This document discusses various personal health issues including protected health information, stunted growth, dwarfism, obesity, hearing loss, and other health problems like swimmer's ear, myopia, otitis media, stabismus, and nearsightedness. Good nutrition and physical activity are important for maintaining overall health and reducing risks of chronic diseases. Personal hygiene practices can help prevent and control personal health concerns.
? also referred to as
protected health information, generally
refers to demographic information,
medical history, test and laboratory
results, insurance information and other
data that a healthcare professional
collects to identify an individual and
determine appropriate care.
?What Is Gigantism?
?Gigantism is a rare condition that causes
abnormal growth in children. This change is
most notable in terms of height, but girth is
affected as well. It occurs when your child¡¯s
pituitary gland makes too much growth
hormone, which is also known as somatotropin.
5. The world's tallest man Sultan Kosen meets the world's smallest Chandra Bahadur
Dangi, in London for the Guinness World Records 60th birthday and a cup of tea!
? is a condition of short stature. It is
defined by the advocacy group Little
People of America (LPA) as an adult
height of 4 feet 10 inches or under, as a
result of a medical or genetic condition.
Although other groups may extend the
criteria for certain forms of dwarfism to 5
feet, the average height of an adult with
dwarfism is 4 feet.
?Obesity means having too much body fat.
It is not the same as overweight, which
means weighing too much. A person may
be overweight from extra muscle, bone,
or water, as well as too much fat. But both
terms mean that someone's weight is
higher than what is thought to be healthy
for their height.
12. ?Do you practice personal
hygiene to prevent and
control personal health
concerns.? What are these
?Good nutrition is an important part of
leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined
with physical activity, your diet can help
you to reach and maintain
a healthy weight, reduce your risk of
chronic diseases (like heart disease and
cancer), and promote your
overall health.