French painter André Savy creates inviting scenes featuring the crisp white-washed architecture of Greek islands like Mykonos and Santorini against the mythic blues of the Aegean region, drawing artistic inspiration from these islands and their gentle pace of life during his frequent visits to capture the unique clarity of the Aegean light.
The document appears to be a collection of photographs taken by Steven M Cantler of Grand Cayman across 17 pages. Each page is labeled with the location "Grand Cayman" and photographer "Steven M Cantler" along with a page number, suggesting a photographic essay or collection of Grand Cayman through Cantler's lens.
The document is lyrics to the song "A Heart in New York" by Simon & Garfunkel. It describes arriving in New York City and seeing the tall skyline and Central Park. It talks about how there is a heart that lives in New York, and the singer writes a song to the heartbeat of the city. It mentions finding love, open doors, and friends in New York at night.
French painter André Savy creates inviting scenes featuring the crisp white-washed architecture of Greek islands like Mykonos and Santorini against the mythic blues of the Aegean region, drawing artistic inspiration from these islands and their gentle pace of life during his frequent visits to capture the unique clarity of the Aegean light.
The document appears to be a collection of photographs taken by Steven M Cantler of Grand Cayman across 17 pages. Each page is labeled with the location "Grand Cayman" and photographer "Steven M Cantler" along with a page number, suggesting a photographic essay or collection of Grand Cayman through Cantler's lens.
The document is lyrics to the song "A Heart in New York" by Simon & Garfunkel. It describes arriving in New York City and seeing the tall skyline and Central Park. It talks about how there is a heart that lives in New York, and the singer writes a song to the heartbeat of the city. It mentions finding love, open doors, and friends in New York at night.
The document contains 27 pages of photographs of London, England taken by photographer Steven M Cantler, with a caption of "London, England photo by Steven M Cantler" appearing below each image.
Roses Do Not Speak (As Rosas N?o Falam - Beth Carvalho)Ju?o Maya
The speaker returns to their garden as summer comes to an end, expecting to cry because their love does not want to return. They complain to the roses but know it is foolish because roses cannot speak. The roses simply exhale the scent they steal from the absent love, and the speaker hopes their love would finally come and share their dreams by seeing the speaker's sad eyes.
Namibia limita con varios países y su capital es Windhoek. Es un país desértico dominado por el desierto de Namib, salvo en el norte donde se encuentra el Parque Nacional Etosha. Los europeos llegaron en el siglo XIX y los alemanes colonizaron el territorio hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. Tras a?os de dominio sudafricano, Namibia obtuvo la independencia en 1990.
Namibia limita con varios países y su capital es Windhoek. Es un país desértico dominado por el desierto de Namib, salvo en la zona norte donde se encuentra el Parque Nacional Etosha. Los europeos llegaron en el siglo XIX y los alemanes colonizaron el territorio hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. Tras la independencia en 1990, eligió a su primer presidente Sam Nujoma.
Namibia es un país del sudoeste de ?frica que limita con Angola, Zambia, el océano Atlántico, Botswana y Sudáfrica. La mayor parte del país es desértica, con escasa precipitación, a excepción de la zona norte donde se encuentra el Parque Nacional Etosha, conocido por su diversidad de vida silvestre. Namibia fue colonizada por alemanes en el siglo XIX y gobernada por Sudáfrica hasta su independencia en 1990.
Dance magik Photography is a photography website run by Richard Calmes that features photos related to dance. The website is located at and allows visitors to view Richard Calmes' dance photography online.