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British Council
Higher Education Series
The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization
October 10, 2013
Georgia Tech Alumni House
Atlanta, Georgia
2 British Council Higher Education Series
The Role of Higher Education
in Economic Revitalization
Welcome to the ninth event in the British Council Higher Education Series.
This forum is part of a two-year series of small-scale conversational conferences
occurring across The Americas. Each one is focused on a relevant shared agenda in higher
education and addresses a specific theme of partnership between American and UK
higher education institutions.
The purpose is to create opportunities to share best practice, to discuss common concerns
and to increase partnerships between institutions.
Todays event focuses on the role of university partnerships with government and private
industry in supporting economic revitalization in regions where there is need for growth
as well as the significance these partnerships have on changing the way higher education
is delivered today. Ensuring the right pipeline of graduates with the correct balance of
technical and soft skills needed to meet workforce demands is a crucial issue in both the
US and the UK. We will examine why universities are key in propelling regions trapped
in low-skill/low-wage cycles into the knowledge economy through research, workforce
development, and innovation and tech transfer.
We hope you will find this to be a timely conversation, and we look forward to adding to
this important debate.
Paul Smith
Director, British Council USA
Upcoming Higher Education Series events will be held in:
	 S達o Paulo, Brazil  29 October 2013: Impact and Trends of International Higher Education
	 Mexico City, Mexico  19 November 2013: The Role of Higher Education in the
Democratization of Productivity: Developing graduates to drive economic growth
	 Vancouver, Canada  20 November 2013:  The Role of Higher Education in Training the
Next Generation of Social Entrepreneurs
	 Medell鱈n, Colombia  12 February 2014: Inclusion, Quality Education and Innovation:
Challenges of higher education in Colombia
The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization 3
9:00am    Welcome address
Paul Smith, Director, British Council
USA油and Yves Berthelot, Vice Provost for
International Initiatives, Georgia Tech油
9:15am    	I. Plenary: Shaped by the Past-
Creating the Future
Professor Christopher F. Higgins, Vice-
Chancellor and Warden, Durham University
10:00am	 	II. The University and Economic
Revitalization: Parallels between the
US and UK
Professor Michael Luger, Director,
Manchester Business School
10:20am   Coffee Break
10:30am 	 	III. Local Industry Impact: Co-design
of programs and curriculum
Moderator: Professor Suzanne Cholerton,
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching,
Newcastle University
Dr. Imtiaz Haque, Founding Chair and
Executive Director, Department of
Automotive Engineering, International Center
for Automotive Research, Clemson University
Dr. Michael Matthews, Associate Dean for
Research and Graduate Education, University
of South Carolina
Jeremy Butler, Director, Professional
and Executive Programmes, Warwick
Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick
11:30am 	 	IV. Research and Tech Transfer:
Innovation to impact
Moderator: Dr. Celia Caulcott, Director of
Innovation and Skills, Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council
Valerie McDevitt, Asst. Vice President,
Technology Transfer Office Patents &
Licensing, University of South Florida
Dr. Stephen E. Cross, Executive Vice
President for Research, Georgia Institute of
Professor Richard Davies, Dean of
Knowledge Exchange and Impact, Durham
12:30pm 	Lunch
1:00pm 	 V. Lunch speaker
Pioneering 21st
Century Education:
The view from the Presidents desk
Dr. Daniel J. Kaufman, President and
CEO, Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce
and Founding President, Georgia Gwinnett
1:30pm	 VI. Educating the Future Workforce:
Training and work placement
Moderator: Dr. James Miller, Director, Open
University Scotland
Nicola Turner, Director of Employability,
Aston University
Mr. Henry C. Giles, Jr., President,
Spartanburg Community College
Dr. Rich Phillips, Associate Dean for
Academic Initiatives and Innovation, J. Mack
Robinson College of Business, Georgia State
2:30pm 	 Coffee Break and Light Snacks
2:45pm 	 	VII. Lost in Translation: Qualifications,
competencies and employment
Moderator: Professor Hugo Tucker, Dean
of Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social
Science, University of Reading
Dr. Robin Dorff, Dean, College of Humanities
and Social Sciences and Professor of Political
Science, Kennesaw State University
Dr. Clarissa Myrick-Harris, Dean, Division of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Morehouse
Janice Mulholland, Education Manager,
British Council USA
4:15pm 	 	VIII. Closing Address
5:00pm	 Networking Reception
co-hosted by Her Britannic Majestys
Consul General Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford
4 British Council Higher Education Series
Participating Universities and Organizations
The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization 5
British Council USA Higher
Education Overview 2012/13
Global Policy Dialogues
Going Global 2014 in Miami, FL: April 29 - May 1, 2014
Going Global is the British Councils flagship international education conference. Since its
inception in 2004, Going Global has grown from an annual event in the UK to the largest
gathering of its type in the world, the leading global event for leaders of international
education and a fixture of the global education calendar. Each year it attracts around
1,500 registered delegates from 70-80 countries across the tertiary (further and higher)
education and vocational skills sectors and a variety of other industries with perspectives
on international education.
Each year, we bring Going Global to a different region of the world as we seek to explore
future thinking in international tertiary education. The conference has been hosted in
Edinburgh, London, Hong Kong, and Dubai in previous years, and will come to the Americas
region for the first time in 2014. Vibrant and fast moving, the Americas region embraces the
unparalleled strength of the USA on the global education stage, alongside new, rapidly rising
players like Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Chile. It is this exciting melting pot of education
traditions, cultures, ideas and aspirations that sets the context for our conference.
Global Innovation Initiative
The Global Innovation Initiative is a new higher education partnership opportunity
established between the UK and US governments. The initiative provides grant support for
multilateral research collaboration in STEM-related issues of global significance between
higher education institutions in the UK, the US and institutions in Brazil, China, India and
Indonesia. The grants are intended to bring mutual benefit to higher education institutions
on both sides of the Atlantic through the enhancement of existing bilateral ties and the
development of trilateral relationships with emerging economies. The Call for Proposals
goes live in October 2013.
Education Intelligence aims to provide accurate analysis of underlying market trends
pertinent to the internationalization of education. The suite of reports focuses on student
decision-making processes, international student mobility, individual country profiles and the
internationalization policies of specific countries.
6 British Council Higher Education Series
The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization 7
British Council
3100 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington DC 20008-3600

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  • 1. British Council Higher Education Series The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization October 10, 2013 Georgia Tech Alumni House Atlanta, Georgia
  • 2. 2 British Council Higher Education Series Introduction The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization Welcome to the ninth event in the British Council Higher Education Series. This forum is part of a two-year series of small-scale conversational conferences occurring across The Americas. Each one is focused on a relevant shared agenda in higher education and addresses a specific theme of partnership between American and UK higher education institutions. The purpose is to create opportunities to share best practice, to discuss common concerns and to increase partnerships between institutions. Todays event focuses on the role of university partnerships with government and private industry in supporting economic revitalization in regions where there is need for growth as well as the significance these partnerships have on changing the way higher education is delivered today. Ensuring the right pipeline of graduates with the correct balance of technical and soft skills needed to meet workforce demands is a crucial issue in both the US and the UK. We will examine why universities are key in propelling regions trapped in low-skill/low-wage cycles into the knowledge economy through research, workforce development, and innovation and tech transfer. We hope you will find this to be a timely conversation, and we look forward to adding to this important debate. Paul Smith Director, British Council USA Upcoming Higher Education Series events will be held in: S達o Paulo, Brazil 29 October 2013: Impact and Trends of International Higher Education Mexico City, Mexico 19 November 2013: The Role of Higher Education in the Democratization of Productivity: Developing graduates to drive economic growth Vancouver, Canada 20 November 2013: The Role of Higher Education in Training the Next Generation of Social Entrepreneurs Medell鱈n, Colombia 12 February 2014: Inclusion, Quality Education and Innovation: Challenges of higher education in Colombia
  • 3. The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization 3 Agenda 9:00am Welcome address Paul Smith, Director, British Council USA油and Yves Berthelot, Vice Provost for International Initiatives, Georgia Tech油 9:15am I. Plenary: Shaped by the Past- Creating the Future Professor Christopher F. Higgins, Vice- Chancellor and Warden, Durham University 10:00am II. The University and Economic Revitalization: Parallels between the US and UK Professor Michael Luger, Director, Manchester Business School 10:20am Coffee Break 10:30am III. Local Industry Impact: Co-design of programs and curriculum Moderator: Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching, Newcastle University Dr. Imtiaz Haque, Founding Chair and Executive Director, Department of Automotive Engineering, International Center for Automotive Research, Clemson University Dr. Michael Matthews, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, University of South Carolina Jeremy Butler, Director, Professional and Executive Programmes, Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick 11:30am IV. Research and Tech Transfer: Innovation to impact Moderator: Dr. Celia Caulcott, Director of Innovation and Skills, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Valerie McDevitt, Asst. Vice President, Technology Transfer Office Patents & Licensing, University of South Florida Dr. Stephen E. Cross, Executive Vice President for Research, Georgia Institute of Technology Professor Richard Davies, Dean of Knowledge Exchange and Impact, Durham University 12:30pm Lunch 1:00pm V. Lunch speaker Pioneering 21st Century Education: The view from the Presidents desk Dr. Daniel J. Kaufman, President and CEO, Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce and Founding President, Georgia Gwinnett College 1:30pm VI. Educating the Future Workforce: Training and work placement Moderator: Dr. James Miller, Director, Open University Scotland Nicola Turner, Director of Employability, Aston University Mr. Henry C. Giles, Jr., President, Spartanburg Community College Dr. Rich Phillips, Associate Dean for Academic Initiatives and Innovation, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University 2:30pm Coffee Break and Light Snacks 2:45pm VII. Lost in Translation: Qualifications, competencies and employment Moderator: Professor Hugo Tucker, Dean of Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, University of Reading Dr. Robin Dorff, Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of Political Science, Kennesaw State University Dr. Clarissa Myrick-Harris, Dean, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Morehouse College Janice Mulholland, Education Manager, British Council USA 4:15pm VIII. Closing Address 5:00pm Networking Reception co-hosted by Her Britannic Majestys Consul General Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford
  • 4. 4 British Council Higher Education Series Participating Universities and Organizations
  • 5. The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization 5 British Council USA Higher Education Overview 2012/13 Global Policy Dialogues Going Global 2014 in Miami, FL: April 29 - May 1, 2014 Going Global is the British Councils flagship international education conference. Since its inception in 2004, Going Global has grown from an annual event in the UK to the largest gathering of its type in the world, the leading global event for leaders of international education and a fixture of the global education calendar. Each year it attracts around 1,500 registered delegates from 70-80 countries across the tertiary (further and higher) education and vocational skills sectors and a variety of other industries with perspectives on international education. Each year, we bring Going Global to a different region of the world as we seek to explore future thinking in international tertiary education. The conference has been hosted in Edinburgh, London, Hong Kong, and Dubai in previous years, and will come to the Americas region for the first time in 2014. Vibrant and fast moving, the Americas region embraces the unparalleled strength of the USA on the global education stage, alongside new, rapidly rising players like Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Chile. It is this exciting melting pot of education traditions, cultures, ideas and aspirations that sets the context for our conference. KNOWLEDGE PARTNERSHIPS Global Innovation Initiative The Global Innovation Initiative is a new higher education partnership opportunity established between the UK and US governments. The initiative provides grant support for multilateral research collaboration in STEM-related issues of global significance between higher education institutions in the UK, the US and institutions in Brazil, China, India and Indonesia. The grants are intended to bring mutual benefit to higher education institutions on both sides of the Atlantic through the enhancement of existing bilateral ties and the development of trilateral relationships with emerging economies. The Call for Proposals goes live in October 2013. EDUCATION INTELLIGENCE Education Intelligence aims to provide accurate analysis of underlying market trends pertinent to the internationalization of education. The suite of reports focuses on student decision-making processes, international student mobility, individual country profiles and the internationalization policies of specific countries. http://ihe.britishcouncil.org/educationintelligence
  • 6. 6 British Council Higher Education Series Notes
  • 7. The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization 7 Notes
  • 8. British Council 3100 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington DC 20008-3600 USA www.britishcouncil.org/usa @BCUnitedStates USAblog.britishcouncil.org