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意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                             Name:_________________________
                                              & ACTS LIKE            THOUGHTS/ACTIONS



Mr. Everdeen

Mrs. Everdeen

Gale Hawthorne

Greasy Sae


Ef鍖e Trinket

                                                                                             息Tracee Orman, 2010
意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                             Name:_________________________
                                              & ACTS LIKE            THOUGHTS/ACTIONS


Mayor Undersee


Peeta Mellark




Avox girl

                                                                                             息Tracee Orman, 2010
意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                           Name:_________________________
                                            & ACTS LIKE            THOUGHTS/ACTIONS









                                                                                           息Tracee Orman, 2010
意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                             Name:_________________________
                                              & ACTS LIKE            THOUGHTS/ACTIONS

Mr. Mellark






Goat Man

President Snow

                                                                                             息Tracee Orman, 2010
意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                                                            Name:_________________________

Teacher兵s Guide - Suggested answers (they can vary from these). Characters are in order of appearance.
 CHARACTERS          WHO IS THIS PERSON?                       WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS                         NOTABLE QUOTES/              REMINDS ME OF...
                                                                  & ACTS LIKE                           THOUGHTS/ACTIONS

 Katniss          Narrator; 16 year old girl who      She hunts illegally, has long dark hair,      Girl on 鍖re, can sing             Will vary for
 Everdeen         lives in the Seam of district 12.   darker complexion, excellent with bow &       beautifully but chooses not       each student
                  Sister to Prim. Female tribute      arrow, very defensive, has had a hard         to, shoots arrow at
                  for district 12.                    life.                                         Gamemakers, becomes
                                                                                                    district 12 victor.

 Primrose         Katniss兵 younger sister, name       Blond, light (or blue) eyes, looks more       Loves animals, is kind/
 Everdeen         is called at reaping. She is 12.    like her mom than Katniss; is healer like     gentle. Has a cat (Buttercup
                                                      her mom.                                      & goat (Lady). Is loved by all.

 Mr. Everdeen     Katniss兵 dad who died in a          Dark hair, dark complexion, was raised in     Taught Katniss how to hunt,
                  coal mine explosion.                the Seam. Beautiful voice.                    swim, 鍖nd edible plants.

 Mrs. Everdeen    Katniss兵 mom, went into deep        Blond, light (or blue) eyes, could not take
                  depression after her husband        care of the girls, is a healer--people take
                  died.                               their sick to her, can use herbs to create

 Gale Hawthorne   Katniss兵 hunting partner, from      Is defensive like Katniss--hard to open       Calls Katniss Catnip
                  the Seam, 18 years old. Very        up to. Very good looking: dark hair,          because he thought that兵s
                  bitter toward the Capitol.          darker complexion. Has younger                what she said her name was
                                                      brothers. Oldest child who also lost his      the 鍖rst time they met. Takes
                                                      dad in same coal mine explosion.              his anger at the Capitol out
                                                      Excellent at setting snares & traps.          on Madge.

 Greasy Sae       Lady who sells soup in the          Bony, old, will accept wild dog from
                  Hob.                                Katniss & Gale for her soup.

 Peacekeepers     Basically like law enforcement      District 12 Peacekeepers are much more
                  of鍖cers to keep the peace.        lax than other districts.

 Ef鍖e Trinket     District 12 chaperone for the       Pink hair, make-up, has that Capitol        May the odds be ever in
                  Hunger Games tributes. From         look (like fake or plastic). Vary annoying    your favor.
                  the Capitol.                        voice.

                                                                                                                                           息Tracee Orman, 2010
意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                                                          Name:_________________________
CHARACTERS          WHO IS THIS PERSON?                     WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS                         NOTABLE QUOTES/              REMINDS ME OF...
                                                               & ACTS LIKE                           THOUGHTS/ACTIONS

Haymitch         The only living district 12      Drunk, middle aged, he was the victor in       Calls Katniss Sweetheart.
Abernathy        victor, which means he兵s the     the 50th Hunger Games (this is the year        Advice to the tributes is to
                 mentor for the tributes each     of the 74th). Rough, crude, tells it like it   stay alive. Says to Katniss:
                 year.                            is.                                            You兵ve got as much
                                                                                                 personality as a dead slug.

Mayor Undersee   Mayor for district 12 (about     Middle aged, has a fondness for                Recites the history of the
                 8,000 people), Madge兵s father.   strawberries                                   Hunger Games each year at
                                                                                                 the reaping.

Madge            The mayors daughter, Katniss兵    Blond, gives Katniss a mockingjay pin          Gives Katniss her gold
Undersee         only friend. Lives in the        for her district token, she兵s quiet & keeps    mockingjay pin & kisses her
                 merchant兵s village (or           to herself--like Katniss. In the same          on the cheek.
                 downtown).                       grade as Katniss.

Peeta Mellark    The district 12 male tribute,    Blond hair that falls in waves over his        Saved Katniss兵 life by
                 baker兵s son, in love with        forehead, medium height, stocky build,         burning two loaves of bread
                 Katniss.                         would do anything for Katniss, has a           & giving them to her (even
                                                  kind, gentle heart, strong, great wrestler,    though he got a beating for
                                                  does not want to kill anyone.                  it); was willing to die for her
                                                                                                 in the arena; declared his
                                                                                                 love for her to help save her

Gamemakers       The group of men & women         Act like they are disinterested in the         Katniss shoots an arrow at
                 who score the tributes, decide   tributes--don兵t see them as real people.       them during her private
                 on the arena, & make the         Wear long robes.                               session because they
                 plans for the interventions                                                     weren兵t paying attention to
                 within the Games (like the                                                      her.

Cinna            Katniss兵 stylist.                Dark hair, wears black, looks more             Gives Katniss her slogan,
                                                  normal than the other Capitol people.          the girl who was on 鍖re.
                                                  Soft spoken.

Portia           Peeta兵s stylist.                 No real description given; seems much          Teams with Cinna to match
                                                  like Cinna--calming, thoughtful.               Peeta兵s out鍖ts.

                                                                                                                                        息Tracee Orman, 2010
意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                                                          Name:_________________________
CHARACTERS      WHO IS THIS PERSON?                        WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS                           NOTABLE QUOTES/             REMINDS ME OF...
                                                              & ACTS LIKE                             THOUGHTS/ACTIONS

Avox girl    Girl who Katniss saw in the         Red hair, can兵t speak because she has            She is assigned to wait on
             woods who was 鍖eeing the            had her tongue cut by the Capitol. Is            Katniss; Katniss could have
             Capitol.                            now a slave in the Capitol.                      tried to save her before she
                                                                                                  was captured, but Katniss

Caesar       The host of the interviews          Pure white makeup, same hairstyle but            Makes his guests feel            Dick Clark,
Flickerman   (before & after the Games).         died powder blue, eyelids & lips are             comfortable & helps them         anyone!?
             Has hosted for over 40 years.       powder blue; his appearance has not              along the interview.             (Kids don兵t
                                                 changed (or he has not aged) in the 40                                            really know
                                                 years he兵s been hosting.                                                          him anymore,

Rue          District 11 tribute, only 12        Dark skin, can 鍖y through the trees, very        Scored a 7 in training. Warns
             years old.                          smart & resourceful, forms alliance with         Katniss of the tracker jacker
                                                 Katniss.                                         nest. Dies in Katniss兵 arms.

Thresh       District 11 tribute                 Dark skin, giant (6遜 feet tall), built like an   Makes it to the 鍖nal 4
                                                 ox, rejected invitations from the careers        tributes, spares Katniss兵 life
                                                 to join an alliance.                             (and saves her from Clove)
                                                                                                  because she was kind to Rue
                                                                                                  & killed the boy who killed

Foxface      District 5 tribute                  Red hair, face like a fox. She is sly, like a    Steals food from the Careers;
                                                 fox & very resourceful.                          is killed when she steals
                                                                                                  berries Peeta collected.

Cato         District 2 tribute - a Career       Huge boy, strong, makes it to the 鍖nal 3,        Is ripped apart from the wolf
             tribute (male).                     is jealous that Katniss scored higher            tributes; Katniss has to kill
                                                 than him in training session.                    him to put him out of his

Clove        District 2 tribute - a Career       Is an expert with a knife, larger girl--very     Almost kills Katniss but is
             tribute (female).                   strong.                                          killed by Thresh.

                                                                                                                                        息Tracee Orman, 2010
意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                                                           Name:_________________________
CHARACTERS          WHO IS THIS PERSON?                     WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS                        NOTABLE QUOTES/              REMINDS ME OF...
                                                               & ACTS LIKE                          THOUGHTS/ACTIONS

Glimmer          District 1 tribute - Career       Sexy, provocative. Flowing blond hair,     Is killed by the tracker jacker
                                                   emerald green eyes, tall & lush body.        stings; Katniss gets her bow
                                                                                                & arrows from her body
                                                                                                before the hovercraft takes
                                                                                                her away.

Claudius         The announcer of the Games        His is the only voice the tributes hear      Announces that two tributes
Templesmith      (NOT to be confused with          while in the arena. He makes the             can win; then announces
                 Caesar)                           announcements.                               only one can; then
                                                                                                announces both Katniss &
                                                                                                Peeta are victors.

Mr. Mellark-     The baker                         Big, broad shouldered, burn scars from       Gives Katniss cookies before
Peeta兵s father                                     the oven, not very talkative. Married to a   she leaves & promises to
                                                   witch of a woman. He trades with Prim      make sure Prim is being fed.
                                                   at the hob--gives her lots of bread in

Flavius          Katniss兵 prep team member,        Orange corkscrew curls for hair, purple      They prepare Katniss for the
                 male                              lipstick,                                    opening ceremonies and
                                                                                                interview with Caesar
Venia            Katniss兵 prep team member,        Thin, angular body; aqua hair & gold         Flickerman by ridding her of
                 female                            tattoos above eyebrows                       body hair, scrubbing her
                                                                                                body clean, doing her nails,
Octavia          Katniss兵 prep team member,        Plump, curvy body, skin dyed a pea           make-up, and hair. Also
                 female                            green color (light evergreen in CF)          cover her body with powder.
                                                                                                Compare them to stylists &
                                                                                                estheticians. Katniss
                                                                                                describes them as oddly-
                                                                                                colored birds ...pecking
                                                                                                around my feet.

Atala            The head trainer (in Capitol,     Tall, athletic woman                         Gives the tributes
                 before the Games begin)                                                        instructions for the different

Rooba            the butcher                       She is short & chunky.                       She let Katniss have Prim兵s

                                                                                                                                       息Tracee Orman, 2010
意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊                                                     Name:_________________________
CHARACTERS      WHO IS THIS PERSON?                       WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS                    NOTABLE QUOTES/             REMINDS ME OF...
                                                             & ACTS LIKE                      THOUGHTS/ACTIONS

Goat Man     sells goats, goat cheese &       He兵s old.                                   Sold Prim兵s goat, Lady, to
             milk                                                                         Katniss.

President    The president of Panem.          Small, thin man with paper-white hair.      Crowns Peeta & Katniss, but
Snow                                          Snakelike eyes.                             can tell he is ticked off at
                                                                                          Katniss for her stunt with the

                                                                                                                                息Tracee Orman, 2010

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H gcharacters

  • 1. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Katniss Everdeen Primrose Everdeen Mr. Everdeen Mrs. Everdeen Gale Hawthorne Greasy Sae Peacekeepers Ef鍖e Trinket 息Tracee Orman, 2010
  • 2. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Haymitch Abernathy Mayor Undersee Madge Undersee Peeta Mellark Gamemakers Cinna Portia Avox girl 息Tracee Orman, 2010
  • 3. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Caesar Flickerman Rue Thresh Foxface Cato Clove Glimmer Claudius Templesmith 息Tracee Orman, 2010
  • 4. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Mr. Mellark Flavius Venia Octavia Atala Rooba Goat Man President Snow 息Tracee Orman, 2010
  • 5. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ Teacher兵s Guide - Suggested answers (they can vary from these). Characters are in order of appearance. CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Katniss Narrator; 16 year old girl who She hunts illegally, has long dark hair, Girl on 鍖re, can sing Will vary for Everdeen lives in the Seam of district 12. darker complexion, excellent with bow & beautifully but chooses not each student Sister to Prim. Female tribute arrow, very defensive, has had a hard to, shoots arrow at for district 12. life. Gamemakers, becomes district 12 victor. Primrose Katniss兵 younger sister, name Blond, light (or blue) eyes, looks more Loves animals, is kind/ Everdeen is called at reaping. She is 12. like her mom than Katniss; is healer like gentle. Has a cat (Buttercup her mom. & goat (Lady). Is loved by all. Mr. Everdeen Katniss兵 dad who died in a Dark hair, dark complexion, was raised in Taught Katniss how to hunt, coal mine explosion. the Seam. Beautiful voice. swim, 鍖nd edible plants. Mrs. Everdeen Katniss兵 mom, went into deep Blond, light (or blue) eyes, could not take depression after her husband care of the girls, is a healer--people take died. their sick to her, can use herbs to create medicine. Gale Hawthorne Katniss兵 hunting partner, from Is defensive like Katniss--hard to open Calls Katniss Catnip the Seam, 18 years old. Very up to. Very good looking: dark hair, because he thought that兵s bitter toward the Capitol. darker complexion. Has younger what she said her name was brothers. Oldest child who also lost his the 鍖rst time they met. Takes dad in same coal mine explosion. his anger at the Capitol out Excellent at setting snares & traps. on Madge. Greasy Sae Lady who sells soup in the Bony, old, will accept wild dog from Hob. Katniss & Gale for her soup. Peacekeepers Basically like law enforcement District 12 Peacekeepers are much more of鍖cers to keep the peace. lax than other districts. Ef鍖e Trinket District 12 chaperone for the Pink hair, make-up, has that Capitol May the odds be ever in Hunger Games tributes. From look (like fake or plastic). Vary annoying your favor. the Capitol. voice. 息Tracee Orman, 2010
  • 6. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Haymitch The only living district 12 Drunk, middle aged, he was the victor in Calls Katniss Sweetheart. Abernathy victor, which means he兵s the the 50th Hunger Games (this is the year Advice to the tributes is to mentor for the tributes each of the 74th). Rough, crude, tells it like it stay alive. Says to Katniss: year. is. You兵ve got as much personality as a dead slug. Mayor Undersee Mayor for district 12 (about Middle aged, has a fondness for Recites the history of the 8,000 people), Madge兵s father. strawberries Hunger Games each year at the reaping. Madge The mayors daughter, Katniss兵 Blond, gives Katniss a mockingjay pin Gives Katniss her gold Undersee only friend. Lives in the for her district token, she兵s quiet & keeps mockingjay pin & kisses her merchant兵s village (or to herself--like Katniss. In the same on the cheek. downtown). grade as Katniss. Peeta Mellark The district 12 male tribute, Blond hair that falls in waves over his Saved Katniss兵 life by baker兵s son, in love with forehead, medium height, stocky build, burning two loaves of bread Katniss. would do anything for Katniss, has a & giving them to her (even kind, gentle heart, strong, great wrestler, though he got a beating for does not want to kill anyone. it); was willing to die for her in the arena; declared his love for her to help save her life. Gamemakers The group of men & women Act like they are disinterested in the Katniss shoots an arrow at who score the tributes, decide tributes--don兵t see them as real people. them during her private on the arena, & make the Wear long robes. session because they plans for the interventions weren兵t paying attention to within the Games (like the her. 鍖reballs). Cinna Katniss兵 stylist. Dark hair, wears black, looks more Gives Katniss her slogan, normal than the other Capitol people. the girl who was on 鍖re. Soft spoken. Portia Peeta兵s stylist. No real description given; seems much Teams with Cinna to match like Cinna--calming, thoughtful. Peeta兵s out鍖ts. 息Tracee Orman, 2010
  • 7. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Avox girl Girl who Katniss saw in the Red hair, can兵t speak because she has She is assigned to wait on woods who was 鍖eeing the had her tongue cut by the Capitol. Is Katniss; Katniss could have Capitol. now a slave in the Capitol. tried to save her before she was captured, but Katniss didn兵t. Caesar The host of the interviews Pure white makeup, same hairstyle but Makes his guests feel Dick Clark, Flickerman (before & after the Games). died powder blue, eyelids & lips are comfortable & helps them anyone!? Has hosted for over 40 years. powder blue; his appearance has not along the interview. (Kids don兵t changed (or he has not aged) in the 40 really know years he兵s been hosting. him anymore, though.) Rue District 11 tribute, only 12 Dark skin, can 鍖y through the trees, very Scored a 7 in training. Warns years old. smart & resourceful, forms alliance with Katniss of the tracker jacker Katniss. nest. Dies in Katniss兵 arms. Thresh District 11 tribute Dark skin, giant (6遜 feet tall), built like an Makes it to the 鍖nal 4 ox, rejected invitations from the careers tributes, spares Katniss兵 life to join an alliance. (and saves her from Clove) because she was kind to Rue & killed the boy who killed Rue. Foxface District 5 tribute Red hair, face like a fox. She is sly, like a Steals food from the Careers; fox & very resourceful. is killed when she steals berries Peeta collected. Cato District 2 tribute - a Career Huge boy, strong, makes it to the 鍖nal 3, Is ripped apart from the wolf tribute (male). is jealous that Katniss scored higher tributes; Katniss has to kill than him in training session. him to put him out of his misery. Clove District 2 tribute - a Career Is an expert with a knife, larger girl--very Almost kills Katniss but is tribute (female). strong. killed by Thresh. 息Tracee Orman, 2010
  • 8. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Glimmer District 1 tribute - Career Sexy, provocative. Flowing blond hair, Is killed by the tracker jacker emerald green eyes, tall & lush body. stings; Katniss gets her bow & arrows from her body before the hovercraft takes her away. Claudius The announcer of the Games His is the only voice the tributes hear Announces that two tributes Templesmith (NOT to be confused with while in the arena. He makes the can win; then announces Caesar) announcements. only one can; then announces both Katniss & Peeta are victors. Mr. Mellark- The baker Big, broad shouldered, burn scars from Gives Katniss cookies before Peeta兵s father the oven, not very talkative. Married to a she leaves & promises to witch of a woman. He trades with Prim make sure Prim is being fed. at the hob--gives her lots of bread in return. Flavius Katniss兵 prep team member, Orange corkscrew curls for hair, purple They prepare Katniss for the male lipstick, opening ceremonies and interview with Caesar Venia Katniss兵 prep team member, Thin, angular body; aqua hair & gold Flickerman by ridding her of female tattoos above eyebrows body hair, scrubbing her body clean, doing her nails, Octavia Katniss兵 prep team member, Plump, curvy body, skin dyed a pea make-up, and hair. Also female green color (light evergreen in CF) cover her body with powder. Compare them to stylists & estheticians. Katniss describes them as oddly- colored birds ...pecking around my feet. Atala The head trainer (in Capitol, Tall, athletic woman Gives the tributes before the Games begin) instructions for the different stations. Rooba the butcher She is short & chunky. She let Katniss have Prim兵s goat. 息Tracee Orman, 2010
  • 9. 意鞄艶H顎稼乙艶姻G温馨艶壊C鞄温姻温界岳艶姻壊 Name:_________________________ CHARACTERS WHO IS THIS PERSON? WHAT HE/SHE LOOKS NOTABLE QUOTES/ REMINDS ME OF... & ACTS LIKE THOUGHTS/ACTIONS Goat Man sells goats, goat cheese & He兵s old. Sold Prim兵s goat, Lady, to milk Katniss. President The president of Panem. Small, thin man with paper-white hair. Crowns Peeta & Katniss, but Snow Snakelike eyes. can tell he is ticked off at Katniss for her stunt with the berries. 息Tracee Orman, 2010