1. Hampton Court Palace was originally built in the 1520s as a manor house but was rebuilt and expanded by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey into the finest palace in England.
2. Wolsey later gave the palace to King Henry VIII as a gift in 1528 after falling out of favor, and King Henry greatly expanded the palace, adding a vast kitchen and great hall.
3. Over subsequent reigns, the palace continued to be updated and expanded, including the addition of a famous astronomical clock in the 1540s and extensive landscaping in the 1690s, and it remains an important example of Tudor architecture.
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Hampton court
1. Author: Ivo Hein Supervisors: Tiia Pukk, Marje Maasen C. R. Jakobson Gymnasium 11c Viljandi 2011
2. In the London Borough of Richmond upon the Thames, Greater London 18.8 km south west of Charing Cross, upstream Central London on the River Thames
3. Thomas Wolsey Archbishop of York In 1520s Rebuilt from manor house to a palace T he finest palace in England at Hampton Court - a figure of 200,000 gold crowns
4. Wolsey realized the Kings plan about his downfall Wolsey gave the palace to the King as a gift in 1528 Died in the following year
5. King Henry VIII (1491 1547) Vast kitchen (1529) court of 1,000 people Great Hall (1530s) - compelled to work throughout the night by candleligh t
6. 1540 Nicholas Oursian Example of a Copernican astronomical clock Still in use Known as Anne Boleyn's Gate
7. Shows: the time of the day phases of the moon the month the quarter of the year the date, the sun and star sign high water at London Bridge
8. B eg a n by Wolsey and completed in the reign of Henry VIII Timber and plaster C onsidered the "most important and magnificent in Britain Framed in Baroque style
9. Nowadays in the same grand style as in the 17th century The great landscaping scheme Hampton Court Maze
10. Planted in the 1690s George London and Henry Wise for William III of Orange C overs a third of an acre and contains half a mile of paths
11. In 1796 restoration of Great Hall In 1838 restoration completed, opened to the public during the reign of Queen Victoria In 1986 major fire, Kings Apartment was damaged, restorated in 1990
12. Henry VIII (r 1509-47) Queen Mary I (r 1553-8) James I (r 1603-25) Charles I (r 1625-49) Charles II (r 1630-85) William III (r 16721702) and Mary II (r 1689 -94) George II (r 1727-60)
13. Cardinal Wolsey Oliver Cromwell Antonio Verrio Hampton Court Beauties Jean Tijou Princess Sophia Duleep Singh Grinling Gibbons
#3: The Hampton Court locates in the London, 18.8 km south west of Charing Cross
#4: Thomas Wolsay was the Archbishop of York. He was a favourite of King Henry VIII. He took over the site of Hampton Court Palace in 1514. It had been the property of St of Jerusalem. After some years, Wolsay spent 200,000 gold crowns to create the greatest palace in England at Hampton Courts
#5: Wolsey could live in his palace for some years. Wolsey knew, that his enemies and the King wanted to move him from the throne. He gave the palace to the King as a gift. Some years later he died.
#6: During the ownerhsip of the palace, the King started with rebuilding. There was court with 1,000 people. Henry had quadrupled the size of kitchens in 1529. In 1530s built Henry a Great Hall. It had a carved hammer-beam roof. It was the most important room of the palace. It took five years to finish with the hall. Henry was so impatient that builders worked throughout the night by candlelight.
#7: The Gatehouse was built in 1540. Nicholas Oursian was the designer and developer. The Gatehouse is a example of a Copernican astronomical clock. It still works. Also is known a Anne Boleyns Gate. Henry executed his second wife becouse he was tired of her in the Gatehouse.
#8: The Towergate is mulifunctional building. It showes the time of day, phases of the moon, the month, the quarter of the year, the date, the sun and star sign and high water at London Bridge.
#9: The Chapel Royal was begun by Wolsey and completed in the reign of Henry VIII. It is made of timber and plaster. It is considered the most important and magnificent in Britain. It is in Baroque style. The double height chapel was begun by Wolsey and completed under Henry VIII. Its timber and plaster ceiling, a Gothic vault with Renaissance pendants completed by trumpeting boys, is considered the "most important and magnificent in Britain." [20] The altar is framed by a massive oak reredos in Baroque style carved by Grinling Gibbons during the reign of Queen Anne . [20] Op
#10: Grounds appear in style a they were in the 17th century. They have been always established. There is a great landcaping scheme. Hampton Court Maze is a part of it.
#11: Hampton Court Maze dates from 1690s. George London and Henry Wise planted it for William of Orange. It is quite big. It cover a third of an acre and paths of it are very long.
#12: During last 200 years Hampton Court has been established. Great Hall was restored in 1795 and in 1838 was opened to the public. In 1986 Kings Apartment was damaged, but was restored about 20 years ago.
#13: A lot of monarchs were connected with Hampton Court.
#14: These names are connected with Ciwil War, architecture and royal life. Most of them have lived in the Hampton Court.
#15: The information was taken from wikipedia and from one site about Hampton Court