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The Graduate School Alumni
Association invite you to attend a
opportunity for 2 free CE credits
Saturday, August 13
Hazelden Betty Ford St. Paul
3:30pm -5:30pm
Title: Treatment Considerations for Muslim Populations
There are an estimated 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide and is the second fastest growing religion in the world
behind Christianity. This program will be addressing addiction treatment considerations for Muslim
populations. This population experience a high degree of hostility and discrimination in American society.
Additionally, Muslim populations experience acculturative stress which can lead to vulnerabilities for
developing substance use disorders. Should a substance use disorder present within this population, we will
explore the unique strengths Muslim populations can bring to the treatment setting and how to promote
culturally sensitive approaches.
Presenter: Julie Theisen, LPN, MA, LADC, LSAC, Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor/Prevention
Specialist- Behavioral Health Dept. of Health and Human Services, St. Croix County
*All attendees will receive a certificate of completion after the event.*
Please RSVP to Sue Arneson, Co-Chair, at sarneson@hazeldenbettyford.edu byThursday, August
11 if you plan to join.
St. Paul location address
680 Stewart Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102-4199
Kind Regards,
GraduateSchoolAlumni Association

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Hazelden invite

  • 1. The Graduate School Alumni Association invite you to attend a presentation opportunity for 2 free CE credits Saturday, August 13 Hazelden Betty Ford St. Paul Auditorium 3:30pm -5:30pm Title: Treatment Considerations for Muslim Populations There are an estimated 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide and is the second fastest growing religion in the world behind Christianity. This program will be addressing addiction treatment considerations for Muslim populations. This population experience a high degree of hostility and discrimination in American society. Additionally, Muslim populations experience acculturative stress which can lead to vulnerabilities for developing substance use disorders. Should a substance use disorder present within this population, we will explore the unique strengths Muslim populations can bring to the treatment setting and how to promote culturally sensitive approaches. Presenter: Julie Theisen, LPN, MA, LADC, LSAC, Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor/Prevention Specialist- Behavioral Health Dept. of Health and Human Services, St. Croix County *All attendees will receive a certificate of completion after the event.* Please RSVP to Sue Arneson, Co-Chair, at sarneson@hazeldenbettyford.edu byThursday, August 11 if you plan to join. St. Paul location address 680 Stewart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102-4199 Kind Regards, GraduateSchoolAlumni Association GradSchoolAlumni@hazeldenbettyford.edu