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Harikesh Ramnarayan yadav
Email : harikesh.y@gmail.com
Mb. No.+918055385985.
A born leader and manager with passion and zeal to make sure that targeted results are achieved.
A complete team player and a team leader who understands the power of collective force. Ensuring the
continual development of minds of team members and surely leading them from the front.
Enriched experience in running complete profit center as Quality,
Manufacturing, Quality, TS 16949 Systems. Now shouldering the responsibilities of Deputy Manager in a
limited Organization.
To be a business leader in my life managing the large business empire; by doing and learning
various manufacturing business functions over the period of my entire lifetime.
Feb -14 To Till date IAI industries Ltd. , Chakan , Pune
Over the last 38 years IAIL has emerged as one of the leading manufacturer in automotive tubes & Hoses
in ready to fit condition. The product range of the company primarily comprises of Fuel and Fuel Return
Lines, Brake Tubes, Fuel Injection Pipes for Automotive and locomotive Applications, Hoses for Brake and
Hydraulic Systems Structural Automotive Fabricated Tubes.
Dy. Manager (Rubber hose production)
 Key Achievements:
 Mahindra & Mahindra supplier evaluation standard compliance in daily work routine.
 End cutting rejection reduced (through multi mandrills) by 13 % to 9.35 %.
 Setup change over time reduction by production planning.
 Process validation & control by process study.
 06 new part production of Mahindra & 04 part of tata motors within a month.
 Introducing safty pokayoke on vulcaniser & knitting machine.
 Introducing new design of mandrill stand for maximum load on per heat.
 Key responsibilities:
 Production Planning & control.
 Raw material planning.
 Achieving sale target of each day and month
 Responsible for overall production & quality of the product, process.
 Planning, scheduling, execution and review of new product development.
 Facing system audits and customer audits for system compliance.
 Vendor development for manufacturing jigs, fixtures & tooling.
 Development of in-house process, line balancing.
June-13 To Feb -14 Jayashree Polymer Pvt. Ltd., Chinchwad / Chakan
The Jayashree Group traces its roots back to 1984 when it began operations as a Rubber manufacturing
company. Jayashree, realizing the immense opportunities in the global rubber components industry has
been successful in expanding its operations into multiple locations & multi-products over a period of time. It
has established itself as one of the leading automotive rubber components supplier in the country.
Asst. Manager (Silicon/Rubber hose production)
 Key Achievements:
 Introducing first time online silicon hose for Jaguar & Honeywell customer in Jayashree
 Introducing three layer hose of Renault Nissan customer.
 Achieving 1% rejection on Silicon line.
 Set up time reduction by 20 %.
 Manpower & cost saving through process optimization.
 Key responsibilities:
 Achieving sale target of each day and month
 Responsible for overall production & quality of the product, process.
 Planning, scheduling, execution and review of new product development.
 Facing system audits and customer audits for system compliance.
 Vendor development for manufacturing jigs, fixtures & tooling.
 Development of In house process, line balancing.
Dec. 2007 To May -2013 Imperial Auto Industries Ltd. Pune, India
Company Profile:
Over the last 38 years IAIL has emerged as one of the leading manufacturer in automotive tubes & Hoses
in ready to fit condition. The product range of the company primarily comprises of Fuel and Fuel Return
Lines, Brake Tubes, Fuel Injection Pipes for Automotive and locomotive Applications, Hoses for Brake and
Hydraulic Systems Structural Automotive Fabricated Tubes. Major part of IAIs production caters, to the
requirement of original equipment manufacturers in the field of Automotive Sector, Tractor Industry, Oil
Engine Manufacturer, and Earth Moving Machines Manufacturers.
Production Incharge (Rubber Plant / Hydraulic Hose / Teflon Hose).
Joined as a Production Supervisor & promote as a Production Incharge.
 Key Achievements:
 TS 16949 adoption as a daily working system.
 24 Kaizens implementation.
 Raw Rubber rejection from 16.46 % to 7.87 %.
 End cut rejection decreased from 15% to 7.80%.
 Production 18 new parts in 7 months.
 set up time reduction by 35 %.
 Equipment utilization increased from 44.6 % to 78.4 %.
 Key responsibilities:
 Daily Production Planning & control, scheduling, execution and review of new product development.
 Daily & monthly raw material planning.
 Achieving sale target of each day and month.
 Daily quality review of receipt, In process and customer rejection; analysis;
 Improvement plans through Kaizens.
 Responsible for overall production & quality of the product, process.
 Analysis, 6W2H Root causes analysis etc.
 Facing system audits and customer audits for system compliance.
 Taking corrective actions on the basis of customer feedback and ensure its effectiveness.
 Rejection, rework data analysis.
 Housekeeping and discipline in the department & 1S, 2S implementation.
 Kaizen / Improvement, Defining, Monitoring & Implementing Continual Improvement Projects.
 Adherence to daily On-Job-Training to the workmen.
 Daily autonomous and preventive maintenance plan review.
 Daily tools, fixtures and gauge plan review.
 Experience in productivity Improvement.
 Able to plan, co-ordinate and production activity.
 Control various load factors to assure maximum usage of available capacity taking into account
available tools, labor and equipments.
 Production Support & Handling Production Complaints related to Jig/fixtures & operation cycle time.
 Engineering documentation of drawings and specifications.
 Manufacturing planning of final Dispatch.
 Ordering of spare parts.
 Vendor development for manufacturing jigs, fixtures & tooling.
 Development of In house process, line balancing.
 Documentation of ISO-9001-2000 and TS-16949-2009.
June 07 - December 07 Tata Motors ltd. (Car Plant) Pune, India.
(Junior Quality & Development (Mkt.) Trainee of Imperial
Auto Ind. Ltd., Talegaon, Pune)
Trainee Engineer
 Key responsibilities:
 Learning of basic manufacturing process.
 Learning of various planning tools for production management.
 Learning of various inspection tools and methods.
 Learning of systems.
 Learning daily operators training.
 Learning customer problem solving through Kaizen.
 Learning 7QC tools, OEE , Pokayoke in daily working.
2011-14 --- Government polytechnic Pune, India (Regular part Time Diploma)
Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering ( With 62 %)
2005-2008 --- Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Jaunpur, Utter pradesh (India)
Graduate (Sociology, Education), With 47.5 %.
2005 - 2006 --- Unicom Computer ,Mau (U.P.) 'A' grade Diploma In Computer Application with
tally 5.4,7.2 & HTML.
2004 - 2005 --- Muslim Inter Collage, Mau (U.P.) Intermediate (Physics, Chemistry,
Biology),With 62.6%.
2003 -2004 ---- Munni Devi Sarswati Vidya Mandir ,Mau (U.P.) High School
(Science, Math, English) With 62.5 %.
Extra activities & Achievement:
 Participated in Student Welfare Organization G.K. Quiz Competition Organized by Dist. Mau ( All
Collages) , Forth Position in Dist. Mau .
 Participated in High School Sports Competition Organized by Akhil Bhartiya Khelkud Dist.
Level Competition In Ballia participate as Collage Sports Leader .
 Participate in National Industrial Development training, Mau.
 Qualified internal auditor of system.
Personal Details:
Fathers Name : Late Shri. Ramnarayan Yadav.
Permanent Address : Vill. Tajpur Mathiya, post. Pipari Dih, Dist. Mau
Nath Bhanjan, State- U.P. (275101)
Marital Status : Married.
Date of Birth : 1st
Jun 1988.
Nationality : Indian.
Hobby : Science Books, Music, Cricket
Annual CTC : 4.0 lac pa
Expt. CTC : 5.6 lac pa
I be undersigned, confirm that to the best of my Knowledge, this resume is correctly describes my
Qualification, my Work experience & me.
Harikesh R. Yadav.

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K.Vana Raju
Curriculum vitae.doc
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Curriculum vitae.doc
K.Vana Raju
Curriculum vitae.doc
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Curriculum vitae.doc
K.Vana Raju
Curriculum vitae.doc
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Curriculum vitae.doc
K.Vana Raju
Curriculum vitae.doc
Curriculum vitae.docCurriculum vitae.doc
Curriculum vitae.doc
K.Vana Raju
Curriculum vitae.doc
Curriculum vitae.docCurriculum vitae.doc
Curriculum vitae.doc
K.Vana Raju


  • 1. RESUME Harikesh Ramnarayan yadav Email : harikesh.y@gmail.com Mb. No.+918055385985. +917758980485. Introduction: A born leader and manager with passion and zeal to make sure that targeted results are achieved. A complete team player and a team leader who understands the power of collective force. Ensuring the continual development of minds of team members and surely leading them from the front. Enriched experience in running complete profit center as Quality, Manufacturing, Quality, TS 16949 Systems. Now shouldering the responsibilities of Deputy Manager in a limited Organization. OBJECTIVE: To be a business leader in my life managing the large business empire; by doing and learning various manufacturing business functions over the period of my entire lifetime. Experience: Feb -14 To Till date IAI industries Ltd. , Chakan , Pune Over the last 38 years IAIL has emerged as one of the leading manufacturer in automotive tubes & Hoses in ready to fit condition. The product range of the company primarily comprises of Fuel and Fuel Return Lines, Brake Tubes, Fuel Injection Pipes for Automotive and locomotive Applications, Hoses for Brake and Hydraulic Systems Structural Automotive Fabricated Tubes. Dy. Manager (Rubber hose production) Key Achievements: Mahindra & Mahindra supplier evaluation standard compliance in daily work routine. End cutting rejection reduced (through multi mandrills) by 13 % to 9.35 %. Setup change over time reduction by production planning. Process validation & control by process study. 06 new part production of Mahindra & 04 part of tata motors within a month. Introducing safty pokayoke on vulcaniser & knitting machine. Introducing new design of mandrill stand for maximum load on per heat. Key responsibilities: Production Planning & control. Raw material planning. Achieving sale target of each day and month Responsible for overall production & quality of the product, process. Planning, scheduling, execution and review of new product development. Facing system audits and customer audits for system compliance. Vendor development for manufacturing jigs, fixtures & tooling. Development of in-house process, line balancing.
  • 2. June-13 To Feb -14 Jayashree Polymer Pvt. Ltd., Chinchwad / Chakan The Jayashree Group traces its roots back to 1984 when it began operations as a Rubber manufacturing company. Jayashree, realizing the immense opportunities in the global rubber components industry has been successful in expanding its operations into multiple locations & multi-products over a period of time. It has established itself as one of the leading automotive rubber components supplier in the country. Asst. Manager (Silicon/Rubber hose production) Key Achievements: Introducing first time online silicon hose for Jaguar & Honeywell customer in Jayashree polymer. Introducing three layer hose of Renault Nissan customer. Achieving 1% rejection on Silicon line. Set up time reduction by 20 %. Manpower & cost saving through process optimization. Key responsibilities: Achieving sale target of each day and month Responsible for overall production & quality of the product, process. Planning, scheduling, execution and review of new product development. Facing system audits and customer audits for system compliance. Vendor development for manufacturing jigs, fixtures & tooling. Development of In house process, line balancing. Dec. 2007 To May -2013 Imperial Auto Industries Ltd. Pune, India Company Profile: Over the last 38 years IAIL has emerged as one of the leading manufacturer in automotive tubes & Hoses in ready to fit condition. The product range of the company primarily comprises of Fuel and Fuel Return Lines, Brake Tubes, Fuel Injection Pipes for Automotive and locomotive Applications, Hoses for Brake and Hydraulic Systems Structural Automotive Fabricated Tubes. Major part of IAIs production caters, to the requirement of original equipment manufacturers in the field of Automotive Sector, Tractor Industry, Oil Engine Manufacturer, and Earth Moving Machines Manufacturers. Production Incharge (Rubber Plant / Hydraulic Hose / Teflon Hose). Joined as a Production Supervisor & promote as a Production Incharge. Key Achievements: TS 16949 adoption as a daily working system. 24 Kaizens implementation. Raw Rubber rejection from 16.46 % to 7.87 %. End cut rejection decreased from 15% to 7.80%. Production 18 new parts in 7 months. set up time reduction by 35 %. Equipment utilization increased from 44.6 % to 78.4 %.
  • 3. Key responsibilities: Daily Production Planning & control, scheduling, execution and review of new product development. Daily & monthly raw material planning. Achieving sale target of each day and month. Daily quality review of receipt, In process and customer rejection; analysis; Improvement plans through Kaizens. Responsible for overall production & quality of the product, process. Analysis, 6W2H Root causes analysis etc. Facing system audits and customer audits for system compliance. Taking corrective actions on the basis of customer feedback and ensure its effectiveness. Rejection, rework data analysis. Housekeeping and discipline in the department & 1S, 2S implementation. Kaizen / Improvement, Defining, Monitoring & Implementing Continual Improvement Projects. Adherence to daily On-Job-Training to the workmen. Daily autonomous and preventive maintenance plan review. Daily tools, fixtures and gauge plan review. Experience in productivity Improvement. Able to plan, co-ordinate and production activity. Control various load factors to assure maximum usage of available capacity taking into account available tools, labor and equipments. Production Support & Handling Production Complaints related to Jig/fixtures & operation cycle time. Engineering documentation of drawings and specifications. Manufacturing planning of final Dispatch. Ordering of spare parts. Vendor development for manufacturing jigs, fixtures & tooling. Development of In house process, line balancing. Documentation of ISO-9001-2000 and TS-16949-2009. June 07 - December 07 Tata Motors ltd. (Car Plant) Pune, India. (Junior Quality & Development (Mkt.) Trainee of Imperial Auto Ind. Ltd., Talegaon, Pune) Trainee Engineer Key responsibilities: Learning of basic manufacturing process. Learning of various planning tools for production management. Learning of various inspection tools and methods. Learning of systems. Learning daily operators training. Learning customer problem solving through Kaizen. Learning 7QC tools, OEE , Pokayoke in daily working. Education: 2011-14 --- Government polytechnic Pune, India (Regular part Time Diploma) Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering ( With 62 %) 2005-2008 --- Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Jaunpur, Utter pradesh (India)
  • 4. Graduate (Sociology, Education), With 47.5 %. 2005 - 2006 --- Unicom Computer ,Mau (U.P.) 'A' grade Diploma In Computer Application with tally 5.4,7.2 & HTML. 2004 - 2005 --- Muslim Inter Collage, Mau (U.P.) Intermediate (Physics, Chemistry, Biology),With 62.6%. 2003 -2004 ---- Munni Devi Sarswati Vidya Mandir ,Mau (U.P.) High School (Science, Math, English) With 62.5 %. Extra activities & Achievement: Participated in Student Welfare Organization G.K. Quiz Competition Organized by Dist. Mau ( All Collages) , Forth Position in Dist. Mau . Participated in High School Sports Competition Organized by Akhil Bhartiya Khelkud Dist. Level Competition In Ballia participate as Collage Sports Leader . Participate in National Industrial Development training, Mau. Qualified internal auditor of system. Personal Details: Fathers Name : Late Shri. Ramnarayan Yadav. Permanent Address : Vill. Tajpur Mathiya, post. Pipari Dih, Dist. Mau Nath Bhanjan, State- U.P. (275101) Marital Status : Married. Date of Birth : 1st Jun 1988. Nationality : Indian. Hobby : Science Books, Music, Cricket Annual CTC : 4.0 lac pa Expt. CTC : 5.6 lac pa I be undersigned, confirm that to the best of my Knowledge, this resume is correctly describes my Qualification, my Work experience & me. Harikesh R. Yadav.