Hackers use 5 common tactics to hack passwords: 1) Trying common passwords by referencing lists of popular passwords; 2) Using social engineering to learn personal details to guess passwords; 3) Sniffing unsecured Wi-Fi networks to intercept transmitted passwords; 4) Installing keyloggers to capture passwords as they are typed; 5) Leveraging information from social media to identify accounts on other sites protected by the same password. The document provides actions people can take to strengthen their passwords and online security against these tactics.
2. Trying Common Passwords
Hackers trying to break through a password.
Hackers know this, and can reference common passwords to try
and gain entry.
Action : Dont use common
passwords. This includes single
words, popular phrases, and
simple combinations of a particular
character type
3. Social Engineering
Social networking can be used to try and figure out
what the password might be.
Hackers know that people who dont use common
passwords are still likely to use passwords that have
some personal significance
Action : Make your social network
private to people who are not your
friends, and make sure that you
dont use information about your
personal life to form a password.
4. Sniffing Wi-Fi Packets
Open wireless networks can be a nasty security issue because they are
well open.
If someone is trying to hack your passwords specifically, they might
see if you frequently visit a place with open Wi-Fi, like a coffee shop.
Or a hacker might just set up an operation in such a location and pick
up as many passwords as possible.
Action : Maybe use HTTPS whenever
possible or not use open WIFI
5. Keylogging
A keylogger can also be installed as a part of any
piece of malware to hack passwords.
The information can then be transmitted to a
location where it is compiled and passwords found.
Action : Security software can
help detect keyloggers and
prevent them from being
installed on your system.
6. The Weakest Link
Using the information found while reviewing
your social networking profiles, a hacker may
be able to identify sites you visit.
Action : Dont use a single
password for every website