Bridget Sly presents on Volunteer and Citizenship Manager. Glasgow Life is used as a case study on the challenges volunteering faces in the coming years and how we can 'Step up to the Challenge'
Donald Jarvie presents on the importance of volunteering from a policy perspective. Donald is Head of Scotland's Future's Forum which was created by the Scottish Parliament.
A testing presentation. This was done during my University studies in 2008. A business idea proposal. All rights reserved. All product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.
Bridget Sly presents on Volunteer and Citizenship Manager. Glasgow Life is used as a case study on the challenges volunteering faces in the coming years and how we can 'Step up to the Challenge'
Donald Jarvie presents on the importance of volunteering from a policy perspective. Donald is Head of Scotland's Future's Forum which was created by the Scottish Parliament.
A testing presentation. This was done during my University studies in 2008. A business idea proposal. All rights reserved. All product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.
Alan presents his findings on a Campaign for Change after consulting with volunteers, Third Sector Organisations, Scottish Government, community groups and Stakeholders on how they see volunteering in Scotland changing in the future.
Young People in Scotland Volunteering Survey. 45% of young people have formally volunteered, with the majority volunteering in their spare time. 9% of young people volunteer in both their spare time and in school time .
16-18 year olds are twice as likely to volunteer in school time than younger age groups
11-15 year olds are more likely to consider volunteering in the future than 16-18 year olds
More girls volunteer in their spare time than boys and girls are more likely to consider volunteering in the future
19% of boys expressed no interest in volunteering compared to only 9% of girls
Leadership from the top down. Volunteer Scotland conference. Neil Campion describes the challenges faced when organising volunteers for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.
Geo-boards can be used to teach mathematics from kindergarten through 9th grade. They are particularly useful for teaching geometry, graphing, and other topics to students from 1st through 3rd year of secondary school. The document outlines specific curriculum topics that can be covered at each grade level using geo-boards, including shapes, fractions, trigonometry, and more. It provides contact information for a teacher who can visit schools to teach math lessons with geo-boards free of charge.
Open-source software is software with source code that is made publicly available and can be modified. It is typically developed through community collaboration. Some key features of open-source software include free use, modification, distribution, and serving as an alternative to commercial software. Popular examples of open-source software include Firefox, OpenOffice, Linux, 7-ZIP, VLC Media Player, Joomla, WAMP Server, Blender, and MySQL.
This document provides an overview of chronic hepatitis B, including its epidemiology, virology, pathogenesis, natural history, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and guidelines. Some key points:
- Approximately 1/3 of the world's population has been infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and 350-400 million people are chronic carriers.
- HBV is classified into 8 genotypes that vary in prevalence around the world. HBV infects liver cells and can establish a lifelong infection by integrating into the host genome.
- Chronic HBV progresses through 5 phases and can lead to complications like cirrhosis and liver cancer if left untreated. Treatment aims to suppress HBV DNA levels and improve liver health. First
This document summarizes survey findings about volunteering trends in Scotland that show overall levels of volunteering have declined since 2010. It finds that while regular volunteering has increased, occasional volunteering has decreased, driving the overall decline. A small proportion, 6%, contribute the majority, over 66%, of total volunteer hours and make up Scotland's "volunteer core". The document calls for further analysis and discussion to understand these trends and determine how to increase and improve volunteering in Scotland.
The document discusses using geo-boards to teach mathematics from kindergarten through 9th grade. Some key areas that geo-boards can be used for include teaching geometry, fractions, graphing linear equations, Pythagorean theorem, transformations, volumes, surface areas, similar triangles, and trigonometry. The document also provides contact information for a teacher who can visit schools to teach math classes using geo-boards for free.
The document discusses drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics. It describes how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized by the liver, and excreted from the body. Drug metabolism is important for nurses to understand as it influences toxicity, effectiveness, and interactions. Metabolism can be affected by age, nutrition status, and competition between drugs. The goal is to maximize drug benefits while minimizing harm.
10. H達y qu箪 tr畛ng t畛ng gi但y ph炭t m b畉n c坦! V h達y n棚n qu箪 th畛i
gian h董n n畛a b畛i v狸 b畉n ang chia s畉 th畛i gian 坦 v畛i ai 畉y
th畉t 畉c bi畛t 畛i v畛i b畉n, 畛 畉c bi畛t 畛 c坦 th畛 chia s畉 th畛i
gian c畛a b畉n.
V h達y nh畛 r畉ng th畛i gian ch畉ng ch畛 畛i ai c畉.
Ngy h担m qua d達 l l畛ch s畛. Ngy mai l m畛t b鱈 畉n.
H担m nay l qu t畉ng. C滴ng v狸 v畉y m n坦 動畛c g畛i l
(c坦 ngh挑a l Hi畛n nay, m c滴ng c坦 ngh挑a l Qu t畉ng)
11. B畉n b竪 th畉t s畛 l m畛t lo畉i n畛 trang qu箪 hi畉m.
H畛 khi畉n b畉n m挑m c動畛i v khuy畉n kh鱈ch b畉n
thnh c担ng.
H畛 l畉ng nghe b畉n, h畛 chia s畉 v畛i b畉n nh畛ng
l畛i khen t畉ng, v h畛 lu担n mu畛n m畛 tr叩i tim ra
v畛i ch炭ng ta.
12. H達y g畛i nh畛ng l畛i ny 畉n v畛i ai m b畉n
xem nh動 B畉N MNH, V n畉u nh畛ng d嘆ng
ny l畉i tr畛 v畛 v畛i b畉n, b畉n 畉t bi畉t r畉ng b畉n
ang c坦 m畛t v嘆ng tr嘆n b畉n h畛u.