The document describes an intuitive interaction system using speech recognition for fire safety. The system is part of a Cooperative Fire Security System (CFS2H) that uses robots, sensors, and a human interface to detect and respond to fires in high-rise buildings. The interaction system allows human operators to communicate with robots, sensors, and other systems using natural language to perform tasks like surveillance, remote control of rescue robots, and survivor detection. It utilizes speech recognition and face detection modules along with a messaging system called HARMS to facilitate communication between all components of the CFS2H system. The overall goal is to provide an effective way for human operators to coordinate the response to fires in high-rise buildings through an intuitive speech-
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1. Topic
An Intuitive Interaction System for Fire
Safety Using
A Speech Recognition Technology
In context of Cooperative Fire Security
System using HARMS (CFS2H)
3. Introduction
An intuitive interaction system
Part of Cooperative Fire Security System using HARMS
Readily deal with fire in a high-rise building.
The interaction system is a bridge connecting human, as an
operator, to the whole system.
Utilizing a natural language processing (NLP) technology
using Microsoft kinect makes the interaction
Human-agent-robot-machine-sensor (HARMS) provides a
distributed network so that the systems are able to
communicate with a high level communication protocol.
4. Why Need For Human robot
Fire in a high-rise building is challenging for
firefighters to handle because many factors e.g.
Transporting firefighting equipment to the fire spot
located at a high floor, seeking the fire floor,
evacuation of people, etc. Are against firefighters.
Firefighter ladders cannot reach high enough to
fight fires at the top of the building. Going into the
building itself, in order to extinguish the blazing fire,
is typically too dangerous and puts firefighters at
The challenges faced by firefighters in a high-rise
building may result in a late reaction and possible
failure in the initial stages of fire suppression.
5. HRI For Fire Safety
HRI (human robot interaction) system
Various types of robots
HRI operation
Fire detection
Situation report to the operator
Rescuing survivors guided by the operator
7. System Configuration of
UGV robot
Search the area for the exact fire location and report to
interaction system, transmit fire location to firefighter robot
and human rescue robot.
Big data
Analyzes the sensor data to determine the optimal
perception model to detect any potential fire.
Human interface
Kiosk-type computer system that utilizes a Microsoft kinect
for speech recognition, a system to communicate with
cooperative system by natural language.
8. System Configuration of
Wireless sensor network
Wireless sensor network gathers condition information
of certain place, also generate a fire alert
Firefighting robot
extinguishes fire using fire extinguisher
Human rescue robot
Rescue the survivor with the help of commands.
10. Objectives of the Interaction
System In CFS2H
A computer system acts as a bridge to connect the
operator with the whole system (CFS2H).
The user uses human voice to communicate with the
interaction system.
Three main objectives are defined in order to achieve
the goal of the interaction system.
Surveillance for fire safety
Remote control of human rescue robot
Survivor detection
11. Communication using
HARMS is a communication provider that allows systems to communicate with
each other with a high-level message protocol.
HARMS supports multicast of a message to enable 1:n communication, where n
is the number of agents/systems in a system.
All the systems are connected through TCP/IP protocol using either Ethernet or
All the systems of the whole system are fully connected
The interaction system communicates with some of the systems;
wireless sensor network
Big data system
Human rescue robot for rescuing survivor(s)
UGV robot
12. System design and
The intuitive interaction system that is proposed
comprised of:
Speech Module,
Face Detection Module,
HARMS Handler,
System Handler, including GUI
13. Cont.
Speech Module
Converts operators speech into a command
Utilize a speech device called Microsoft kinect to be
able to recognize human speech.
The speech recognizer uses a confidence value to
estimate individual words from speech
Setting proper threshold for the confidence value is
important to accurately extract any words from human
Use threshold (0.2) that is achieved by trial and error
approach, a well-known method to find a solution by
reducing a previous trial error.
14. Cont
Word Corresponding Command
NAVIS Wait for the following instruction.
Go straight Make rescuing robot move forward for 3 steps.
Turn left Make rescuing robot turn 90 degree to the left.
Turn right Make rescuing robot turn 90 degree to the right.
Search survivor Make rescuing robot look around to search survivor.
Situation Collect information from sensory and Big data
system to show user current condition of the building.
Command Definitions :
Matches between predefine words and commands. When operator says a
sentence with any of the defined words, the corresponding command or
function is executed.
15. Cont
Face detection module:
Uses a face detection technique, based on object-detection
libraries provided by openCV .
A series of frames transmitted from the human rescue robot, is
used to detect any human faces.
While the interaction system is looking for any survivors, the
operator transmits control commands to the human rescue
robot directing it to move in order to search the surrounding
area in which some people might be waiting to be rescued.
Once any survivor is detected by the face detection module, the
interaction system immediately sends a notification message to
let the human rescue robot know that a survivor is now in front
of the robot.
16. Cont
HARMS Module :
All the communications or interactions
between the interaction system and other
systems are performed through HARMS
Module. It generates a message according to
HARMS messaging protocol.
17. Cont..
HARMS module provides 3ways to send
The three message types distinguish ways of
how to react to a message.
#16: human rescue robot:which roams over near the fire location
#18: For instance, if a system receives a query message from other system, the system is forced to send a notification message as a response of the query message. In other words, when the interaction system sends a query message to Big data system, Big data system should provide certain data to the interaction system as a response