Hayley struggled with her weight and relationship with alcohol in the past. She lost over 30kg using small lifestyle changes and developing healthy habits. In this document, she shares her "1 Percenters" approach which focuses on making many small improvements that add up to big results over time, like not skipping meals or exercising in groups. Her tips provide a foundation for building a new lifestyle centered around nutrition, exercise and self-care.
2. Having struggled in the past to tie my own shoelaces &
sit in an aeroplane seat, I know where you are and how
big the mountain you have to climb is.
- Hayley Beckett
3. My Story
Yes, that is me on the right!
My on-again off-again relationship withalcohol,poor food choices, diet fadsand insecurity in
my own self-image ultimately sawmy weight spiral to over 85kg.
The turning point came for me in 2000 when I returned from Europe looking like a marsh-
mallow. Mrs Doubtfire or Monica from Friends in her fat episode came to mind when I looked
in the mirror.At this time I also lost the love of my life because I wasnt ready to break away
from the hard drinking party lifestyle and the friends who chose the same social scene. It was
a hard way to learn a life lesson, but the penny finally dropped andI realised I had to change
my mindset to get on track and develop a new set of standards to live by.
With the encouragement and mentorship from some friends, family and colleagues in my life
I began seeing myself in a different light, setting and achieving not only health and fitness
but life goals that I could only wishfully daydream about before.
Through the Abson programs I created, I lost over 30kg and found a method of training and
eating that turned the head on what I thought was the way to lose weight and stay in shape.
It helped me lose 30kg and most importantly keep it off. It can help you achieve your weight-
loss goals too!
This E-book gives you a taste of some of my favourite coaching tips to help you achieve the
body of your dreams.
Hayley Beckettxx
4. The philosophy
Weight loss is a lot easier than you think, but it might take longer
than desired if you want it to stay off for good.
To make your weight loss journey a bit easier, Ive put together
some simple tips and tricks that helped me on my own journey
to lose over 30kgs and keep it off.
Great coaches in all sports know
from experience that when the
small things are happening often,
BIG results come.
They call these the 1 PERCENTERS
For weight loss its basically the
same. You can focus on the big
things like over training, fad diets
and starving yourself to get a rap-
id change, but that will only last so
long, before you burnout, plateau
and pile the weight back on.
I like to call these small changes
my Weight Loss One Percenters.
For most people a one percenter
(1%er) is realistic. It relates to a
variety of actions which add up to
benefit the end result.
By unlocking your own 1 PERCEN-
TERS and chipping away at them
one at a time, you will eventually
achieve a 100% turn around.
When it comes to weightloss its
what happens outside the training
session that matters the most.
5. Its all about the
little things
Here are my top 1 percenters.
A perfect foundation to get you
started. To build your new and
improved lifestyle.
Not all of them will relate to you,
but pick the ones youre happy
to work on then come back to
the list to continue changing old
habits and creating new ones.
6. 1 Dont skip meals. When you get too hungry youre less likely to make healthy choices
2 A short bout of exercise every second day is more effective than, longer less frequent periods
3 Embrace your new eating habits. Youll need to tweak your lifestyle for good.
4 Not eating enough backfires. Less than 1,500 calories a day - slows down your metabolism
5 Dont grocery shop when hungry. Youll make high fat, low nutrient impulse buys.
6 Exercise alone is not enough. For a fit & toned figure, you also need to think about what youre eating.
7 A slip up doesnt have to lead to days of overeating. Resolve to make a better choice at your next meal.
8 Cut down, not out. Be aware of the times you eat instead of removing entire food groups (fats, carbs)
9 Get enough sleep. You need at least 6 hours to burn fat while you sleep!
HayleysGolden Rules
7. The Daily
1.Eat for energy not for
weight loss.11.Stash fruits whole-
grain crackers and
nuts in your bag. Youll always
have a good little snack on
9.Eat enough of the right
food groups. Your me-
tabolism will fire.
12.Avoid carbohydrates
at night. It wont burn
off while you sleep. Youll have
trouble waking in the mornings.
10.Dont think about
what you cant eat.
Focus on what you can eat.
8.Feel like treats watching
TV? Squat, plank or push
up. Fill out your food diary.
Plan your meals for the week.
Keep the hands busy.
7.Keep a food diary. It
holds you accountable.
6.Instead of eating the kids
leftover sandwich, grab a
bird feeder for the garden and
feed it to the birds instead.
5.Always snack between
meals. Two to three
hours. Stops you reaching
that ravenous state.
4.Make lunch to take
to work. Itll be more
nutritious and cost effective.
Leftovers rock.
3.If you have trouble
controlling how much
you eat of a favorite food, do
not bring it into your home.
2.Have breakfast. Its the
best kick start and stops
you eating nasties through-
out the day.
8. Shop to the perimeter of the supermarket. Where your fresh fruit, veg, meats,
fish, eggs and dairy hang out. Interior aisles are for pooping paper only!
Avoid the Super Market Danger Zone!!!
9. Two.
Exercise in a group. A training buddy
makes a workout less tempting to miss.
Hayleys to boost motivation
Remember that small changes add up.
You can lose 5 kilos in a year just by giv-
ing up your sugar in your tea.
Stay off the scales, they can send you
into a spin. Use a tape measure to keep
track of your progress.
Be accountable. Score your exercise and
food changes for the week. See evidence
of your hard work. Highlight your weak
areas. Inspire you to keep going.
Instead of thinking you deserve to eat
something. Think that your fueling your
body to be healthy & happy!
Set small realistic goalsinstead of
unrealistic ones. Dont set yourself up for
11. Let me help you do it.
Most people who embark on a health and fitness program quite of-
ten do more harm than good to their body in the long run, throw-
ing their metabolism completely out of whack and actually gaining
kilos in the process.
I know why most people struggle to realise their weight loss goals,
because that was me for a large part of my life. Its why I developed
the Abson Method Training System, built from years of study and
personal experience, not to mention sweat...
After over a decade of trying, I was lucky to find mentors and sup-
port to help me on my weight loss journey. At absonfitness you
have a one-stop shop for all the education, training, accountability
and motivation you need for success on yours.
First step is to fill out our Free
Food and Nutrition Check Up HERE