Global Wind Power is a Danish company that specializes in developing, installing, selling, and managing wind turbine projects across Europe. Since its founding in 1999, the company has grown from a small startup to over 80 employees with offices across Europe. Global Wind Power takes wind projects from initial development and permitting through construction and long-term commercial and technical management.
2. 02
1999 The origins of Global Wind Power, founder Henrik Amby
2000 Cooperation with Vestas
2001 The origins of ProPartner
2002 From the worktop to the office / Global Wind Power Deutschland
2003 From pure sales to complete package
2004 8 employees / The 14 turbine Katzenberg project
2005 The 23 turbine Studenitz project
2006 20 employees / Cooperation with a German partner
2007 New markets and investors / The Long Man project in Bulgaria
2008 48 employees / Office in Sofia / From a domestic to an international market
2009 Office in Reims, France / First projects in France
2010 80 employees / Office in Bucharest / First projects in Romania
2011 Stronger Country Units / Office in Paris
2012 Market adaptation of the organisation
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Business Concept
We are a Danish-owned company specializing in developing,
installing, selling, and managing wind turbine projects.
Global Wind Power is one of the leading developers of
wind turbine projects in Europe.
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50/50 - Business/People
At Global Wind Power we know our experience and know-how
are invested in our employees. They are our business.
Therefore, we have introduced a ground-breaking business
concept; 50/50 - Business/People.
We value our employees and their competences as much
as our day-to-day business. We believe this is the key to
our success.
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Vision & Mission
Global Wind Power is the preferred
partner for wind turbine projects.
Global Wind Power transforms a wind
turbine project from concept to reality.
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Global Wind Power’s four corporate values; empathetic, focused, committed and dynamic
impact everything from the way we develop projects to the way we engage with customers or
our long list of subcontractors. We believe that a shared set of values among our employees
enable us to achieve success in the long term and generate value across our organisation.
8. 08
René Jensen
Financial Administrator,
We put our hearts into the projects that we
are working on. We build fruitful relationships with
customers and suppliers by observing and
understanding the interests of our partners.
This enables us to build up a partnership based
on trust as well as solutions that are seen as
successful by all parties.
9. 09
Henrik Amby
We are a target-driven and results-oriented
business. We have the skills to do things in
the right order and in the right way. We stay
focused even in high-pressure situations.
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Jacob Østerby Pedersen,
IT & Marketing Supporter,
We are committed to finding solutions and taking
ownership of both internal and external projects.
Commitment gives empathy and focus an extra
dimension of professionalism.
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Tom Hovmark Pedersen
IT & Service Manager
We make things happen. We are enterprising, and we
always strive for new and better ways of doing things.
Our dynamic approach allows us to transform a wind
turbine project from concept to reality.
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The core elements in our ProPartner
concept are openness, trust and a
whole-hearted will to create
long-term collaboration.
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Our cooperation with Global Wind Power has proved
valuable in more ways than we could imagine.
Roland Flossmann
Ansprechpartner Onshore
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Germany Denmark
180 wind turbines / 335 MW total 12 wind turbines / 19 MW total
Romania Poland
57 wind turbines / 114 MW total 10 MW under development
Bulgaria France
33 wind turbines / 66 MW total
Poland 4 wind turbines / 8 MW total /
30 MW sold as GF
20. Greenfield
Selection and evaluation of potential wind turbine locations
Early stage development of a wind park is often the most challenging phase. Suitable or proposed areas
for development of wind projects are investigated, with the aim of assessing the feasibility of a project.
Feasibility studies cover the following areas: wind, grid connection, roads, soil conditions and the environ-
ment. This initial phase typically ends with the existence of agreements with the land-owners, a preliminary
commitment on final grid connection and the authorities’ acknowledgement of the location of the project.
Project design and authorizations
This phase is a continuation of the previous phase, and should be undertaken by Global Wind Power or
another skilled project developer. A detailed technical and structural project design is prepared. This
includes the studies and calculations required in order for the authorities to continue processing the project.
This phase ends when all the required permits for the implementation and operation of the wind turbine
project are in place, not least the crucial building permit, making the project ready-to-build.
21. Turnkey
Having secured all the necessary permits, the wind turbine project is now ready for implementation.
However, if the Greenfield development has been carried out elsewhere, most likely by another developer,
Global Wind Power starts by ensuring that the work done meets our standards. Turnkey comprises
project planning, design, construction and commissioning, all in close cooperation with the main
contractors and the turbine manufacturer (Vestas).
Civil/electrical work and commissioning
We utilize local contractors to perform civil and electrical work, including: Building access roads,
pouring turbine foundations, laying electrical cabling and construction of transmission substations.
They know the construction legislation in each country, and we ensure the highest standard in project
management and site management throughout the construction stage via our vast international expe-
rience. In close cooperation with the turbine manufacturer (Vestas), we manage the commissioning of
the wind park as well as the final grid connection of the wind turbines with the grid operator. The Turnkey
phase is complete when the finished wind turbine project is put into operation.
22. Technical &
Commercial Management
Skilled management on your behalf
One of the requirements for successful long-term management of a wind park is skilled development in the
previous Greenfield and Turnkey phases. On behalf of the customer, we make sure that all permits,
regulations and prior requirements relating to the Greenfield and Turnkey phases are always upheld.
To do so, we communicate and resolve potential problems with all related stakeholders; land owners, local
authorities, grid operators, etc. This often resource-heavy and challenging work is made possible by our years
of Know-how and experience in the field.
Technical Management
Technical Management is responsible for monitoring, inspection and maintenance of the wind park and
includes ongoing contact with the wind turbine manufacturer (Vestas). Our specially-trained engineers and
local operation managers stand ready to act and rectify faults to ensure that your wind park functions
optimally throughout its lifetime.
Commercial Management
Complying with changing legislation and commercial optimization of a wind park may prove as important
for the efficiency of the wind park as the ongoing Technical Management. Therefore, we manage a range
of commercial aspects relating to the wind park in close coordination with the customer. Depending on the
customer’s wishes and capacity in this field, we may carry out some or all services relating to Commercial
23. Services
Apart from the 3 products Greenfield, Turnkey and TCM
we also provide following services:
Project Management
Construction Management
Project Design/Support
24. Global Wind Power A/S
Jernbanegade 11
DK-7700 Thisted
Phone: +45 96 19 21 00
Fax: +45 96 19 21 09
Global Wind Power A/S
Birk Centerpark 40
DK-7400 Herning
Phone: +45 96 19 21 00
Fax: +45 96 19 21 09
Global Wind Power France SARL
15, rue Jean Jaurès
92800 Puteaux
Phone: +33 (0)1 73 00 67 85
Global Wind Power Bulgaria EOOD
138 Vasil Levski blvd, floor 4
1504 Sofia
Phone: + 359 (0) 281 442 10
Global Wind Power Germany GmbH
Christoph-Probst-Weg 3
20251 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 548 03 45 14
Global Wind Power RO S.R.L.
Popa Savu Street 79-81, 1st floor
District 1
011434 Bucharest
Phone: +40 (0) 213 002 113