The document discusses the present progressive tense in Spanish. It explains that the present progressive combines the present form of the verb "estar" with the present participle of another verb to indicate an ongoing action. It provides examples of how to form the present progressive using conjugations of "estar" plus the verb stem plus "-ando" or "-iendo". It also gives examples of how the present progressive is used to describe single actions that are currently happening.
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Presentprogressiveforms and uses {Beta}
Thepresentprogressive tense combines thepresentindicative of theverb estar (to be)
withthepresentparticiple of anotherverbtoindicateanaction in progress.
Thepresentprogressivetellswhat a person "isdoing" rightnow.
Estoy hablando con mi madre. (I am speakingwithmymother (rightnow).)
Los ni単os est叩n jugando en el patio. (Thechildren are playing in theyard (rightnow).)
多Est叩s yendo a la tienda ahora? (Are yougoingtothe store now?)
Thepresentparticipleneverchangesaccordingtothe tense. Theprogressive tense can be used in any
time referencesimplybychangingthe tense of estar, creatingthepresentprogressive,
preteriteprogressive, theimperfectprogressive, thefutureprogressive, etc.
Thisarticleexplainshowtoform and whento use thepresentprogressive tense.
Thepresentprogressiveis a verbphraseconsisting of both estar (the "is" partwhichindicatesthe
tense) and thepresentparticiple (the "-ing" partwhichindicateswhattheactionis).
Toformthepresentprogressive, conjugate estar tothepresentindicative tense and
addthepresentparticipleform of theverbthatthepersonisactuallydoing.
2. PresentProgressive Formula: estar + presentparticiple (verbstem + -ando for -arverbs/-iendofor -er
and -ir verbs)
Estoy hablando I am speaking Estamos hablando We are speaking
Est叩s hablando You are speaking Est叩is hablando You (all) are speaking
Est叩 hablando You (formal) are speaking
He/sheisspeaking Est叩n hablando You (all, formal) are speaking
They are speaking
PresentProgressive Uses
Single CurrentActions
Simply, what a personisdoingrightnow, and actionthey are currentlyparticipating in.
Est叩 escribiendo un ensayo para su clase de espa単ol. (He iswritinganessayforhisSpanishclass.)
Estamos cocinando la cena. (We are cookingdinner (rightnow).)
Est叩n durmiendo en el dormitorio peque単o. (They are sleeping in thesmallbedroom (rightnow).)
In English and Spanish, thisisusuallyexpressedusingthepresentprogressive, butitispossibleto use
thepresent tense in Spanish as well.
3. 多Qu辿 haces? (What are youdoing?)
Limpio la cocina. (I'mcleaningthekitchen.)
多C坦mo est叩s? (How are youdoing?)
Estoy bien, gracias. (I卒mdoingwell, thankyou.)