The document describes the Human and Alien Crime Squad (H.A.C.S.), an intergalactic agency focused on preventing and solving crimes involving humans and aliens in New York City. It introduces the main characters, including lead detective Vanessa Marshall, her clumsy partner Jack Robinson, and their captain Charles Jackson. It also mentions "Annie", who creates gadgets for the team. The genre is listed as police procedural, sci-fi, and action, airing Wednesdays at 9pm and targeting the 18-49 age group.
2. Who said fighting crime couldn't be intergalactic?The Human and Alien Crime Squad is an intergalactic planetary agency bent on preventing and solving crimes relating to aliens and humans. The H.A.C.S. station focuses on New York, primarily New York City.
3. Vanessa MarshallThe Lead Detective with an extremely serious demeanor, Vanessa is known to be a perfectionist when it comes to her work.
4. Jack RobinsonHe is a clumsy, beginner investigator who has a lot to live up to as Vanessas partner.
5. Charles JacksonAs Captain of the H.A.C.S., Charles is the strict father of the sector, ruling with a gentle fist.
6. AnnieAnnie creates different gadgets for the team to use and updates the team with criminal information by using her Inphone (one of her special gadgets).
7. Genre: Police Procedural, Sci-Fi, ActionTime slot: Wednesday 9/8cTarget Audience: 18-49 age groupPartners : and