The document discusses a proposed social advertisement campaign in Lithuania aimed at promoting European values. The campaign would emphasize Lithuania's political, economic and social identity with Europe, encourage Lithuanians to overcome barriers and embrace new opportunities from EU membership, and boost pride in Lithuania's contributions to the EU. The target group are rural Lithuanians over 50 who are less active in elections. The proposed slogan is "Europe is Lithuania. Lithuania is Europe." A concept involves depicting a weathervane created by a Lithuanian farmer incorporating symbols of Lithuania and Europe to represent how the two are interconnected.
- The document discusses popular technology stocks Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Alphabet (Google) and provides key data such as P/E ratios, earnings per share, price ranges, and descriptions of each company.
- On the day referenced, Facebook and Amazon shares fell slightly while Netflix and Alphabet shares rose slightly. Trading volumes and 52-week price ranges are also given for each stock.
Klaipdos Simono Dacho progimnazija
Angl迭 kalbos pamokos 4-8 klasms
Tolerancijos pamoka. Pareng angl迭 kalbos mokytoja metodinink Vilma Bergelien, pradini迭 klasi迭 mokytoja metodinink Rasa Ulyt, socialin pedagog ar笛n Ruikien
2012 m.
The document discusses a proposed social advertisement campaign in Lithuania aimed at promoting European values. The campaign would emphasize Lithuania's political, economic and social identity with Europe, encourage Lithuanians to overcome barriers and embrace new opportunities from EU membership, and boost pride in Lithuania's contributions to the EU. The target group are rural Lithuanians over 50 who are less active in elections. The proposed slogan is "Europe is Lithuania. Lithuania is Europe." A concept involves depicting a weathervane created by a Lithuanian farmer incorporating symbols of Lithuania and Europe to represent how the two are interconnected.
- The document discusses popular technology stocks Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Alphabet (Google) and provides key data such as P/E ratios, earnings per share, price ranges, and descriptions of each company.
- On the day referenced, Facebook and Amazon shares fell slightly while Netflix and Alphabet shares rose slightly. Trading volumes and 52-week price ranges are also given for each stock.
Klaipdos Simono Dacho progimnazija
Angl迭 kalbos pamokos 4-8 klasms
Tolerancijos pamoka. Pareng angl迭 kalbos mokytoja metodinink Vilma Bergelien, pradini迭 klasi迭 mokytoja metodinink Rasa Ulyt, socialin pedagog ar笛n Ruikien
2012 m.