This document provides definitions and information about common local anesthetics. It discusses the mechanisms of action of local anesthetics in blocking nerve transmission. It then summarizes several commonly used local anesthetics including cocaine, procaine, tetracaine, lidocaine, bupivacaine and their indications, concentrations, maximum dosages, duration of action, side effects and interactions. Lidocaine is discussed in more detail due to its wide usage. Treatment for lidocaine overdose is also mentioned. The document concludes by listing the typical concentrations and maximum dosages used for different local anesthetic techniques.
This document contains 48 images with descriptions of various anatomical structures and cells at different levels of magnification from 250x to 1000x. The images show structures of the kidney, lung, muscle, nervous system, and other organs. Each image is labeled with anatomical features visible in the image. The document is in Vietnamese and contains the email of the author, Nguy畛n Vn Khi棚m.
This document provides definitions and information about common local anesthetics. It discusses the mechanisms of action of local anesthetics in blocking nerve transmission. It then summarizes several commonly used local anesthetics including cocaine, procaine, tetracaine, lidocaine, bupivacaine and their indications, concentrations, maximum dosages, duration of action, side effects and interactions. Lidocaine is discussed in more detail due to its wide usage. Treatment for lidocaine overdose is also mentioned. The document concludes by listing the typical concentrations and maximum dosages used for different local anesthetic techniques.
This document contains 48 images with descriptions of various anatomical structures and cells at different levels of magnification from 250x to 1000x. The images show structures of the kidney, lung, muscle, nervous system, and other organs. Each image is labeled with anatomical features visible in the image. The document is in Vietnamese and contains the email of the author, Nguy畛n Vn Khi棚m.
The document contains a collection of quotes related to life, dreams, happiness, and personal growth. Some of the quotes encourage living in the present and making the most of each day, as well as believing in oneself and one's dreams. Other quotes discuss the importance of listening to opportunities, building bridges with others, and learning from both good and bad experiences in life. The overall message is about finding happiness by pursuing one's dreams and making the most of each day.
This document contains 100 different energizing games that can be used in workshops, meetings, and community events. The games are listed from number 1 to 100 and organized in a table of contents that provides the name and page number for each game. The purpose of the document is to provide a variety of energizing activities to engage and invigorate groups of people in different settings.
This document is the Development Communication Sourcebook published by The World Bank in 2008. It aims to broaden the boundaries of communication by examining development communication approaches and practices. The document was written by Paolo Mefalopulos and published for use by the staff of The World Bank and others working in international development communication.
Participatory Communication Strategy Designforeman
This document is a handbook for designing participatory communication strategies. It was prepared by Paolo Mefalopulos and Chris Kamlongera for the SADC Centre of Communication for Development in collaboration with the Communication for Development Group of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The handbook aims to provide guidance on creating communication strategies through participatory processes.
The document discusses an approach for community development in rural areas. It introduces key concepts like community and rural areas. It proposes using a participatory method that engages local residents in planning and implementing community development projects. The goal is to improve living standards and quality of life in rural communities.
This document discusses time management and provides tips for using time more effectively. It emphasizes that time is valuable and should not be wasted. It encourages analyzing current time usage to identify areas of improvement, such as eliminating time wasters and prioritizing important tasks. Proper time management includes planning daily activities, eliminating distractions, and focusing on the most significant items to stay productive.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.