We adopt the basically structure of hdfs raid from Facebook, and we have migrated these feature to our cluster both in hadoop 1.x(0.20.203) and hadoop 2.x(hadoop 2.4) in Sina. We made some change during our development. Here is the theory of Rc code and the structure of hfs raid, besides we compared the efficiency of different Rc code and make a final conclusion.
8. !
! ! ! ! ! ! raid.xml配置!
! raid.xml?示例:!
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key value Description
policy name policy的名称,唯?一标识
srcPath pre?x 该policy对应的??目录
codecId 与HDFS Codec对应
property 可以配置额外的property,如
<policy name = "rs">!
<srcPath pre?x="hdfs://yz522.hadoop.data.sina.com.cn:8020/test"></srcPath>!
<description> after RAIDing, decrease the replication factor of a ?le to!
this value.!
<description> the replication factor of the RAID meta ?le!
<description> time (milliseconds) after a ?le is modi?ed to make it a!
candidate for RAIDing!