This document discusses hardness of water. It defines hardness as being caused by calcium and magnesium ions which can be temporary (removed by boiling) or permanent. It describes common methods to determine water hardness, including soap titration and EDTA methods. Hardness is expressed in units of calcium carbonate equivalent by multiplying the weight of ions by their molecular weights.
2. Applied Chemistry
Basics of water
Sources of water
Impurities in water
Effect of impurities
Alkalinity of water
Hardness of water
3. Applied Chemistry
Troubleshooting due to hard water
Boiler corrosion, causes and prevention
Caustic imbrittleness , causes and prevention
Softening of water
Soda lime process
Ion exchanger
Water treatment for municipal water supply
4. Applied Chemistry
Basics of water
A clear transparent liquid,
perfectly neutral in reaction
and devoid of taste or smell
In the pure state it is composed of
oxygen and hydrogen in proportion of
1:2 by volume
5. Applied Chemistry
Concept of pure water
Water that is free from objectionable
color, odor, taste & turbidity is called pure
Pure water which contains adequate amount
of dissolved oxygen but no microorganisms
and other organic pollutants and is free of
microbial and chemical toxins is called
wholesome water
Pure water
Wholesome water
6. Applied Chemistry
Key H2O Characteristics
Water is clear, transparent, tasteless liquid at ordinary temp. in the pure
It is prime constituent of all living organisms.
Water moves easily from one physical state to another, and from one
place to another.
Its specific gravity is 1
It is bad conductor of heat and electricity
It expands on heating and at 1000c it gives invisible vapors at 1 atm.
On cooling it contracts till 40c
It has maximum density at 40c
Further lowering of temperature, it further contracts and solidify at 00c
Water slowly absorbs and releases large quantities of energy.
Water is a superior solvent and solubalise many solute at low or
elevated temp
It liberates heat when H2SO4 or HCl is added to it.
NH4Cl, NH4SCN, NaNO2 is added to it.
9. Applied Chemistry
It is a universal solvent.
It is an efficient transport medium (nutrients)
Facilitates thermoregulation in body.
Helps in maintenance of blood and plasma volume cellular osmotic
Assist in secretary and excretory functions of bodyconstituent of
enzyme & hormonal secretions.
Valuable medium for administration of therapeutics.
Helps in propagating useful aquatic flora and fauna.
Essential for irrigation, power generation & domestic purpose.
Functions of Water
10. Applied Chemistry
Industrial growth & development has increased the sewage
Increased flow of sewage and organic matter has increased the BOD
from 1 mg/liter (for neutral waters) to 300-500 mg/liter (polluted
Micro-organisms present in farm and domestic effluents are added to
fresh water sources (rivers & lakes).
Dissolved salts can make water hard and unpalatable
Industrial wastes rich in intermediate products & heavy metals, etc are
added to river streams.
Need for water purification
11. Applied Chemistry
To remove color, objectionable odor and taste.
To remove dissolved gases and suspended solids.
To remove suspended and dissolved organic solids.
To remove pathogenic bacteria.
To make water safe for industrial, drinking and domestic purpose.
Objectives of Water Purification
16. It is mainly due to
1. Only hydroxide (OH-)
2. Only carbonate (CO3
- -)
3. Only Bicarbonate (HCO3
- )
4. Both hydroxide (OH-)and carbonate (CO3
- -)
5. Both carbonate (CO3
- -)and bicarbonate (HCO3
- )
6. But not due to hydroxide (OH-) and (HCO3
- )
Alkalinity of water
OH- + HCO3
H2O + CO2
17. Methods of determination of alkalinity of water
Water Sample
Pink color
Phenolphthalein end point (colorless) (P)
Methyl orange indicator
Methyl orange end point (red color) (M)
18. 1. Temporary hardness
It is due to bicarbonate of calcium and magnesium
It is removed by boiling
soluble In soluble
Ca (HCO3)2 CaCO3 + H2O + CO2
Mg (HCO3)2 MgCO3 + H2O + CO2
soluble In soluble
Hardness of water
19. It is due to chloride and sulfate of calcium and magnesium
It is not removed by boiling
2. Permanent hardness
20. Methods of determination of hardness of water
1. Soap titration method.
When soap is added to water, it combines with hardness producing
impurities to form insoluble compounds and do not produce lather.
Further addition of soap solution produces lather
2 C17H35COONa + CaSO4 (C17H35COO)2 Ca + Na2SO4
2 C17H35COONa + CaCl2 (C17H35COO)2 Ca + NaCl
2 C17H35COONa + MgSO4 (C17H35COO)2 Mg + Na2SO4
2 C17H35COONa + MgCl2 (C17H35COO)2 Mg + NaCl
2 C17H35COONa + Ca(HCO3)2 (C17H35COO)2 Ca + NaHCO3
2 C17H35COONa + Mg(HCO3)2 (C17H35COO)2 Mg + NaHCO3
21. 2. EDTA method
Structure of EDTA
Structure of Metal EDTA complex
22. Applied Chemistry
Units of Hardness
Hardness of water is express in CaCO3 equivalent
For conversion of any salt into its CaCo3 Equivalent it is multiplied by
a multiplication number
CaCO3 equivalent of salt = Wt of salt x M. W. of CaCO3 / M. W. salt