This document discusses how living a balanced life focused on family, happiness, goals and spirituality can strengthen people. It suggests that by experiencing joy, life, success and positive feelings through means that include the body, mind, soul and spirit as well as having strong faith and beliefs, one can cope well and be strengthened.
The document discusses the parable of the sower from the Bible, in which seeds sown by a sower produced different results depending on the type of soil. It says Jesus places responsibility on individuals for their differing spiritual results. It then discusses that no one is fully spiritually mature upon becoming Christian, and that individuals are responsible for their own spiritual growth through learning practices like prayer, Bible reading, worship, sharing their faith, and resisting sin. Spiritual maturity requires both knowing spiritual truths and putting them into practice.
1. The document discusses the importance of family health and outlines several reasons why discussing family health is important, such as that families significantly impact individuals and that many families are dysfunctional.
2. It notes that most people will have families of their own and aims to help people build healthy families by developing good qualities and addressing problems to avoid perpetuating harms from their family of origin.
3. The document provides some characteristics of healthy families, such as commitment between family members, good communication, and spending time together, and suggests that addressing family issues can help address individual problems.
The 7th lesson in the PEARLS book was written by Ancil Jenkins. It is a lesson on the basics of prayer. I plan on ending our class with some prayer requests.
Emotions are psychological, behavioral, and physiological episodes experienced toward an object, person or event that are caused by specific events and usually brief in duration. There are basic emotions like anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust and surprise that are specific, numerous, and often accompanied by distinct facial expressions to influence action. Emotions are impacted by personality, weather, stress, sleep, age, gender, and form automatically from sensory information before conscious thought, influencing positive or negative behavior depending on the stability of emotions in response to uncertainty or experiences. Self-esteem and self-efficacy are important because high levels of each are associated with perceiving oneself as competent, secure, and able to cope with different situations, helping to
The saints have suggested that we try to remain focused on God, through NAMASMARAN, while we are engaged in our day to day personal, professional and social life; and pains and pleasures. The ways of satisfaction are said to open through this simple measure.
The document provides guidance on increasing spiritual quotient (SQ) through chanting. It states that SQ allows us to place our actions and lives in a higher perspective and make us aware of what is right and wrong. It recommends chanting the name of one's family deity or a mantra corresponding to one's religion to increase devotion and combat internal enemies like anger, greed and ego that are the primary causes of 85-90% of one's unhappiness. Regular chanting can provide psychological and spiritual benefits like reducing stress, developing faith and helping to resolve life problems.
Spiritual Mind Treatment in 5 Simple Stepshelengraves58
This document provides an overview of the Science of Mind approach to prayer called Spiritual Mind Treatment. It involves connecting with the divine spirit within and affirming positive beliefs about the desired outcome rather than begging or asking God for something. The 5 steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment are outlined which include unification, realization, thanksgiving, and release. Examples are given for each step when applying it to areas like prosperity, courage, and well-being. The document suggests that life is a mirror that reflects one's thoughts and Spiritual Mind Treatment can help the reader create the life they desire.
Gender identity and sexual orientation ppNicole Jean
This document discusses gender identity, sex, and sexual orientation. It defines key terms like transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual. It also discusses concepts like coming out, homophobia, and the challenges faced by those who defy traditional gender norms or identities. The document seeks to increase awareness of homophobia and its harmful effects, and asks how awareness can be raised and what can be done to decrease homophobia in society.
This presentation is about the case of Genie, a 13-year-old girl found in 1970 with severe disabilities because of the level of neglect and abuse she endured.
This document discusses bipolar disorder, including its genetic and environmental influences, symptoms, and treatments. It notes that bipolar disorder often emerges during adolescence and young adulthood and is influenced by both hereditary genetic factors and environmental triggers. Symptoms can include changes in mood, sleep, behavior, and cognitive functioning. The document outlines different types of bipolar disorder and compares incidences internationally. It concludes by describing various treatment approaches, including medications, psychotherapy, lifestyle management techniques, and emerging therapies and technologies.
Michelle.Pavlick Human System PresentationRaevenousOne
This document discusses several endocrine glands and their functions, including the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thymus and pineal glands. It also covers sexual reproduction, sexual maturation, and the sex hormones testosterone, estrogen, proestrogen and relaxin. The document is sourced from course materials on human physiology from Axia College and a book on the endocrine system.
Michelle.Pavlick Sexual Orientation And IdentityRaevenousOne
This document lists four references on topics related to sexual orientation and advocacy: the American Psychiatric Association's definition of sexual orientation from 2011; the advocacy work of The LGBT Center from their website; Biopsychology, a 7th edition textbook from 2009; and a 2000 fact sheet from SIECUS on sexuality education.
This document appears to be a student assignment submitted by Michelle Pavlick for a PSY/221 class to Lisa A. Tobler on February 19, 2011. It discusses setting goals in key areas of life like health, family, relationships, and work. It provides tips for achieving goals such as visualizing success, creating a plan, and rehearsing the process. It also suggests maintaining a positive mindset by recalling past successes, thinking and acting positively, and using innovative problem solving for challenges. Finally, it lists some example goals such as obtaining an associate's degree, bachelor's degree, writing a book, and moving out of state.
Michelle.Pavlick Personal Topic PresentationRaevenousOne
The document discusses different aspects of love, commitment, and self-respect. It explores features of love like commitment and passion. It also examines attachment styles in relationships and reasons for commitment. The document outlines ways to build close relationships through communication and affection. Finally, it discusses the importance of self-respect and practicing humility in developing a healthy sense of self.
This presentation was for Business Communication in class. My idea for a new business is a spa. This is an example of what I can do with presentations. Delete
Judaism has faced persecution throughout history but its followers have remained strong in their faith. Some key aspects of Judaism include the patriarchs Abraham and Moses, the building and destruction of Temples in Jerusalem, sacred texts like the Torah and Ten Commandments, the nation of Israel as the spiritual center, and different sects like Reformed, Conservative, and Orthodox. Judaism also observes important holidays and practices like bar mitzvahs, while continuing to transform itself today through universalism and new roles for women while carrying on traditions.
This is my presentation for class on psychological disorders. I compelted many hours of research on this topic as well as studying mental illness on my own time.
This presentation is about the case of Genie, a 13-year-old girl found in 1970 with severe disabilities because of the level of neglect and abuse she endured.
This document discusses bipolar disorder, including its genetic and environmental influences, symptoms, and treatments. It notes that bipolar disorder often emerges during adolescence and young adulthood and is influenced by both hereditary genetic factors and environmental triggers. Symptoms can include changes in mood, sleep, behavior, and cognitive functioning. The document outlines different types of bipolar disorder and compares incidences internationally. It concludes by describing various treatment approaches, including medications, psychotherapy, lifestyle management techniques, and emerging therapies and technologies.
Michelle.Pavlick Human System PresentationRaevenousOne
This document discusses several endocrine glands and their functions, including the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thymus and pineal glands. It also covers sexual reproduction, sexual maturation, and the sex hormones testosterone, estrogen, proestrogen and relaxin. The document is sourced from course materials on human physiology from Axia College and a book on the endocrine system.
Michelle.Pavlick Sexual Orientation And IdentityRaevenousOne
This document lists four references on topics related to sexual orientation and advocacy: the American Psychiatric Association's definition of sexual orientation from 2011; the advocacy work of The LGBT Center from their website; Biopsychology, a 7th edition textbook from 2009; and a 2000 fact sheet from SIECUS on sexuality education.
This document appears to be a student assignment submitted by Michelle Pavlick for a PSY/221 class to Lisa A. Tobler on February 19, 2011. It discusses setting goals in key areas of life like health, family, relationships, and work. It provides tips for achieving goals such as visualizing success, creating a plan, and rehearsing the process. It also suggests maintaining a positive mindset by recalling past successes, thinking and acting positively, and using innovative problem solving for challenges. Finally, it lists some example goals such as obtaining an associate's degree, bachelor's degree, writing a book, and moving out of state.
Michelle.Pavlick Personal Topic PresentationRaevenousOne
The document discusses different aspects of love, commitment, and self-respect. It explores features of love like commitment and passion. It also examines attachment styles in relationships and reasons for commitment. The document outlines ways to build close relationships through communication and affection. Finally, it discusses the importance of self-respect and practicing humility in developing a healthy sense of self.
This presentation was for Business Communication in class. My idea for a new business is a spa. This is an example of what I can do with presentations. Delete
Judaism has faced persecution throughout history but its followers have remained strong in their faith. Some key aspects of Judaism include the patriarchs Abraham and Moses, the building and destruction of Temples in Jerusalem, sacred texts like the Torah and Ten Commandments, the nation of Israel as the spiritual center, and different sects like Reformed, Conservative, and Orthodox. Judaism also observes important holidays and practices like bar mitzvahs, while continuing to transform itself today through universalism and new roles for women while carrying on traditions.
This is my presentation for class on psychological disorders. I compelted many hours of research on this topic as well as studying mental illness on my own time.
3. Strengthen
Family Bond
Experience Joy
Experience Life
4. High Attainable
Reach Success
Include Body,
Mind, Soul, Spirit
Positive Feelings
5. Strong Faith in
Deep Spiritual
Able to Cope
Editor's Notes
#2: Happiness is made by the choices one makes in life. External conditions are the accidents in life, its outer trappings. Success and happiness lie within you (Helen Keller, n.d.). What a person does in life will not guarantee happiness but rather how the person does in life that will bring the reward of happiness. Having a sense of well-being does not mean a person is necessarily well-off. The poor can be just as happy as the rich and the rich can be just as miserable as the poor. Happiness is not meant for certain people but meant for certain actions. The recommendations I am including have brought me happiness as well as struggles. Struggles can bring forth great accomplishment and happiness but struggles can also bring anxiety, fear, and depression. Determining how to effectively manage the stresses in life can be achieved by including goals. Happiness can be achieved easily without great effort with help of family, spiritual belief, and being thankful.
#3: Dont confuse well-being with being well-off Being well-off does not translate to well-being. More money does not make a person feel happiness, although many individuals believe they need a high income to fulfill their dreams. According to Myers (2000), many people ranked income as an essential goal and very important, and more important than raising a family or developing a meaningful philosophy of life. However, for a person to be happy, basic needs such as biological, safety, and the need for love and belonging must be met for a person to experience happiness. Gaining love and acceptance through relationships is more important than acquiring money or income. Once basic needs are met, income is less of a concern. At one point in my life, I thought I had everything I ever wanted; a high income, a home, three vehicles, credit cards, and enough money to buy whatever we wanted. When I chose my family over my job, things changed. We lost our home, vehicles, and credit cards because I was not bringing in the high income to support what we had and what we wanted. What I learned was money does not buy happiness. I still have everything I want and need but still desire to have more money. I am happy and content with living in an apartment, driving one vehicle, and shopping at thrift stores. I spend time with my children and husband cultivating the family bond.Picture retrieved February 5, 2011 from
#4: Cultivate family ties According to Willa Cather, This is happiness, to be dissolved into something completely great. Maintaining a strong bond with my children is very important. My husband and I do not have strong relationships with our families. We distance ourselves from our families because those relationships are destructive to our health and well-being. Although we do not cultivate family ties to our parents, we are strengthening the bond with our children in ways that are healthy and encouraging. We laugh together, play together, and share our life experiences together. When I am with my family, nothing else matters, only the experience of enjoyment. Spending time with my children and husband is very rewarding. I can teach my children valuable lessons while enjoying the experience. I love seeing the looks on their faces when they are happy. Knowing I contribute to their happiness, inadvertently contributes to my happiness. When I spend time with my family, time passes quickly. It is enjoyable to be with my family; cooking meals together, baking desserts, assisting with school, and playing games together. My concentration is focused on my family and the experience of what I do with them. Often times, I glance at the clock only to notice three hours have passed too quickly and I need to leave for work. Although my focus is on my family and the experience, I do notice things around me. I notice everything happening from the small child smiling at the bird to the sun rise with all the brilliant colors. When I start something, I also experience life along the way.Picture retrieved February 6, 2011 from
#5: Finish what you start and wholly experience it along the way Striving for success and accomplishment, not perfection correlates positive results in achieving happiness. Setting higher goals, challenging ourselves to reach attainable goals, and having the skills to meet the goals exert control over ones life. According to Angus Campbell (1981), Having a strong sense of controlling ones life is a more dependable predictor of positive feelings of well-being Entering experiences in life wholeheartedly, facing the challenges and difficulties, with body, mind, soul, and spirit brings forth an experience of happiness which cannot be compared to any other experience in life done half-heartedly. I set high goals for myself every day, challenging myself to overcome obstacles for a sense of control and success. Striving for success wholeheartedly to reach these goals brings forth a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, and happiness. Often times I push myself too hard to accomplish too many goals in one day. Pushing up the ladder to higher, more difficult goals can be challenging, bringing stress, anxiety, and an overwhelming fear of failure. I am extremely hard on myself, both physically and emotionally. When I do not accomplish everything I set out to do in one day, I feel I could have tried harder to reach success. I have to remind myself that I am only human and cannot continue to set unreachable goals because this will only bring me down. I use my faith to get me past the difficulties in life, increasing my happiness and feelings of accomplishment.Picture retrieved February 6, 2011 from
#6: Spirituality Individuals who actively participate in religious practices are happier than those who do not participate in religious affiliations. Religion is believed to bring a greater sense of satisfaction and happiness. Attending worship services brings individuals together for a sense of belonging, acceptance, and community.I encountered a different experience when attending church services which gave me an uneasy feeling about churches. Going through a difficult time in my life, I felt shunned and alienated. I no longer attend church services but I still have strong faith and a deep spiritual belief which helps me through the difficult times. Not letting my spiritual beliefs fade, as David Niven (2001) says, I am able to cope with the challenges I encounter in my life.Picture retrieved February 6, 2011 from
#7: Happiness starts at the core of all things; family, friends, relationships, spirituality, and basic needs. Cultivating family bonds can bring happiness by remembering the simple things in life. Taking time for family can increase the happiness, joy, and love. Experiencing life comes with many challenges which can be overcome if the experience is done wholeheartedly. Putting everything - body, mind, and soul into everything you set out to do can bring forth great experiences in life that can overcome any challenge. Including a spiritual belief or faith can help you get past the difficulties in life. Surround yourself with love of family, love of God, and wholeheartedly enjoy the experience, and life will become one great journey you will cherish forever. Happiness lies in the palms of your hands, all you have to do is reach out and take it.Picture retrieved February 5, 2011 from