The document is a webquest that provides students with the task of researching cities and apartments in France to live in for a year as part of a teaching program. Students must prepare a presentation in French to convince their parents that they have made the right choice. The webquest guides students through researching climate, amenities, costs, and safety for different cities and apartments to include in their presentation. It provides evaluation criteria to prepare a creative, organized, and thorough presentation using the provided online resources.
2. Introduction:
Oh l l! You have been accepted by the French government to teach
English in France for a year! You have been notified about the program and
were told that you can choose any city to live in which you feel you will be
most comfortable. But time is running out! You only have two days to do
your research, find a city and an apartment to live in, and convince your
parents that youve made the right decision or your spot in the program will
be taken!
The Task:
You have been accepted by the French government to teach English in
France for a year. You will be given a 500-euro-a-week stipend (pay).
However, your parents arent thrilled about the idea of you being away for a
year on your own. They are worried about you finding a suitable roommate,
an affordable apartment, and knowing enough French to get by. This is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you; thus your goal is to do your
homework and then prepare a compelling presentation for your parents in
French convincing them that youve made the right decision.
Working in pairs, you will prepare a presentation explaining where you will
be living in France, what the apartment you will be living in is like (how
much it costs, what it looks like, and what its near,) and why you feel
youve made the best possible choice. You must also explain what
distinguishes your city and apartment from others youve researched.
Your presentation may be created in whatever format you prefer: Power
Point, letter/email, audacity file, etc. Remember: Be creative and
convincing! You only have two days before your spot in the program is
taken. Bonne chance!
3. The Process:
Cities in France:
The first step to convincing your parents you can survive in France for a
year is to learn more about its cities so you will be able to share your
findings with them. Use the following links and questions to guide your
1. What kind of climate do you prefer? Which cities in France have this
climate? Think about some worries your parents may have. Why is
climate so important?
2. What kinds of landmarks do you think would be most beneficial to
live near? (Restaurants? Tourist attractions? Shopping Centers?
Grocery stores? Etc) Why?
3. What other information could you give to your parents about the city
of your choice to prove to them that youve made a smart decision?
(Think about population, crime rates, public transportation available,
Apartments in France:
The second step to convincing your parents you can survive in France for a
year is to educate yourself about living arrangement options and share your
findings with them. Again, use the following links and questions to guide
your search.
1. How much money can you afford to spend on rent if paid 500 euros a
week? Think about/factor in possible food costs, public transportation
costs, recreation/travel costs, etc. You will most likely need a
4. roommate or two to help cut costs in half. What are your plans for
finding a roommate?
2. What does your apartment of choice look like? What
amenities/comforts does it offer? Is the apartment furnished, or will
you have to provide your own furniture?
3. What other information could you give to your parents about the city
of your choice to prove to them that youve made a smart decision?
Again, think about safety. On which floor is your apartment located?
In which area of town is your apartment located? ***Convince your
parents you have chosen a safe, affordable place to live!
* Now that you have finished researching, it is time to organize a convincing
presentation. After you have developed your presentation, you will present
it to your parents (aka: Mme Reed and Mlle. Wilson,) and we will decide
whether you will be permitted to accept your offer into the English-teaching
program. :) See evaluation criteria below for more details!
5. Evaluation (Peer Grade)
Objective: F= 10-12 D= 13-14 C= 15-16 B= 17-18 A= 19-20 Score
Work co- Contributes to Contributes Contributes Works toward Consistently
operatively group to group to group group goals most and actively
in pairs. only when with without of the time; works
prompted. occasional prompting; usually sensitive toward
prompting; shows some toward feelings group goals;
participates sensitivity to of others; is sensitive
in needed partner; willingly helps toward
changes with makes partner identify feelings of
occasional needed and make others; helps
prompting. changes necessary partner
when shown changes. identify and
what needs make
to be necessary
changed. changes.
Commun- Occasionally Speaks Speaks Actively speaks Consistently
icate in speaks French French when French when French when and actively
French when doing doing doing doing research speaks
research and research and research and and working French
working with working with working with with others; when doing
others; does others with others, rarely sometimes research and
not prepare some resorting to encourages working
presentation in prompting; English; others to speak with others;
French. presentation presentation French; always
written in written in presentation encourages
French, but French, but written in others to
contains at contains 7-9 French, but speak
least 10 errors. contains 4-6 French;
errors. errors. presentation
written in
French with
only 1-3
6. Questions Did not use Used Had trouble Had trouble with Worked
resources resources with provided well finding
provided to provided, but provided resources, but answers to
answer didnt focus resources; still answered all questions
questions in on the therefore questions in using
process assignment unable to process provided
section; not on enough to answer all section. resources;
task. answer all questions in successfully
questions in the process answered all
process section. questions in
section. process
Creativity Presentation is Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
unorganized; is written in an written in a clear, written in a
listing of rote unorganized; innovative, convincing and clear,
facts; no mixture of convincing innovative innovative,
pictures; rote facts and manner; very manner; convincing
rationale for convincing few pictures; incorporates manner;
city and arguments; rationale for some pictures; incorporates
apartment no pictures; city and rationale for city many
choices not rationale for apartment and apartment pictures;
explained. city and choices is at choices is thoroughly
apartment times explained, but explains
choices only unclear. (6-7 not thoroughly. rationale for
vaguely sentences) (8-9 sentences) city and
explained. (5 apartment
sentences) choices. (10
or more
7. Conclusion:
Congratulations! You have now completed the research portion of your
journey through France. You will soon be presenting your presentation,
complete with your findings to your parents in hopes that they will agree
to you living in France this coming year. Now that youve learned more
about France, French life, and the vocabulary that goes along with
describing it, Id like you to take some time to reflect on the assignment.
What did you like about the Webquest? What didnt you like about it?
What would you change about the assignment to make it more
meaningful to you?
Credit goes to Mindy Reed and Laura Foley for reading and evaluating this
Webquest activity, as well as to Dr. James D. Swartz for teaching me how to
produce a Webquest activity. I would also like to attribute credit to Google
images for all the pictures which appear in the Webquest and to all the
creators of the websites listed in the process section of this assignment.