The document discusses maintaining good health and properly caring for the human body. It covers the main body systems and encourages taking responsibility to understand how the body works. It emphasizes asking questions to clarify doubts and seeking guidance from various health professionals. Living according to what the body needs, treating it with respect, love and responsibility as a good manager is advised. It also stresses the importance of humility in learning and helping others to maintain health.
2. Health
? H-Human body- do you know it?
? E-Entrust to scientific honesty
? A-Ask question that led you correct
? L-Live a life that a human body need
? T-Treat body correctly or subject to
? H-Help!! Be humble to learn to keep
3. H-Human body- do you know it?
? Body system
C 12 main body system
? Cellular
? Nervous
? Urinary
? Sensory
? Circulatory
? Endocrine
5. C Wisdom of God
C Do not count on father and mother to know
C Be responsible to know
C What shall I do as I know?
? live accordingly to keep this system running
6. E-Entrust to scientific honesty
? What is the latest diagnose system?
C Resonance magnetic wave
C Cell¨s energy
C Detecting life cell bio energy frequency
7. A-Ask question
? Ask and it shall be open
C Ask question to clear your doubt
C Ask -why, how and when
C Ask a clear explanation
? From one level to another level
? From different point of view
? From different health professional
C Netorinist
C Herbalogist
C TCM Doctor
8. L-Live a life that a human body need
? Live a life
C Find a good model that live a life
? That enjoy his or her life
? Who understand his or her body need
C Body
C Soul
C Spirit
9. T-Treat body correctly
? Do not abuse your body- Treat your
body correctly
C Treat with respect
C Treat with love
C Treat with responsible
C Treat as a good manager
C Treat yourselves good for your love one
10. H-Help!! Be humble
? You and I need help
C Help is in needy because you can not
C Humble to learn
C Help those who need your help
C Helping hands is a welcome hand
C Help those who need your help, that make
you happy
? Point to take away
C There is only one truth out there
C Good understand make you good
C Everybody is unique you need to find out
your path to gain back your health
C We are in a battlefield. We need a healthy
body to :-
? Serve
C Our love one
12. Proverbs 17:22
?A happy heart is good medicine and a
cheerful mind works healing, but a
broken spirit dries up the bones.