual acuity) (Rayner & Fischer, 1996)
Reading fixation sequences provide more information than
isolated scanning fixations
information is gained from the larger parafoveal region (5属 beyond foveal focus;
asymmetrical, in dir of reading) (Rayner et al., 2003)
some types of semantic information is available only through reading
We implemented the E-Z Reader reading model (Reichle et al., 2006)
Lexical fixations duration >113 ms (Reingold & Rayner, 2006)
Each lexical fixation is classified to Scanning or Reading (S,R)
These sequences used to create a two-state model
10. Task User Behaviour & Reading Model Diffs
Task outcome: no sig differences between conditions
Task: more complex tasks required more effort
More actions (7.8 vs. 4.5) and longer time (255 vs. 195 s)
Longer max reading fixation length and more reading fixation regressions
11. UI User Behaviour & Reading Model Diffs
Overview+List User Interface required less effort
Users were faster (191s vs. 261s in List UI)
Less reading effort:
Scanning more likely (transitions: SS RS: higher; SR lower)
Scan path length of reading sequences shorter
Less and shorter mean fixations per page visited
List Overview + List
13. Individual Differences Least Effort?
Higher cognitive ability searchers were faster in Overview UI
and on simple tasks (while they entered same number of queries)
Higher ability searchers did more in more demanding situations
but higher search effort did not seem to improve task outcomes
For task complexity factor and working memory (WM):
F(144,1)=4.2; p=.042 F(144,1)=3.1; p=.08
14. Task and Working Memory Eye-tracking Data
Number and duration of reading sequences differs between
task complexity levels
(borderline: 0.05<p<0.1)
For high WM searchers:
for complex tasks more reading
for simple tasks less reading
For low WM no such difference!
15. Summary & Conclusions
UI effect on effort: Overview+List UI
Task complexity effect reflected in user actions and in some
eye-tracking measures
Effects of cognitive abilities (WM) on effort :
low WM in more complex tasks less documents read
high WM more effort on complex tasks than needed
opportunistic discovery of information?
(Erdelez, S., 1997)
violation of the least effort principle not fully explained yet
16. Thank you! Questions?
Jacek Gwizdka contact:
PoODLE Project: Personalization of the Digital Library Experience
supported by US Institute of Museum and Library Studies (IMLS)
grant LG-06-07-0105-07
18. Eye-gaze patterns
Eye-tracking research have
frequently analyzed eye-gaze
position aggregates ('hot spots)
spatiotemporal-intensity heat maps
also sequential scan paths
Higher-order patterns:
reading models
19. Reading Eye Patterns
Reading and scanning have easily distinguished patterns of
fixations and saccades. (Rayner & Fischer, 1996)
Lexical Processing of Words
Reading research has established word availability is a function of
fixation duration:
Orthographic recognition: 40-50 ms
time to move data from eyes to mind
Phonological recognition: 55-70ms
Lexical availability (typical): 113 ms 150ms (Rayner, 1998)
Unfamiliar or complex meanings require longer processing
Eyes do not saccade until the word has been processed
20. Scan Fixations vs. Reading Fixations
Scanning fixations provide some semantic information,
limited to foveal (1属 visual acuity) visual field (Rayner & Fischer,
Fixations in a reading sequence provide more information
than isolated scanning fixations:
information is gained from the larger parafoveal (5属 beyond foveal
focus) region (Rayner et al., 2003) (asymmetrical, in dir of reading)
richer semantic structure available from text compositions
(sentences, paragraphs, etc.)
Some of the types of semantic information available only
through reading sequences may be crucial to satisfy task
21. Reading Models
We implemented the E-Z Reader reading model (Reichle et al.,
Inputs: (eye fixation location, duration)
Fixation duration >113 ms threshold for lexical processing (Reingold
& Rayner, 2006)
The algorithm distinguishes reading fixation sequences from isolated
fixations, called 'scanning' fixations
Each lexical fixation is classified to (S,R) (Scan, Reading)
These sequences used to create a state model
22. Reading Model States and Characteristics
Two states: transition probabilities
Number of lexical fixations and duration
24. Current Project:
Can We Implicitly Detect Relevance Decisions?
Implicit characterization of Information Search Process
using physiological devices
Can we detect when searchers make information
relevance decisions? Emotiv EPOC
wireless EEG headset
Start with pupillometry pupil
animation Eye tracking
info relevance (Oliveria, Russell, Aula, 2009)
low-level decision timing (Einh辰user, et al. 2010)
Also look at EEG, GSR Tobii T-60
Funded by Google Research Award eye-tracker
And by IMLS Career award
Editor's Notes
#3: decision incorporates assessment of the effort needed to continue searching to obtain a better (or more) information vis--vis the expected utility of that information
#15: Some insight offered by examining differences in reading models for high vs. low WM people
#22: Eye tracking work on reading behavior in information search have mostly analyzed eye gaze position aggregates ('hot spots').This does not address the fixation sub-sequences that are true reading behavior.