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ISO 22000:2005 裡流亮留留 隆旅留竜溜旅侶 侶 留略了竜旅留 凌溜亮僚 留旅流竜旅 粒旅留 凌
凌粒留僚旅亮凌 侶 留了溜隆留 凌溜亮僚.
ISO 9001:2208 裡流亮留留 隆旅留竜溜旅侶 侶 凌旅侶留 留旅流竜旅.
Codex Alimentarius Food Hygiene Basic Texts. Food and Agricultural Organization of the
United Nations World Health Organization. Rome, 2001.
CAC/RCP 1-1969 (Rev.4-2003) Recommended International Code of Practice General
Principles of Food Hygiene; incorporates Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
system and guidelines for its application.
CAC/RCP 25-1979 Code of Practice for Smoked Fish.
CAC/RCP 52-2003 Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products ( 隆旅留亮侶).
Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis (2009). HACCP and ISO 22000: Application to Foods of Animal
Origin. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 360-452.
律留略了留亮凌 粒粒竜了凌了凌 (2000). 凌粒留亮亮留旅亮 粒旅留 侶僚 凌旅侶留 里亮凌 - 裡竜隆旅留亮
粒旅留 侶僚 凌旅侶留. 略留: 了了侶僚旅虜 僚凌旅 留僚竜旅流亮旅凌.
裡劉了旅凌 裡竜留僚略凌 (2000). 凌粒留亮亮留旅亮 粒旅留 侶僚 凌旅侶留 里亮凌 - 了旅虜流 凌旅侶留.
略留: 了了侶僚旅虜 僚凌旅 留僚竜旅流亮旅凌.
略僚僚侶 硫留僚旅凌粒旅略僚僚侶 (2008). 凌粒留亮亮留旅亮 粒旅留 侶僚 凌旅侶留 里亮凌 - 旅凌溜虜侶侶 侶
凌旅侶留. 略留: 了了侶僚旅虜 僚凌旅 留僚竜旅流亮旅凌.