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Dr. Hal Urban
790Barbour Drive
Redwood Citv. CA 94062
Phone:(650)366-0882 Fax (650)366-9882
E-mail: halurban@halurban.com
20 ThingsGoodTeachersDo
By Hal Urban
Introduction:Why we needCharacterEducation(l-2)
Onesimplereasonfor writing thisbook
1- Goodteachersshareonespecialquality
2 - Goodteachershavetwo importantgoals
3 - Goodteachersform a partnershipwith parents
4 - Goodteachersstartteachingat thedoor
5 - GoodteachersteachmannersandtheGoldenRule(3)
6 - Goodteacherscreatea caringcommunityin theirclassrooms
7 - Goodteachersavoid wordsthatpoisontheatmosphere
8 - Goodteachersusewordsthatnourishtheatmosphere(4-5-6)
9 - Goodteachersstarteveryclasswith somethingpositive
10- Goodteachers,alongwith theirstudents,havea mission(7-8)
11- Goodteachersusethepowerof visiblereminders
12- Goodteachershelptheirstudentsto own andhonortherules(9-10)
13- Goodteachershavehigh standardsandhigh expectations
14- Goodteachershelptheirstudentsunderstandthepowerof choice
15- Goodteacherstell goodstories
16- Goodteachersusethepowerof quotations
17- Goodteacherslaughwith theirstudents
18- Goodteachershelptheirstudentssetlifetimegoals
19- Goodteacherscatchtheirstudentsdoingthingsright(11)
20- Goodteachersgetbettereveryyear
l )
J )
r )
20 Things That Matter
(Originally title d 20 Things I Want Mg Kids ?o Knowl
Hal Urban
Four reasons for writing this book:
1) Because we're never too young or too old to learn life's greatest lessons.
2) Because they don't teach "how
life works" or
is essential" in school.
3) Because most kids need help in discovering how good they can be.
4) Because old-fashioned truth never goes out of style ... even with a new generation.
The 2O Things:
1 - Success is more than making money
2 - Life is hard ... and not always fair
3 - Life is also fun ... and incredibly funny
4 - We live by choice, not by chance
5 - Attitude is a choice - the most important one you'll ever make
6 - Habits are the key to all success
7 - Being thankful is a habit - the best one youlr ever have
B - Good people build their lives on a foundation of respect
9 - Honesty is still the best policy
1O - Kind words cost little, but accomplish much
11 - Reai motivation comes from within
12 - Goals are dreams with deadlines
. 13 - There's no substitute for hard work
14 - You have to give up something to get something
15 - Successful people don't find time; they make time
16 - No one else can raise your self-esteem
17 - The body needs nutrition and exercise; so do the mind and spirit
18 - It's OK to fail; everyone else has
19 - Life is simpler when we know what,s essential
20 - Essential # 1 is being a good person
Publishedby Simon& Schuster,JonuoryZOO3
areof moreimportancethanlaws."
- EdmundBurke,British statesman,1700's
- GeorgeBernardShaw,Irishplaywright,1800's
mannerswerean animal,it would beanendangeredspecies."
- HenryC. Rogers,Americanpublicrelationsexpert,1984
How things were different not too many years ago:
- Studentsrarelycamelateto class.When they did, they apologized.Todaymanyoften comelate. Only
- Studentsdidn'tgetup, walk acrosstheroom,throw somethingin thewastebasket,thenwalk back
acrossthe room while theteacherwastalking.Today it is doneoften,andnothing is thoughtaboutit.
- Studentsdidn't litter in the classroomor write on desks.Todaymany studentsdo both.
- Studentsdidn't talk back to teachersin a defiantmanner.Todayit is doneoften.
- Studentsdidn'tswearin classroomsor thehallways.Todaysomestudentscan'ttalk withoutswearing.
- Whenstudentsneededsomethingfrom theteacher,theywouldsay,"May
I pleasehave...",usuallyin a
pleasanttone. Todaymany studentssay,"I need..." , oftenin a demandingtone.
- Studentsusedto say
you." Today,only a few studentsusethosewords.
- Studentsusedto listenwhentheteacherwastalking. Today,manystudentsfeel they havetheright to
ignorethe teacherandhavea privateconversationwith theirfriends.
- Studentsusedto listenwhen otherstudentswereaskinga question,answeringa questionor expressing
anopinion. Today,manystudentsdon'twantto listento theirclassmates.
- Students,in general,weremoreconsiderateof otherspeople'sfeelings. Today, many studentscould
carelessaboutotherpeople'sfeelings They'remore
"into themselves."
Some questions to consider:
I) Why havemannersandcivility declinedso much in theU.S.in thepast20 years?
2) Is a societybetterwhenpeopletreateachotherwith respect?
3) Is a classroombetterwhenboth studentsandteachershowmutualrespect?
a) Why doesHenry Rogerssay,
mannersareoneof themostimportantkeys to successin life"?
5) What is the "GoldenRule"? If it's so simple,why do morepeopletodayhavedifficulty practicingit?
6) Do moststudentspracticethemannersin the classroomthattheyweretaughtby their parents?
SimpleWaysto Honor, Affirm, and CelebrateLife
Hal Urban
Part One - The origins and influence of words
1 - Wordsmakeushuman
2 - Wordscanchangelives
3 - Wordscanhurlandoffend
4 - Wordscomefromtheheart
5 - Wordsarechoices
Part Two - The win-win rewards of positive words
6 - Joyfulwordscelebratelife
7 - Attirmingwordsinspireothers...andourselves
8 - Lovingwordshealandstrengthenrelationships
9 - Graciouswordsshowrespectandgratitude
10- Funnywordsmakeuslaugh
Part Three - Four places where positive words can work wonders
11- Affectionatewordsbuildstrongfamilies
12- Gentlewordsteachkindnessin ourschools
13- Supportivewordsboostmoraleandresultsat work
14- Encouragingwordsenhancepedormanceandfun in sports
Part Four - Two final thoughts on using words wisely
15- Kindwordsinwritingbecomelastingtreasures
16- Positivewordsaddjoyto life...butonlyintheliving
Part Five - Summary and conctusion
Alwayshavesomethinggoodto say
Publishedby Simon& Schuster- May,2OO4
8 Experts On Good Communication
I canlivefor two monthson onegoodcompliment.
- Mark Twain
I resolveto speak...all thegoodI know of
everybody. - BenjaminFranklin
The deepesturgein humannatureis thedesireto
feelimportant. - JohnDewey
- AbrahamLincoln
Themostbasicprincipleof humannatureis the
cravingto feelappreciated. - William James
Givetheotherpersona fine reputationto live up to.
- DaleCarnegie
Treatotherpeopletheway you would like themto
- Jesus
Kind wordscanbe shortandeasyto speak,
buttheirechoesaretruly endless.
- Mother Teresa
Let no unwholesometalk comeout of your mouths,
but only whatis helpfulfor buildingothersup accord-
ing to theirneeds,thatit may benefitthosewho listen.
Random QuotesOn The PorverOf Words
We increasewhateverwe praise.Thewhole
creationrespondsto praise,andis glad.
- CharlesFillmore
Wordsgo into thebody. Sotheycauseusto be
well andhopefulandhappyandhigh-energy
andwondrousandfunny andcheerful. Or they
cancauseusto be depressed.They getinto the
body andcauseusto be sullenandsourand
Maya Angelou
Few thingsin theworld aremorepowerfulthana
positivepush.A smile. A wordof optimism
andhope. A 'youcando it'whenthingsare
tough. - RichardM. DeVos
Kind wordsdo notcostmuch...Yet they
- BlaisePascal
Let no oneevercometo you withoutleaving
- Mother Teresa
Always keep your words soft and sweet,just in caseyou have to eat them.
Oue on: Per
Afrrmation Assrgnment
go into the body. They can cause us to be we// and hopefu/ and happy and hrgh-
energy and wondrous and funny and cheerful." - Maya Angelou
Asstgnment: Use your words to make someone else feel one of the things Maya Angelou
mentions above. Give three people a verbal atfrrmation - one that is personaL not
physica/ (hain clothes, looks, etc.). fulake someone feel good.
Person: Relationship
What you said:
Person: Relationship
What you said:
Person: Relatronship
What you said:
The DifferenceA TeacherCan Make
I have cometo afrightening
conclusion that f am the decisive
elernentin the classroom.ft's *y
personal approach thut creutelsthe
climute.ft's my daily mood that
makesthe westheF.As s tescher,I
posse,s^sa tremendouspower to mske
a child's IW miserable orjoyous. I
can be a tool of torture or &n
instrument of inspirution. f can
hamiliate or humor, hurt or heal.In
ell situations, it is m!. responsethat
decideswhether a crisiswill be
escalatedor deescalatedand a child
humsnizedor dehumanized.
- HaimGinott
The teacher'smission
Every teacherin theworff,,w1etherworhtn7with a
yre-Ltnf,ergartencht(f,or a p6.D. canf,.{.date,6as
t6esamemission- to 6ring out the6estin thestudent.
- ProfessorErwtn $. t{aff
My mission asa teacher- A promiseto my students
My ultimate responsibility asa teacheris to bring out the bestin my sfudents,
to help them perform at their highestlevelsin both academicsand character.
I'll treat you with the utrnostof respect- the sameway I expectyou to treatme
and your classmates.
I'll do everything in my power to createthe bestpossibleclassroomatrnosphere,
onein which I can teachand you canlearn.
I'll cometo eachciasspreparedwith a meaningful lessonplan.
I'll be consistentin maintaining high academicstandardswhile supporting my
very strongbelief that there'sno substitutefor hard work.
Wheneverpossible,I'11try to connectschoolto thelarger world outside. I'll
teach"life lessons"alongwith the academiclessonsin eachcourse.
I'll make myself availableto help you in both academicsand personalmatters.
I will always give you my best.
Studentswoufdnot be ollowedto ...
3 )
Studentswouldbe encourogedto...
2 )
ClassRules- Do's and Don'ts in Mr. Urban's class
(written by the studentsand the teacherx)
You are allowedand encouragedto do the
following in this class:
. FollowtheGoldenRule
. Be respectrulof teacherandclassmates
. Cometo class"thirsting
for knowledge"
. Takegoodnotes
. Do yourhomework
. Participate
. Havea positiveattitude
. Havean "Oh,
boy!" attitude
. Seelearningasan OPPORTUNITY
. Listen
' Cometo classprepared- binder,pen,etc.
. Helpeachotherlearn
. Bring goodfoodon your birthday
. Acceptresponsibilityfor yourself
. Honortheruleswe've written
. Beon time
. Havegoodattendance
..$ir, "please"
and ,,thankyou"
. Saynicethingsaboutclassmates- givecompliments
. Findthingsto celebrate/sharegoodnews
. Be thanldul
. Makepeoplelaughwithout beingdirty
. Expressyouropinion
. Ask questions
. Expandyourhorizons
. Makeothersfeel welcome
. Do extracrediton homework
. Smile
; Havegoodmanners
. Act andbetreatedlike youngaduls
. Keeptheclassclean
. Don't worry;Be happy
. Work hard/giveyour best
. Makesuggestions
. Ask if you needhelp
. Keepanorganizedbinder
. Cheerwhenyou gethandouts
. Let Mr. Urbanknow if you're havingproblernsx
You are not allowed to do the following in this
. Discount/ignoreotherstudents
. Discount/ignoretheteacher
. Getupandwalkaroundwithoutpermission
. Interrupt
. Annoy others
. Talk serioussmackto others
, Swear/usebadlanguage
. Putdownothers
. Stayin yourlittlecliqueall thetime
. Sexuallyharrassanyone
. Putmake-upon in class
. Spit
. Leavea messbehind/litter
. Havesideconversations(nodiscounts)
. Be rude
. Block aisleswith backpacks
. Putgum underthedesks
. Throw things
. Invadeotherpeople'sprivacy
. Havea bad/negativeattitude
. Comelate
. Act like a "hard
. Vandalize
. Make fun of/laughat others
. Dominateconversations
. Act like a know-it-all
. Interruptteaching
. Complain/moanout load(poisonstheatmosphere)
. Make dumboutbursts
. Run with scissors
. Eator drink (exceptwaterin plasticbottte)
. Cheat/lie/steal
. Make irritatingnoises(knuckles,pens,gum)
. Give up on yourself
. Gossip/spreadrumors
' Say"I need..."
. Make racistremarks
. Sit anddo nothing(stayon task)x
. Sleepor put yourheaddownon thedeskx
p KII| Ifroe
Ha/ Urban

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Hal urban lessons from the classroom

  • 1. Homilton,Ohio HAMITTONCITYSCHOOLDISTRICT August25,2009 LESSONS FROM THE CLASSROOM 20THINGS GOODTEACHERSDO Dr. Hal Urban 790Barbour Drive Redwood Citv. CA 94062 Phone:(650)366-0882 Fax (650)366-9882 E-mail: halurban@halurban.com Website:www.halurban.com
  • 2. LESSONSFROM THE CLASSROOM 20 ThingsGoodTeachersDo By Hal Urban Introduction:Why we needCharacterEducation(l-2) Onesimplereasonfor writing thisbook Firstthingsfirst:thecopyrightlaws 1- Goodteachersshareonespecialquality 2 - Goodteachershavetwo importantgoals 3 - Goodteachersform a partnershipwith parents 4 - Goodteachersstartteachingat thedoor 5 - GoodteachersteachmannersandtheGoldenRule(3) 6 - Goodteacherscreatea caringcommunityin theirclassrooms 7 - Goodteachersavoid wordsthatpoisontheatmosphere 8 - Goodteachersusewordsthatnourishtheatmosphere(4-5-6) 9 - Goodteachersstarteveryclasswith somethingpositive 10- Goodteachers,alongwith theirstudents,havea mission(7-8) 11- Goodteachersusethepowerof visiblereminders 12- Goodteachershelptheirstudentsto own andhonortherules(9-10) 13- Goodteachershavehigh standardsandhigh expectations 14- Goodteachershelptheirstudentsunderstandthepowerof choice 15- Goodteacherstell goodstories 16- Goodteachersusethepowerof quotations 17- Goodteacherslaughwith theirstudents 18- Goodteachershelptheirstudentssetlifetimegoals 19- Goodteacherscatchtheirstudentsdoingthingsright(11) 20- Goodteachersgetbettereveryyear
  • 3. WHO/WHAT IS INFLUENCING OUR KIDS? SCHOOL - MEDIA -HOMtr - PEERS - FAITH 1950's l ) ? J ) 4) s) 2000's r ) 2) 3 4) 5)
  • 4. LIFE'S GREATEST LESSONS 20 Things That Matter (Originally title d 20 Things I Want Mg Kids ?o Knowl by Hal Urban Four reasons for writing this book: 1) Because we're never too young or too old to learn life's greatest lessons. 2) Because they don't teach "how life works" or "what is essential" in school. 3) Because most kids need help in discovering how good they can be. 4) Because old-fashioned truth never goes out of style ... even with a new generation. The 2O Things: 1 - Success is more than making money 2 - Life is hard ... and not always fair 3 - Life is also fun ... and incredibly funny 4 - We live by choice, not by chance 5 - Attitude is a choice - the most important one you'll ever make 6 - Habits are the key to all success 7 - Being thankful is a habit - the best one youlr ever have B - Good people build their lives on a foundation of respect 9 - Honesty is still the best policy 1O - Kind words cost little, but accomplish much 11 - Reai motivation comes from within 12 - Goals are dreams with deadlines . 13 - There's no substitute for hard work 14 - You have to give up something to get something 15 - Successful people don't find time; they make time 16 - No one else can raise your self-esteem 17 - The body needs nutrition and exercise; so do the mind and spirit 18 - It's OK to fail; everyone else has 19 - Life is simpler when we know what,s essential 20 - Essential # 1 is being a good person Publishedby Simon& Schuster,JonuoryZOO3
  • 5. WHATEVERHAPPENEDTO GOODMANNERS? O "Manners areof moreimportancethanlaws." - EdmundBurke,British statesman,1700's "without goodm_annershumansocietybecomesintolerableandimpossible." - GeorgeBernardShaw,Irishplaywright,1800's "If mannerswerean animal,it would beanendangeredspecies." - HenryC. Rogers,Americanpublicrelationsexpert,1984 How things were different not too many years ago: - Studentsrarelycamelateto class.When they did, they apologized.Todaymanyoften comelate. Only rarelydoesoneapologize. - Studentsdidn'tgetup, walk acrosstheroom,throw somethingin thewastebasket,thenwalk back acrossthe room while theteacherwastalking.Today it is doneoften,andnothing is thoughtaboutit. - Studentsdidn't litter in the classroomor write on desks.Todaymany studentsdo both. - Studentsdidn't talk back to teachersin a defiantmanner.Todayit is doneoften. - Studentsdidn'tswearin classroomsor thehallways.Todaysomestudentscan'ttalk withoutswearing. - Whenstudentsneededsomethingfrom theteacher,theywouldsay,"May I pleasehave...",usuallyin a pleasanttone. Todaymany studentssay,"I need..." , oftenin a demandingtone. - Studentsusedto say "please" and"thank you." Today,only a few studentsusethosewords. - Studentsusedto listenwhentheteacherwastalking. Today,manystudentsfeel they havetheright to ignorethe teacherandhavea privateconversationwith theirfriends. - Studentsusedto listenwhen otherstudentswereaskinga question,answeringa questionor expressing anopinion. Today,manystudentsdon'twantto listento theirclassmates. - Students,in general,weremoreconsiderateof otherspeople'sfeelings. Today, many studentscould carelessaboutotherpeople'sfeelings They'remore "into themselves." Some questions to consider: I) Why havemannersandcivility declinedso much in theU.S.in thepast20 years? 2) Is a societybetterwhenpeopletreateachotherwith respect? 3) Is a classroombetterwhenboth studentsandteachershowmutualrespect? a) Why doesHenry Rogerssay, "Good mannersareoneof themostimportantkeys to successin life"? 5) What is the "GoldenRule"? If it's so simple,why do morepeopletodayhavedifficulty practicingit? 6) Do moststudentspracticethemannersin the classroomthattheyweretaughtby their parents?
  • 6. POSITIVEWORDS, POWERFUTRESUTTS SimpleWaysto Honor, Affirm, and CelebrateLife by Hal Urban Gontents Part One - The origins and influence of words 1 - Wordsmakeushuman 2 - Wordscanchangelives 3 - Wordscanhurlandoffend 4 - Wordscomefromtheheart 5 - Wordsarechoices Part Two - The win-win rewards of positive words 6 - Joyfulwordscelebratelife 7 - Attirmingwordsinspireothers...andourselves 8 - Lovingwordshealandstrengthenrelationships 9 - Graciouswordsshowrespectandgratitude 10- Funnywordsmakeuslaugh Part Three - Four places where positive words can work wonders 11- Affectionatewordsbuildstrongfamilies 12- Gentlewordsteachkindnessin ourschools 13- Supportivewordsboostmoraleandresultsat work 14- Encouragingwordsenhancepedormanceandfun in sports Part Four - Two final thoughts on using words wisely 15- Kindwordsinwritingbecomelastingtreasures 16- Positivewordsaddjoyto life...butonlyintheliving Part Five - Summary and conctusion Alwayshavesomethinggoodto say Publishedby Simon& Schuster- May,2OO4
  • 7. THE POWtrROF'WORDS 8 Experts On Good Communication I canlivefor two monthson onegoodcompliment. - Mark Twain I resolveto speak...all thegoodI know of everybody. - BenjaminFranklin The deepesturgein humannatureis thedesireto feelimportant. - JohnDewey Everybodylikesacompliment. - AbrahamLincoln Themostbasicprincipleof humannatureis the cravingto feelappreciated. - William James Givetheotherpersona fine reputationto live up to. - DaleCarnegie Treatotherpeopletheway you would like themto treatyou. - Jesus Kind wordscanbe shortandeasyto speak, buttheirechoesaretruly endless. - Mother Teresa Let no unwholesometalk comeout of your mouths, but only whatis helpfulfor buildingothersup accord- ing to theirneeds,thatit may benefitthosewho listen. Eohesians4:29 Random QuotesOn The PorverOf Words We increasewhateverwe praise.Thewhole creationrespondsto praise,andis glad. - CharlesFillmore Wordsgo into thebody. Sotheycauseusto be well andhopefulandhappyandhigh-energy andwondrousandfunny andcheerful. Or they cancauseusto be depressed.They getinto the body andcauseusto be sullenandsourand depressedand,finally,sick. Maya Angelou Few thingsin theworld aremorepowerfulthana positivepush.A smile. A wordof optimism andhope. A 'youcando it'whenthingsare tough. - RichardM. DeVos Kind wordsdo notcostmuch...Yet they accomplishmuch. - BlaisePascal Let no oneevercometo you withoutleaving betterandhappier. - Mother Teresa Always keep your words soft and sweet,just in caseyou have to eat them.
  • 8. Name Oue on: Per Afrrmation Assrgnment (verta0 "Words go into the body. They can cause us to be we// and hopefu/ and happy and hrgh- energy and wondrous and funny and cheerful." - Maya Angelou Asstgnment: Use your words to make someone else feel one of the things Maya Angelou mentions above. Give three people a verbal atfrrmation - one that is personaL not physica/ (hain clothes, looks, etc.). fulake someone feel good. Person: Relationship What you said: Response: Person: Relationship What you said: Response: Person: Relatronship What you said: Response:
  • 9. The DifferenceA TeacherCan Make I have cometo afrightening conclusion that f am the decisive elernentin the classroom.ft's *y personal approach thut creutelsthe climute.ft's my daily mood that makesthe westheF.As s tescher,I posse,s^sa tremendouspower to mske a child's IW miserable orjoyous. I can be a tool of torture or &n instrument of inspirution. f can hamiliate or humor, hurt or heal.In ell situations, it is m!. responsethat decideswhether a crisiswill be escalatedor deescalatedand a child humsnizedor dehumanized. - HaimGinott
  • 10. * * * The teacher'smission Every teacherin theworff,,w1etherworhtn7with a yre-Ltnf,ergartencht(f,or a p6.D. canf,.{.date,6as t6esamemission- to 6ring out the6estin thestudent. - ProfessorErwtn $. t{aff My mission asa teacher- A promiseto my students My ultimate responsibility asa teacheris to bring out the bestin my sfudents, to help them perform at their highestlevelsin both academicsand character. I'll treat you with the utrnostof respect- the sameway I expectyou to treatme and your classmates. I'll do everything in my power to createthe bestpossibleclassroomatrnosphere, onein which I can teachand you canlearn. I'll cometo eachciasspreparedwith a meaningful lessonplan. I'll be consistentin maintaining high academicstandardswhile supporting my very strongbelief that there'sno substitutefor hard work. Wheneverpossible,I'11try to connectschoolto thelarger world outside. I'll teach"life lessons"alongwith the academiclessonsin eachcourse. I'll make myself availableto help you in both academicsand personalmatters. I will always give you my best. * * * * *
  • 11. Nomes IF WE MADETHE RULES Studentswoufdnot be ollowedto ... 1) 2) 3 ) 4) 5) Studentswouldbe encourogedto... 1) 2 ) 3) 4) 5)
  • 12. ClassRules- Do's and Don'ts in Mr. Urban's class (written by the studentsand the teacherx) You are allowedand encouragedto do the following in this class: . FollowtheGoldenRule . Be respectrulof teacherandclassmates . Cometo class"thirsting for knowledge" . Takegoodnotes . Do yourhomework . Participate . Havea positiveattitude . Havean "Oh, boy!" attitude . Seelearningasan OPPORTUNITY . Listen ' Cometo classprepared- binder,pen,etc. . Helpeachotherlearn . Bring goodfoodon your birthday . Acceptresponsibilityfor yourself . Honortheruleswe've written . Beon time . Havegoodattendance ..$ir, "please" and ,,thankyou" . Saynicethingsaboutclassmates- givecompliments . Findthingsto celebrate/sharegoodnews . Be thanldul . Makepeoplelaughwithout beingdirty . Expressyouropinion . Ask questions . Expandyourhorizons . Makeothersfeel welcome . Do extracrediton homework . Smile ; Havegoodmanners . Act andbetreatedlike youngaduls . Keeptheclassclean . Don't worry;Be happy . Work hard/giveyour best . Makesuggestions . Ask if you needhelp . Keepanorganizedbinder . Cheerwhenyou gethandouts . Let Mr. Urbanknow if you're havingproblernsx @ You are not allowed to do the following in this class: . Discount/ignoreotherstudents . Discount/ignoretheteacher . Getupandwalkaroundwithoutpermission . Interrupt . Annoy others . Talk serioussmackto others , Swear/usebadlanguage . Putdownothers . Stayin yourlittlecliqueall thetime . Sexuallyharrassanyone . Putmake-upon in class . Spit . Leavea messbehind/litter . Havesideconversations(nodiscounts) . Be rude . Block aisleswith backpacks . Putgum underthedesks . Throw things . Invadeotherpeople'sprivacy . Havea bad/negativeattitude . Comelate . Act like a "hard ass" . Vandalize . Make fun of/laughat others . Dominateconversations . Act like a know-it-all . Interruptteaching . Complain/moanout load(poisonstheatmosphere) . Make dumboutbursts . Run with scissors . Eator drink (exceptwaterin plasticbottte) . Cheat/lie/steal . Make irritatingnoises(knuckles,pens,gum) . Give up on yourself . Gossip/spreadrumors ' Say"I need..." . Make racistremarks . Sit anddo nothing(stayon task)x . Sleepor put yourheaddownon thedeskx