allin1-handyman is a handyman service and professional handyman training company in Irvine, CA. ALL IN 1 Handyman was founded by Steven Bowman in the spring of 1996. Our mission @ ALL IN 1 Handyman is to Serve, Train, and Transform our customers homes and other Handymans businesses. We believe that being ALL IN @ serving and training are the best ways to bring transformation. That is why we choose to serve our clients and other aspiring handyman with everything we have to offer. We also choose to train and teach rather than hard selling a customer on what we think they should do. We believe that our clients are powerful enough to make their own decisions about their homes and lives. So, the end result is to see, and experience transformed homes and to see re-casted individuals into super star handymen or handywomen. Our goal is to be ALL IN @ providing our customers with the best possible experience in their home repairs, installations, and home maintenance, and were always looking for ways to improve our skills and character by working closely with homeowner and other motivated handyman that want to be set apart at a higher level than their competition in the communities that they live and serve in.