A non-disruptive, in-depth analysis of your business costs from the UKs leading cost management specialists.
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1. Auditel Business
Health Check
A non-disruptive, in-depth analysis of your business costs
from the UKs leading cost management specialists
Fully equipped to manage all your essential business costs
2. Auditels Business Health Check proves time and
again that organisations throughout the UK are
paying far too much for their essential business costs
often by well over 20% and, in some cases,
paying for products and services that simply dont fit
their business needs.
An in-depth examination of all your
business costs using Auditels unique
Total Cost of Purchase速 approach
Before we were Maximum efficiency, minimum disruption
introduced to An Auditel Business Health Check is an in-depth examination of all your
business costs using our accelerated cost management process, Total Cost
Auditel, I thought
of Purchase速.
we were running a
Carried out by experienced Auditel consultants, fully equipped with
pretty tight ship. sophisticated analytical tools and supported by comprehensive knowledge
David Guttridge, systems, the analysis culminates in a detailed report with recommendations
Managing Director, Standard Soap on how and where sustainable improvements can be made.
Savings to date exceed Auditels collective industry knowledge provides the expertise to manage
贈200,000 on utilities and almost all business cost areas (see opposite page for details), leaving you
office supplies with the peace of mind to focus on your core business activities.
Flexible terms of business mean that you choose how you work with us
from the beginning. So there are no unexpected fees, no hidden charges
and no extras.
So even if you think you have all your business costs under control, it
wouldnt hurt to book an Auditel Business Health Check. Just to make sure.
Auditel are not suppliers, agents or brokers and have
a completely independent view of the supply chain.
Communications Energy Efficiency Insurance
Landlines Metering Office/business
Data Energy management systems Vehicles
Mobiles Utility efficiency surveys Professional indemnity/
Teleconferencing and Green policy development credit checking
video-conferencing Carbon Trust and Public liability
implementation Charities
Energy Climate Control Levy Leisure
Gas, electricity, LPG Sport
SMART metering Premises Costs Medical
Forward pricing Health & safety audits Employee benefits
Energy management & compliance systems
and efficiency Building management systems Environmental and
Business rates Waste Management
Water and Sewerage Rent & service charge reviews Waste and waste
Metering Optimising efficiency of use management systems
Efficiency auditing Relocating Hazardous and
Leak detection Capital allowances clinical recycling
Water harvesting Funding of purchase Packaging
Non return to sewer Taxation Compliance schemes
Valuations Waste electrical and
Business Consumables electronic equipment
Printing Lending directives (WEEE Directive)
Stationery Asset/plant finance
Work wear Working capital Fleet Management
Furniture Development finance Vehicle sourcing & acquisition
Couriers Restructuring Vehicle maintenance
Cleaning materials Vehicle funding
Archiving Finance Fuel management
Business machines Bank charge auditing Sale & leaseback
Packaging Merchant card fees Contract hire
Vehicle insurance
Human Resources
Management systems
Policy audits & upgrades
Risk assessments
4. Book an Auditel Business Health Check
Book an Auditel Business Health Check today
to find out how much time and money you
could be saving.
Join our growing base of more than 3,700 clients and
enjoy the tangible benefits and peace of mind that
Auditels highly effective cost management
services can deliver.
Even if you think youve got all your essential
business costs under control, it wouldnt hurt to
make sure.
Contact us today to book your
Auditel Business Health Check.
5. Auditel Cost and Purchase Management BUSINESS HEALTH CHECK
Auditel Business Health Check
from the UK and Irelands leading cost management specialists
lowering the cost of doing business
6. An in-depth examination of all your business costs BUSINESS COST AREAS
using Auditels unique Total Cost of Purchase速
Auditels Total Cost of Purchase速 model differs from traditional cost analysis or Communications Energy Efficiency Lending
expense reduction consultancy. It takes into account all the costs both direct Landlines Metering Asset/plant finance
and indirect associated with making effective cost management decisions. Data Energy management systems Working capital
Mobiles Utility efficiency surveys Development finance
As well as our core areas of specialisation Communications, Energy, Business Teleconferencing and Green policy development Restructuring
video-conferencing Carbon Trust and
Consumables, Water and Sewerage Auditel have the expertise to help you
manage a much broader range of overheads. (See opposite page for details.) Climate Control Levy Finance
Best of all, our flexible terms of business mean that you choose how you work Energy Bank charge auditing
with us from the beginning. That way, there are no unexpected fees, no Gas, electricity, LPG Merchant card fees
SMART metering Premises Costs
hidden charges and no extras. Forward pricing Health & safety audits
Energy management & compliance systems Environmental and
With over 15 years experience, you can rely on Auditel to manage your and efficiency Building management systems Waste Management
business overheads, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. Business rates
Waste and waste
Rent & service charge reviews
management systems
Water and Sewerage Optimising efficiency of use
There are four key steps to the Auditel approach: Hazardous and
Metering clinical recycling
Capital allowances
Efficiency auditing Packaging
Funding of purchase
Leak detection Compliance schemes
1 2 3 4 Water harvesting
Non return to sewer
Waste electrical and
electronic equipment
directives (WEEE Directive)
Assessing your Identifying and Realising the Saving into Human Resources
essential reporting on saving savings the future Business Consumables
Management systems Fleet Management
business costs opportunities Printing
Stationery Vehicle sourcing & acquisition
Policy audits & upgrades
Work wear Vehicle maintenance
Risk assessments
Furniture Vehicle funding
Couriers Fuel management
Cleaning materials Sale & leaseback
Archiving Insurance Contract hire
Business machines Office/business Vehicle insurance
Packaging Vehicles
Professional indemnity/
credit checking
Public liability
Employee benefits
63% saved on energy costs
Our relationship with Auditel goes from strength
to strength and I see the relationship continuing
long into the future.
Dean Styger, Group Finance Director, Talacre Beach
7. Auditel Cost and Purchase Management BUSINESS HEALTH CHECK
Auditel is currently saving millions of
pounds for organisations throughout the
UK and Ireland.
Contact us now to find out how much
we could be saving you.
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