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Hanan Alshawi
MA/ Graphic Design
Summer Internship Report
July 27, 2015
My experience at Circle
During my summer internship, I worked under Ostar holding at
one of their offices in Riydh, Saudi Arabia, which is called Circle.
Circle is a fully Saudi-owned agency, Circle boasts a team of
sophisticated Saudi professionals with extensive international
expertise. Working together under the same Circle roof, they bring
to the table diverse skills, top-notch communication knowhow, and
a wealth of cultural insights. Their experience with clients around
the globe and exposure to various markets enable them to see the
entire circumference of brand challenges, helping them provide
nothing less than the perfect solutions.
On my first day, I met Bassem the creative director of the company
and he gave me the companys guideline file. I read through that
file carefully, and I noticed that I must use specific colors, patterns
and typefaces in all the designs. I learned where the logo should be
placed and in what size. Then Bassem explained to me why should
I follow the guide line and how it is crucial in the advertising to be
consistent. Basically, the work that I did for them was digital projects
that been published Online. The time that I worked at Circle is during
the summer so the work load wasnt heavy, and there wasnt a lot
of clients but the focus of the company was only on the social media
projects. I sat once on a proposal meeting with a client, who is an
author that wanted to do a book cover and a web site. I learned that
as a graphic designer I dont have to do the research part because the
company has a marketing department, that took care of the research
part and started working on a proposal for the client.
There was many meetings with my colleagues ( two graphic
designers, two marketing, and the creative director) one of the
meetings, we discussed Ramadan and Eid posts and how to make a
series of posts that tell advices to Muslims during Ramadan. Also,
there was a brain storming meeting for the blood donation day post.
All the meetings were a great opportunity to communicate with
my colleagues and get to know the type of work that the company
usually do. Once I asked Bassem about the process of their previous
branding projects, the next day he gave me a project folder that has
all the information from the first meeting with client until the final
deliverables. I sat and read the whole thing, I learned new things,
especially their was a part about scent branding, which I didnt
know about it before and it is really interesting. After that I talked
with Bassem and discussed the process of the branding projects
together and how it is different in Saudi Arabia and it is been
developing these last 5 years. Working at Circle in one hand, added
to my work experience a lot specially working in groups and knowing
which part of the project is actually my job. On the other hand, I felt
that my creativity is limited and controlled by the companys guide
line and style, which I never experienced during school projects at
NESAD. Take a look at the following pages that include copies of all
the projects ( please note that I couldnt get high quality images
because of the companys policy !).
Selfie Info-graphic
In this Project I sat in the
meeting with my colleagues
and we discussed the selfies
phenomenon that became a
crucial thing to do during the
day, so we did a questionnaire
about the age, gender, plastic
surgery, selfies sticks, and where
does people usually upload
their selfies. Then according to
the results, I designed the info-
graphic which been published
on the companys twitter and
facebook accounts.
Traveling Check list Post
In this Project the creative
director gave me the content of
the travelers check list. Since we
are in summer and most people
are preparing to travel after
Ramadan so this post could help
people not to forget anything
important. I designed this post
in two days and this is the final
draft after the feedback. This
had been posted Online as well.
Blood Donation Day Post
In this Project I sat in a pop up meeting with my colleagues
and we discussed ideas about how to demonstrate the
blood giver as a hero, since the slogan of the blood donation
day for 2015 is  Thank you for Souls Savers, so we did a
brainstorming, until we arrived to the point of making the
Saudi guy wearing the cape as a superman but instead of
the cape we added shomagh which is the traditional men
clothing here in Saudi Arabia. Then it has to be done in one
hour so I did
Mosques Infographic
In this Project my colleagues
from the marketing department
gave me the content about the
mosques quantity in Saudi
Arabia and the Islamic center
work around the world that
translate Quran to different
languages. I focused in this
design on the Islamic look and
feel. I got the inspiration from
the shape of the traditional gates
of the mosques.
How to Prepare your Body for Ramadan Post
In this Project I got the content from an Online article that
Bassem sent it to me. The task was to transform the information
from the article to an infographic. I chose the shape of the design
as circles around one whole circle, which indicates to the shapes
of the moon during the Arabic month. Since Ramadan is an
Islamic month that the shape of the moon is very important to
know the start and the end of the month.
Emsakyat Ramdan
The task was about creating a
table of the prayers call times
during Ramadan. I chose to make
it simple with a background of
the popular Islamic lights.
Almaraai Ad Review
The task here is to create a
template for an ad review that
will be different every week.
Hillary Clinton logo
Article review
The task here is to create a
template of an article review that
will be changed every week.
Brand, logo, and Identity
In this Project Bassem asked
me to do a research about the
difference between identity,
brand, and logo. Then simplify all
the information into infographic.
So my main concept in this
infographic is to illustrate how
these three terms are related
to each other in every branding
project and it is crucial that
they are connected as a pyramid
in every successful branding
Voice Actor Post
In this task they asked me to do
a template for voice actor review
that will be changed every week.
Riyadh Eid Alfiter Events
After the meeting they sent me
the schedule of the eid events
that has to be in one page and
indicates a hidden advertising of
the companys logo which is the
Eid Header and footer
In this task I have been asked to
create a header for the twitter
and facebook accounts that
focused on Eid style without
losing the companys identity.
Hanan Alshawi
MA/ Graphic Design
Summer Internship Report
July 27, 2015

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  • 1. Hanan Alshawi MA/ Graphic Design Summer Internship Report July 27, 2015
  • 2. My experience at Circle www.circle.sa During my summer internship, I worked under Ostar holding at one of their offices in Riydh, Saudi Arabia, which is called Circle. Circle is a fully Saudi-owned agency, Circle boasts a team of sophisticated Saudi professionals with extensive international expertise. Working together under the same Circle roof, they bring to the table diverse skills, top-notch communication knowhow, and a wealth of cultural insights. Their experience with clients around the globe and exposure to various markets enable them to see the entire circumference of brand challenges, helping them provide nothing less than the perfect solutions. On my first day, I met Bassem the creative director of the company and he gave me the companys guideline file. I read through that file carefully, and I noticed that I must use specific colors, patterns and typefaces in all the designs. I learned where the logo should be placed and in what size. Then Bassem explained to me why should I follow the guide line and how it is crucial in the advertising to be consistent. Basically, the work that I did for them was digital projects that been published Online. The time that I worked at Circle is during the summer so the work load wasnt heavy, and there wasnt a lot of clients but the focus of the company was only on the social media projects. I sat once on a proposal meeting with a client, who is an author that wanted to do a book cover and a web site. I learned that as a graphic designer I dont have to do the research part because the company has a marketing department, that took care of the research part and started working on a proposal for the client.
  • 3. There was many meetings with my colleagues ( two graphic designers, two marketing, and the creative director) one of the meetings, we discussed Ramadan and Eid posts and how to make a series of posts that tell advices to Muslims during Ramadan. Also, there was a brain storming meeting for the blood donation day post. All the meetings were a great opportunity to communicate with my colleagues and get to know the type of work that the company usually do. Once I asked Bassem about the process of their previous branding projects, the next day he gave me a project folder that has all the information from the first meeting with client until the final deliverables. I sat and read the whole thing, I learned new things, especially their was a part about scent branding, which I didnt know about it before and it is really interesting. After that I talked with Bassem and discussed the process of the branding projects together and how it is different in Saudi Arabia and it is been developing these last 5 years. Working at Circle in one hand, added to my work experience a lot specially working in groups and knowing which part of the project is actually my job. On the other hand, I felt that my creativity is limited and controlled by the companys guide line and style, which I never experienced during school projects at NESAD. Take a look at the following pages that include copies of all the projects ( please note that I couldnt get high quality images because of the companys policy !).
  • 4. Selfie Info-graphic In this Project I sat in the meeting with my colleagues and we discussed the selfies phenomenon that became a crucial thing to do during the day, so we did a questionnaire about the age, gender, plastic surgery, selfies sticks, and where does people usually upload their selfies. Then according to the results, I designed the info- graphic which been published on the companys twitter and facebook accounts.
  • 5. Traveling Check list Post In this Project the creative director gave me the content of the travelers check list. Since we are in summer and most people are preparing to travel after Ramadan so this post could help people not to forget anything important. I designed this post in two days and this is the final draft after the feedback. This had been posted Online as well.
  • 6. Blood Donation Day Post In this Project I sat in a pop up meeting with my colleagues and we discussed ideas about how to demonstrate the blood giver as a hero, since the slogan of the blood donation day for 2015 is Thank you for Souls Savers, so we did a brainstorming, until we arrived to the point of making the Saudi guy wearing the cape as a superman but instead of the cape we added shomagh which is the traditional men clothing here in Saudi Arabia. Then it has to be done in one hour so I did
  • 7. Mosques Infographic In this Project my colleagues from the marketing department gave me the content about the mosques quantity in Saudi Arabia and the Islamic center work around the world that translate Quran to different languages. I focused in this design on the Islamic look and feel. I got the inspiration from the shape of the traditional gates of the mosques.
  • 8. How to Prepare your Body for Ramadan Post In this Project I got the content from an Online article that Bassem sent it to me. The task was to transform the information from the article to an infographic. I chose the shape of the design as circles around one whole circle, which indicates to the shapes of the moon during the Arabic month. Since Ramadan is an Islamic month that the shape of the moon is very important to know the start and the end of the month.
  • 9. Emsakyat Ramdan The task was about creating a table of the prayers call times during Ramadan. I chose to make it simple with a background of the popular Islamic lights.
  • 10. Almaraai Ad Review The task here is to create a template for an ad review that will be different every week.
  • 11. Hillary Clinton logo Article review The task here is to create a template of an article review that will be changed every week.
  • 12. Brand, logo, and Identity Infographic In this Project Bassem asked me to do a research about the difference between identity, brand, and logo. Then simplify all the information into infographic. So my main concept in this infographic is to illustrate how these three terms are related to each other in every branding project and it is crucial that they are connected as a pyramid in every successful branding project.
  • 13. Voice Actor Post In this task they asked me to do a template for voice actor review that will be changed every week.
  • 14. Riyadh Eid Alfiter Events After the meeting they sent me the schedule of the eid events that has to be in one page and indicates a hidden advertising of the companys logo which is the circles.
  • 15. Eid Header and footer In this task I have been asked to create a header for the twitter and facebook accounts that focused on Eid style without losing the companys identity.
  • 16. Hanan Alshawi MA/ Graphic Design Summer Internship Report July 27, 2015