This document summarizes various harmful microorganisms and the diseases they cause. It discusses bacteria that cause diseases like tuberculosis, cholera, gonorrhea and syphilis. It also covers viral diseases such as the cold, dengue fever, AIDS, and hepatitis. Protozoan diseases mentioned are malaria and dysentery. Finally, it lists the fungal diseases of ringworm and tinea. For each disease, it provides the vector of transmission, method of infection, and common symptoms.
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Harmful effects of microorganisms(2)
1. Harmful effects of microorganisms
1)Disease caused by bacteria
Disease Vector Method of Symptoms
Tuberculosis - Air or water -persistant cough
(TB) droplet -coughing out blood
transmission, Fatique
contaminated food Weight loss
and water
cholera housefly Contaminated food -Severe diarrhoea
and water -dehydration
-muscle cramps
gonorrhoea - Through sexual -male= testis
contact with a becomes inflamed
person infected and enlarges, has
with this disease burning pain during
-transferred from urination
the mother to the -Female=painful
foetus infected vagina and
2. Syphilis - Through sexual Early stage= red spots
contact with a and ulsers around the
person infected penis or vagina
with this disease Middle stage= ulsers
around the mouth
and throat, rashes on
the skin
Final stage= infects
and damage the
internal organs such
as brain and heart
2) Diseased cause by viruses
Disease vector Method of infection Symptoms
cold - Air or water droplet -fever
transmition -running nose
Dengue Mosqu Aedes mosquito bites -high fever
fever ito(aed -headache
es) -aches in the
muscles and joints
-Bleeding in the
nose and gums
3. AIDS - From carriers body -fever
liquid or blood -weight loss
-sexual contacts -loss of appetite
-Sharing of -fatique
contaminated injection -pneumonia
-Blood transfusion
Hepatitis A housef Contaminated water or -Fever
ly food -Fatique
-Pain at the back
of the abdomen
Hepatitis B - From carriers body Fever
liquid or blood -Fatique
-sexual contacts -Loss of appetite
-Sharing of Dark coloured
contaminated injection urine
-Blood transfusion
4. 3) Disease caused by protozoa
disease vector Method of Symptoms
malaria mosquito Anopheles -high fever
mosquito bite-headche
-muscle pain
dysentery - Contaminated -fever
water -fatique
4) Disease caused by fungi
Disease vector Methods of symptoms
ringworm - -direct contact Red spot on the
with the patent skin
-sharing personal -itchiness
-hair loss
tinea - direct contact White spots on
with the patent the skin
-sharing personal -itchiness