Dance magik Photography is a photography website run by Richard Calmes that features photos related to dance. The website is located at and allows visitors to view Richard Calmes' dance photography online.
The document appears to be a collection of photographs taken by Steven M Cantler of Grand Cayman across 17 pages. Each page is labeled with the location "Grand Cayman" and photographer "Steven M Cantler" along with a page number, suggesting a photographic essay or collection of Grand Cayman through Cantler's lens.
Namibia limita con varios países y su capital es Windhoek. Es un país desértico dominado por el desierto de Namib, salvo en la zona norte donde se encuentra el Parque Nacional Etosha. Los europeos llegaron en el siglo XIX y los alemanes colonizaron el territorio hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. Tras la independencia en 1990, eligió a su primer presidente Sam Nujoma.
The document consists of 25 pages of photographs of New York City taken by photographer Steven M. Cantler. Each page features a single photo along with the caption "New York City, photo by Steven M. Cantler" followed by the page number.
The document contains 22 pages of photographs of Kauai, Hawaii taken by photographer Steven M Cantler, with the location and photographer credited on each page.
The document provides a historical overview of Grace Kelly and the royal family of Monaco. It discusses Grace Kelly's background and career as a Hollywood actress before marrying Prince Rainier III of Monaco in 1956. It then covers their three children - Princess Caroline, Prince Albert, and Princess Stéphanie - and grandchildren. The document concludes with brief descriptions of important locations in Monaco like the Grimaldi Palace and Casino de Monte-Carlo.
En el extremo de Normandía y Breta?a se encuentra el Monte Saint Michel, un islote rocoso donde se ubican la abadía gótica benedictina dedicada a San Miguel y la aldea protegida por sus murallas. La construcción de esta "maravilla del Occidente" se llevó a cabo desde el siglo XI hasta el XVI y representó una haza?a técnica y artística.
The document is lyrics to the song "A Heart in New York" by Simon & Garfunkel. It describes arriving in New York City and seeing the tall skyline and Central Park. It talks about how there is a heart that lives in New York, and the singer writes a song to the heartbeat of the city. It mentions finding love, open doors, and friends in New York at night.
French painter André Savy creates inviting scenes featuring the crisp white-washed architecture of Greek islands like Mykonos and Santorini against the mythic blues of the Aegean region, drawing artistic inspiration from these islands and their gentle pace of life during his frequent visits to capture the unique clarity of the Aegean light.
Namibia limita con varios países y su capital es Windhoek. Es un país desértico dominado por el desierto de Namib, salvo en el norte donde se encuentra el Parque Nacional Etosha. Los europeos llegaron en el siglo XIX y los alemanes colonizaron el territorio hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. Tras a?os de dominio sudafricano, Namibia obtuvo la independencia en 1990.
Roses Do Not Speak (As Rosas N?o Falam - Beth Carvalho)Ju?o Maya
The speaker returns to their garden as summer comes to an end, expecting to cry because their love does not want to return. They complain to the roses but know it is foolish because roses cannot speak. The roses simply exhale the scent they steal from the absent love, and the speaker hopes their love would finally come and share their dreams by seeing the speaker's sad eyes.
The document contains 27 pages of photographs of London, England taken by photographer Steven M Cantler, with a caption of "London, England photo by Steven M Cantler" appearing below each image.
Namibia es un país del sudoeste de ?frica que limita con Angola, Zambia, el océano Atlántico, Botswana y Sudáfrica. La mayor parte del país es desértica, con escasa precipitación, a excepción de la zona norte donde se encuentra el Parque Nacional Etosha, conocido por su diversidad de vida silvestre. Namibia fue colonizada por alemanes en el siglo XIX y gobernada por Sudáfrica hasta su independencia en 1990.
This document appears to be a list of photo locations from around the world including Kauai, Hawaii; Old Town and New Town in an unspecified location; Central Park in New York City; Lake Como; Joshua Tree; Prague; terraced rice fields in Indonesia; a rainbow eucalyptus tree in Maui, Hawaii; the Himalayas; a bridge in Vietnam; Cambodia; a colorful village on the sea; and terraced rice fields in Japan. The document also includes a music reference to Deep Purple and mentions it was created by Consul.
Когато имаме сетива и сърце за красотата,
няма как да не я открием
и в най-малките неща …
Природата е остров в безкрайността на живота,
остров, чийто скали са надеждите,
чиито дървета са мечтите,
чиито цветове – изящество,
а ручеите – жаждата.
WOMEN DO never gets old!
To be like lime blossom -
Although already in July ceases to bloom
years keeps its aroma ...
The document contains 22 pages of photographs of Kauai, Hawaii taken by photographer Steven M Cantler, with the location and photographer credited on each page.
The document provides a historical overview of Grace Kelly and the royal family of Monaco. It discusses Grace Kelly's background and career as a Hollywood actress before marrying Prince Rainier III of Monaco in 1956. It then covers their three children - Princess Caroline, Prince Albert, and Princess Stéphanie - and grandchildren. The document concludes with brief descriptions of important locations in Monaco like the Grimaldi Palace and Casino de Monte-Carlo.
En el extremo de Normandía y Breta?a se encuentra el Monte Saint Michel, un islote rocoso donde se ubican la abadía gótica benedictina dedicada a San Miguel y la aldea protegida por sus murallas. La construcción de esta "maravilla del Occidente" se llevó a cabo desde el siglo XI hasta el XVI y representó una haza?a técnica y artística.
The document is lyrics to the song "A Heart in New York" by Simon & Garfunkel. It describes arriving in New York City and seeing the tall skyline and Central Park. It talks about how there is a heart that lives in New York, and the singer writes a song to the heartbeat of the city. It mentions finding love, open doors, and friends in New York at night.
French painter André Savy creates inviting scenes featuring the crisp white-washed architecture of Greek islands like Mykonos and Santorini against the mythic blues of the Aegean region, drawing artistic inspiration from these islands and their gentle pace of life during his frequent visits to capture the unique clarity of the Aegean light.
Namibia limita con varios países y su capital es Windhoek. Es un país desértico dominado por el desierto de Namib, salvo en el norte donde se encuentra el Parque Nacional Etosha. Los europeos llegaron en el siglo XIX y los alemanes colonizaron el territorio hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. Tras a?os de dominio sudafricano, Namibia obtuvo la independencia en 1990.
Roses Do Not Speak (As Rosas N?o Falam - Beth Carvalho)Ju?o Maya
The speaker returns to their garden as summer comes to an end, expecting to cry because their love does not want to return. They complain to the roses but know it is foolish because roses cannot speak. The roses simply exhale the scent they steal from the absent love, and the speaker hopes their love would finally come and share their dreams by seeing the speaker's sad eyes.
The document contains 27 pages of photographs of London, England taken by photographer Steven M Cantler, with a caption of "London, England photo by Steven M Cantler" appearing below each image.
Namibia es un país del sudoeste de ?frica que limita con Angola, Zambia, el océano Atlántico, Botswana y Sudáfrica. La mayor parte del país es desértica, con escasa precipitación, a excepción de la zona norte donde se encuentra el Parque Nacional Etosha, conocido por su diversidad de vida silvestre. Namibia fue colonizada por alemanes en el siglo XIX y gobernada por Sudáfrica hasta su independencia en 1990.
This document appears to be a list of photo locations from around the world including Kauai, Hawaii; Old Town and New Town in an unspecified location; Central Park in New York City; Lake Como; Joshua Tree; Prague; terraced rice fields in Indonesia; a rainbow eucalyptus tree in Maui, Hawaii; the Himalayas; a bridge in Vietnam; Cambodia; a colorful village on the sea; and terraced rice fields in Japan. The document also includes a music reference to Deep Purple and mentions it was created by Consul.
Когато имаме сетива и сърце за красотата,
няма как да не я открием
и в най-малките неща …
Природата е остров в безкрайността на живота,
остров, чийто скали са надеждите,
чиито дървета са мечтите,
чиито цветове – изящество,
а ручеите – жаждата.
WOMEN DO never gets old!
To be like lime blossom -
Although already in July ceases to bloom
years keeps its aroma ...
Чудесно е, че сбъдват се мечтите!
Как иначе би имало мечти?
Живецът ни в желанията скрит е
и с тяхната настойчивост пламти.
Понякога бленуваме химери
и в нощите, замаяни не спим,
но важно е, че устремно живеем:
готови сме до край да устоим.
И често сме излъгани и жалки,
оплакващи късмета си свидлив.
Каквото да постигнем, все е малко
и всеки късметлия ни е крив.
Но хиляди, безбройни са мечтите,
зареждащи ни с жажда за живот!
Отстъпват неуспехите ни, свити.
По-мъдри сме...
Отново сме на ход...
Румен Ченков
Пожелавам ви сбъднато лято, приятели!
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners. THANK YOU!
My work only for entertainment.
"...Бъди безформен - като вода. Ако сложиш водата в чаша, тя става чаша; Ако я сложиш във ваза, тя става ваза. Ако я разпръснеш, се превръща във фантазия. Водата може да тече и може да бушува. Или да бъде красота. Бъди вода, приятелю".
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners. THANK YOU!
My work only for entertainment.
Днес цветята ухаят. Днес цветята танцуват.
Днес цветята мечтаят. Днес цветята празнуват.
Днес изпъстрена нежност над света се разстила,
с аромат от надежда…
Него го предадоха.
От Него се отрекоха.
Той беше осъден. Отхвърлен. Бит. Подиграван. Хулен. Оплют.
Той беше разпнат.
Но Той изпълни Волята на Отца.
Той изкупи греховете на Човечеството.
Той беше смирен. Изцеряваше болни.
Той отдаде своя живот. За нас...
He was betrayed.
Him is denied.
He was convicted. Rejected. Bit. Mocked. Vilified. Spat.
He was crucified.
Abandoned ...
But he fulfill the Will of the Father.
It redeem the sins of mankind.
He was humble. He healed the sick.
He forgave ...
He gave his life. About us...
Today it is not among dead.
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners.
It's only for entertainment.
Blessedness in paradise / Блаженство в рая Vili 48
Human happiness , what are you?
A longing ? Mirage? Sigh ? Verse ?
Where are you? Indeed, where are you?
The pursuit of life go ...
they intercept in sunsets and songs
catch and split again ...
Why we wondrous magical island!
And miracles happen earth!
Grand is always the most simple!
A moon , two drops of dew
small random walk
and the warmth of a hand ...
And they are all happy to suffer
to create simple wonders
Droplet be able to enjoy
and you can open sky ! ... * google translate*
Everyone wants to be happy.
What makes us happy? Hope - false, real or true? ..... Is it true that everyone has a life you want?
Nothing prevents us to dream ...
Pleasant and romantic day ...
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners.
It's only for entertainment.
Изображенията и музиката принадлежат на техните автори.
Аз само направих монтаж.
The images and music belong to their respected authors.
I just create montage.
Music: Arabat Steed - Keiko Matsui
Очень красивая музыка о любви и нежности к короткометражному фильму "Арабатский конь". Музыка синтезирована звукооператором Арабатской Морской Школы из нескольких произведений, в основу которых составляет мелодия известного японского композитора Кейко Матцуи (Цветы моря).
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Richardson has worked with some of the biggest names in music because of his talent. He is known as the go-to producer for people who want to make powerful, number-one music because of his ability to grasp an artist's vision and enhance it through production.
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Business, Art, Fashion, Technology and Alcohol Quiz for Odyssey '25 at IIIT D...Ramish Abdali
A fun BAFTA (Business, Art, Fashion, Technology and Alcohol) quiz ran originally in 2025. Approachable for beginners and pleasurable for veterans.
This is the prelims (ie. first part) of the quiz. This set was originally run with the help of IIIT Delhi's Quiz Club, Trivialis, and its Cultural fest, Odyssey. Further information can be found on their Instagram handle(s).
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