Four Lions and Life of Brian both use black comedy to comment on religious groups and conflicts stereotypically portrayed in society. Specifically, Four Lions depicts Muslims as extreme terrorists, while Life of Brian shows Jews uprising against Romans. Both films aim to subvert stereotypes through their subject matter and comic portrayal of religion-based conflicts between groups.
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1. To what extent are the narratives of the films you
have studied for this topic typical of their genre?
Four Lions and Life of Brian.
2. Introduction
Religion Based.
Commentary of conflict between groups Palmer- Idea
of how the joke worked- Idea-Punch line
Mast- Comic Climate, Plots- How movies signify that
they are comedy- subject matter- Religion.
3. Main Plot
Four Lions- Muslims shown as extreme terrorists-
Chris Morris-Subject matter- Comic Climate- Mast
Chris Morris/Terry Jones- idea of how the world
sees religion stereotypically- E.G. Muslims- extreme
violence. Jews-Uprising against romans.
Black Comedy