Regular health checkups allow people to monitor their health and identify potential problems early before they become serious. Online health checkup packages provide a convenient way to have samples collected and receive precise reports. There are many benefits to health checkup packages, including early detection of diseases, assessing if the body is functioning properly, increasing the chances of treatment and cure, extending lifespan, enabling a healthy lifestyle, and preventing sudden medical expenses. The packages should include different tests tailored to a person's age to screen for diseases they may be at risk for.
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Health checkup package
1. Health Checkup Package
Health CheckupPackages: Our healthisthe mostpreciousresource we have.We spendalot of money
on luxuryandapparel,yetwe disregardourhealth.Intodayshecticworld,whenpollutionisonthe rise,
stressknowsnobounds,andexercise time isscarce,itsevenmore importanttokeepaneye onour
RegularBodyHealthcheckups allowustokeeptrack of ourhealthand correctproblemsbefore they
become serious.Earlyidentificationof illnessescanaidinthe treatmentof majorhealthproblems.
Insteadof makingmanyappointmentsandvisitingclinics,youcanpurchase healthpackages.
You may evengethealthcheckuppackagesonline,whichinclude samplecollectionandprecise
reporting.Youshouldunderstandthe benefitsof healthpackagesbefore purchasingthem.An
online diagnosticlab will gatherthe samplesneededtoperformafull-bodyexaminationatyour
2. Benefits Of Body Test Checkup Package
There are manybenefits,butthe significantbenefitsthatare importantfromthe healthperspective
1. Early DetectionOf Diseases
There musthave beensituationsinyouwhere adelayinrecognizingthe conditionresultedinserious
healthconsequences.Itiscritical tocheckon the bodyat frequentintervalstoensure thateverythingis
2. To See If Your Body Is Fine
There are several internalbattlesthatourbodiesfightthatcannotbe discoveredwithoutthorough
exams.A routine whole-bodyexamwill determine whetherthe bodyisoperatingproperlyandwhether
any medical care isrequired.
Otherthan these reasons,full bodycheckupsare alsonecessaryfor:-
Increaseschancesof treatmentandcure
It helpsyouleada healthylife
Preventsfromsuddenmedical expenses
Age-Wise Check-Ups
You shouldnotsignup forany healthplanwithoutfirstdeterminingwhetherornot yourequire it.You
shouldtake variouspackagesdependingonyourage to dotestingfordiseasesyouare prone tocatch.
If you are inyour 20s and 30s these are the checkupsyourpackage shouldinclude:-
Dental checkupandfrequentcleaning
Glucose levels
3. If you are sexuallyactive,thenyoushouldgetthesetestsdone:
PAP Smeartestfor womenineverytwoyears
BMI, hipand waistmeasurements
If you are inyour 40s these are the checkupsyourpackage shouldinclude:-
Type 2 DiabetesAssessment
Riskof cardiovasculardiseases
Eye Checkup
Mammogram forwomen
PSA for men
If you are inyour 50s and 60s these are the checkupsyourpackage shouldinclude:-
Visual acuity
Bowel cancerscreening
Total bodyfatpercentage
CT Coronary Angiography(Heart)
CT Screeningof NeckVessels(Carotid)
Bone Mineral Densitometry(BMD)
Abdominal Check:Ultrasonographyof abdomen&pelvis
LipidProfile Test
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