This document outlines an activity sheet for students to complete on types of drugs, including stimulants, sedative-hypnotics, hallucinogens, marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes. It provides instructions for students to provide the street names, ways of consumption, immediate effects, and long term effects for each drug type. It also notes the assignment is due on February 28, 2011 at 8:00 pm and must be submitted by email to the provided address, with no late submissions accepted.
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Health 3
1. Health 3<br />Activity Sheet<br />Studet name and class number:<br />Section:<br />Type of DrugStreet namesWays the drug is consumedImmediate EffectLong term EffectsStimulants123Sedative-Hypnotic Drug123Hallucinogens1 (Psychedelics)2 (Deliriants)3 (Dissociative)MarijuanaAlcoholCigarettes<br />NOTE:<br />Maximum of three students in a group<br />Due on February 28, 2011 (Monday), 8:00 pm. Submit to email address:<br />I won’t accept late submission<br />