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Name-Tamreen Zara
Topic-Health and Hygiene
Name-Tamreen Zara
Subject-Biology experiential project
Topic-Health and Hygiene
School-CMS Kanpur Road
When a Human bodys
physical, social and
mental condition is well
and free from diseases
,that person is considered
to be a healthy person.
Keeping ourselves and our
surroundings clean to prevent the
spread of diseases is called
We can maintain our Hygiene by
bathing regularly, washing hands
and trimming our nails .
Disease- Any change in the
structure or function of an organ
that causes pain and affects ones
health is called a disease. A
disease is not caused Due to
immediate external injury. A
disease could be also called
sickness or illness.
Types of Diseases
The diseases that are present In our
genes and are present from birth are
called congenital diseases. They are
caused due to abnormal genes
passed to us from our previous
generations or any organs
underdevelopment. Some common
examples of congenital diseases are
colour-blindness,thalassemia and
haemopholia.In this diagram,the
congenital disease passed by the top
generation is still present in the
bottom generation.
Colour Blindness is the
condition when the patient is
not able to differentiate
between colors.Over 10 million
cases of colour blindness are
reported in India each year. In
this photo people with normal
eyesight can see number
74.people with colour
blindness can see the number
71.People with total colour
Thalassemia is a blood
disorder in which the
haemoglobin in our blood
contains less oxygen than
normal. The patient
suffering from Thallasemia
also has less red blood
cells in his/her blood than
usual. The given picture
shows the difference
between the blood of a
normal person and a person
suffering from Thallasemia.
Haemophilia is a blood
disorder in which the blood
platelets do not form clots
over cuts and wounds and
prevent blood loss. When
patients suffering with
haemophilia get some injury,
excessive bleeding(internal
and external) occurs. Learn
more about haemophilia in the
video at the end of the ppt
They occur in our
body after we are
born. They have no
connection to our
They are of two types-
Diseases that are passes
from an infected person to a
healthy person by various
means are called
communicable diseases.
Examples of communication
diseases are  cholera,
Diseases are
spread by various
The given table
shows the
and the diseases
they cause-
Microorganisms Diseases
Cholera, whooping cough, tuberculosis
,tetanus, leprosy, diphtheria, pneumonia,
Botulism, plague
Measles, chickenpox, polio, hepatitis, conjunctivitis,
influenza, rabies, mumps, AIDS, swine flu
Food poisoning, ringworm, athletes foot,
dhobis itch
protozoa Amoebic dysentery, malaria, sleeping sickness
worms Taeniasis, elephantiasis, ascariasis
Here is some information about
communicable diseases-
Click on the button
It transmits through air.
It can infect any part of the
body but it mainly affects the
lungs. It is a bacterial
infection. Its symptoms
include blood containing
sputum, persistent
coungh,weight loss, chest
pain, difficulty in breathing
and afternoon fever.
It passes on to other
people by contaminated
water ,food and direct
contact of contaminated
faeces. It affects the
stomach and intestines.
Its symptoms are pain in
stomach ,appetite loss,
constipation ,cough and
Like typhoid, it spreads
through contaminated
food and water and
affects the stomach
ute diarrhoea, extreme
thirst and muscle cramps
are some symptoms.
It transmits through
improperly canned food.
It attacks the nervous
system.Its symptoms are
fatigue dizziness,
muscular weakness and
It transmits through Air
droplets and is of articles of
infected person. It attacks the
upper throat and trachea. Its
symptoms include Sore
and nasal discharge.
This disease is
through air
droplets. It affects
the upper
respiratory tract.
Its symptoms are
fever and body
It transmits through
contaminated food
and water with
infected faeces and
person to person
contact. Its
symptoms are
paralysis in the
This disease transmits
through contaminated
food and water and blood
of infected person. It
attacks the liver. Some of
its symptoms are
dache,pain in lever,
reddening of hands and
It transmits through
direct contact with
infected person and air
droplets. It attacks the
skin. Some of its
symptoms are onset of
fever, itchy rashes with
pink spots and tiny
blisters that dry and
become scabs after 4-5
Common cold
It transmits through air
droplets. It affects the
upper respiratory system.
its effects are watery
eyes, dry throat, headache
and runny nose.
It transmits through
droplet infection through
coughing, sneezing and
spitting. It also attacks the
skin. Its effects are Sore
throat, runny nose, watery
eyes, dry cough with fever;
small whitish spots appear
on the inner walls of the
cheek; red rashes appear
first in the neck region and
then the whole body.
Click on the button to learn about
fungus diseases
It transmits through direct
contact. It affects the skin.
Its effects are
red,itchy,scaly,or raised
patches; patches may
develop blisters; patches
may be redder on the
outer edges or resemble a
Through air-droplet
The germs of some diseases are present
in the windpipe, nasal passage, throat
and mouth of the person suffering from
the disease. A sneeze or cough from an
infected person releases a mist of
droplets full of microbes into the air.
When other people inhale this air,
microbes enter their body and infect
measles and diphtheria are some
infections that spread through air .
Through food and water
Diseases such as typhoid,dysentery,cholera
and other intestinal infections spread
through contaminated water. Such diseases
are called waterborne diseases.
Water may get contaminated when
infected people bathe, wash or defecate
near sources of water, When contaminated
water gets mixed with drinking water, it
causes infection. Microbes causing
infections of ear, nasal passage and throat
commonly spread through swimming pools.
By Insects and other
Heaps of waste and stagnant water serve
as breeding grounds for insects such as
flies, mosquitoes and fleas. Microbes get
attached to these insects when they visit
a source of infection. When these insects
sit on exposed food items or open
wounds on a persons skin or bite them,
they transfer the germs and thus the
infection. Animals such as
rats,pigs,dogs,ticks and mites can also
transfer microbes from infected people to
healthy ones. These insects and animals
that carry disease-causing germs are
called vectors
Through direct
Some infections such as
conjunctivitis and scabies
spread through direct contact
between a healthy and an
infected person. Sharing things
such as drinking glasses, towels
and combs used by an infected
person can also spread the
infection. These are called
contagious diseases.
How to prevent
and control
Make sure
there is no
stagnant water
near your
house as
breed quickly
in such water
garbage bins
Wash your
hands with
Cover your nose and
mouth with a tissue
paper or handkerchief
when you cough or
Vaccination is an
additional way of
boosting immunity
against specific
diseases such as
poliomyelitis and so
These diseases are actually opposite of
communicable diseases. They are not passed
from person to person and are not caused by
pathogens. For example- diabetes, heart
problems, kidney disorders, vitamin and
mineral deficiencies .
Bites and stings
Nutritional deficiency
Organ malfunction
Nutritional deficiency diseases
Inadequate amount or lack of specific nutrients in the
diet causes Deficiency Diseases .If a person does not eat
sufficient quantity of balanced food, she or he is said to
be undernourished. At times, a person may consume
enough food but it may lack one or more nutrients
causing malnutrition. For example, protein energy
Nutritional Deficiency
Vitamin and Mineral
deficiency diseases
Protein-energy malnutrition
It is a condition in which young children (between 1 to 5
years) affected by the deficiency of proteins or
carbohydrates and fats or all of these in their diet .It may
lead to two diseases-Kwashiorkor and marasmus
A diet poor in protein during
infancy and childhood results
in a condition called
kwashiorkor. Its symptoms
Stunted growth and mental
Frequent diarrhoea
Water retention (oedema)
Bulging eyes
Protruding belly
Thin stick-like legs
Discolouration of hair
It occurs when children below one
year do not get adequate amount of
proteins and carbohydrates. Some
of its symptoms are-
Prominent ribs
Mental retardation
Dry, thin and wrinkled skin
Lean and weak body
Vitamin and mineral
deficiency diseases
Vitamins and minerals are needed in every
small quantities to ensure proper functioning of
various processes. Each vitamin and minerals
has a specific function to per form and their
deficiency could lead to vitamin and mineral
deficiency diseases. Some of the vitamin
mineral deficiency diseases are-
normal Night blindness
People with night
blindness experience
poor vision at night or in
dimly lit environments.
Vitamin sources for this
disease are papaya,
vegetables, fish and egg
Vitamin sources for this disease are
meat and fish.
A goiter, or goiter, is a swelling in the
neck resulting from an enlarged thyroid
gland. It is caused due to iodine
deficiency and iodine sources are
iodized salt and seafood.
Organ Malfunction Diseases
Certain health issues or diseases occur due to
malfunctioning of some body organs such as heart,
kidneys and pancreas as a result of impaired
metabolism or improper hormonal secretions.
Some common organ malfunction diseases are
diabetes, heart and renal problems.
Diabetes Mellitus
This disease is caused due to inadequate
secretion of insulin by pancreas. Insulin
regulates the level of glucose in the blood by
helping the liver to convert excess glucose
into glycogen and store it. In diabetic patients
The body can neither use sugar not store it in
the liver. As a result their blood contains Extra
sugar but other tissues lack it .Major
symptoms of Diabetes are fatigue, loss of
weight, excessive thirst and frequent need to
urinate. It can be prevented with 30 minutes of
moderate exercise daily and a healthy diet.
Heart Diseases
Disorders of the heart and blood vessels are directly
related to diet and the way of living .A sedentary
lifestyle, fat-rich diet leading to weight gain and
stress are major causes of heart malfunctions such
as the following-
Coronary Heart Disease
It occurs when the heart muscles do not get
enough oxygen due to a reduction in blood supply
following deposits of plague or atherosclerosis in
the coronary (heart) arteries. It can lead to angina
or temporary chest pain.
Heart Attack
Coronary artery disease leads to
a heart attack It occurs when a
part of the heart ,muscle is
suddenly deprived of its blood
supply due to complete blockage
in the artery feeding it.
Renal Diseases
These occur when the kidneys
are unable to efficiently filter
wastes such as urea, uric
acids and water.Thus,they get
accumulated in the blood,
preventing removal of
additional wastes from the
cells. Patients with
malfunctioning kidneys need
periodic dialysis to remove
waste or kidney transplants.
It is a disease of the joints. It is of two types-
Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis
This disease is characterized by
swelling, pain and stiffness in
the joints, especially the middle
joints of the fingers, which may
get twisted.
It is caused by the breakdown
and eventual degradation of
cartilage at the joints due to
ageing, heredity or injury. It is
marked by stiffness and pain in
the affected joints such as hips,
knees and spine.
An allergy is an unusual
hypersensitivity of body tissue to
certain tissues. The substances that
trigger an allergy are called allergens.
They may be certain
grains or perfumes. An allergic reaction
van occur when allergens are inhaled
or taken into the body through the
mouth or direct skin
contact.Asthma,eszema and hives are
some of the diseases caused by
allergic reactions.
Bites and stings
Bites and stings of certain
animals and insects such as
snakes, spiders and canines are
a cause of great discomfort. They
can result in vector born
diseases .For example, the bite
of a poisonous snake can be
fatal if not treated promptly.
Poisonous snakes contain
venom, which affects the nervous
and circulatory systems.
Fever itself is not a disease but is indicative of a
disease. Fever occurs when a person suffers from
a disease or an infection.
Fever often occurs when there is inflammation or
swelling in any part of body, or when toxins or
some foreign bodies enter the bloodstream .The
normal temperature of human beings is considered
to be 98.4属F or 37属C.When there is a rise in body
temperature from the normal value, it is termed as
fever. The pulse or heart rate also increases during
fever. Rise in body temperature above 105属F or its
fall below 96属F are both dangerous
English Elp Project-
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  • 1. Name-Tamreen Zara Class-VI Section-B Subject-Biology Topic-Health and Hygiene Name-Tamreen Zara Class-VI Sec-B Subject-Biology experiential project Topic-Health and Hygiene School-CMS Kanpur Road
  • 3. Health When a Human bodys physical, social and mental condition is well and free from diseases ,that person is considered to be a healthy person. Hygiene Keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean to prevent the spread of diseases is called Hygiene. We can maintain our Hygiene by bathing regularly, washing hands and trimming our nails .
  • 4. Disease- Any change in the structure or function of an organ that causes pain and affects ones health is called a disease. A disease is not caused Due to immediate external injury. A disease could be also called sickness or illness.
  • 6. Congenital Diseases The diseases that are present In our genes and are present from birth are called congenital diseases. They are caused due to abnormal genes passed to us from our previous generations or any organs underdevelopment. Some common examples of congenital diseases are colour-blindness,thalassemia and haemopholia.In this diagram,the congenital disease passed by the top generation is still present in the bottom generation.
  • 7. Colour Blindness Colour Blindness is the condition when the patient is not able to differentiate between colors.Over 10 million cases of colour blindness are reported in India each year. In this photo people with normal eyesight can see number 74.people with colour blindness can see the number 71.People with total colour
  • 8. Thalassemia Thalassemia is a blood disorder in which the haemoglobin in our blood contains less oxygen than normal. The patient suffering from Thallasemia also has less red blood cells in his/her blood than usual. The given picture shows the difference between the blood of a normal person and a person suffering from Thallasemia.
  • 9. Haemophilia Haemophilia is a blood disorder in which the blood platelets do not form clots over cuts and wounds and prevent blood loss. When patients suffering with haemophilia get some injury, excessive bleeding(internal and external) occurs. Learn more about haemophilia in the video at the end of the ppt
  • 10. Acquired Diseases They occur in our body after we are born. They have no connection to our genes. They are of two types- Acquired Diseases Communicable Diseases Non Communicable Diseases
  • 11. Communicable diseases Diseases that are passes from an infected person to a healthy person by various means are called communicable diseases. Examples of communication diseases are cholera, typhoid polio,rabies,malaria,etc.
  • 12. Communicable Diseases are spread by various microorganisms. The given table shows the microorganisms and the diseases they cause- Microorganisms Diseases bacteria Cholera, whooping cough, tuberculosis ,tetanus, leprosy, diphtheria, pneumonia, Botulism, plague viruses Measles, chickenpox, polio, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, influenza, rabies, mumps, AIDS, swine flu fungi Food poisoning, ringworm, athletes foot, dhobis itch protozoa Amoebic dysentery, malaria, sleeping sickness worms Taeniasis, elephantiasis, ascariasis
  • 13. Here is some information about communicable diseases- Click on the button
  • 15. Tuberculosis It transmits through air. It can infect any part of the body but it mainly affects the lungs. It is a bacterial infection. Its symptoms include blood containing sputum, persistent coungh,weight loss, chest pain, difficulty in breathing and afternoon fever.
  • 16. Typhoid It passes on to other people by contaminated water ,food and direct contact of contaminated faeces. It affects the stomach and intestines. Its symptoms are pain in stomach ,appetite loss, constipation ,cough and headache
  • 17. Cholera Like typhoid, it spreads through contaminated food and water and affects the stomach andintestines.Vomiting,ac ute diarrhoea, extreme thirst and muscle cramps are some symptoms.
  • 18. Botulism It transmits through improperly canned food. It attacks the nervous system.Its symptoms are fatigue dizziness, muscular weakness and paralysis
  • 19. Diphtheria It transmits through Air droplets and is of articles of infected person. It attacks the upper throat and trachea. Its symptoms include Sore throat,pain,fever,hoarseness and nasal discharge.
  • 21. Influenza This disease is transmitted through air droplets. It affects the upper respiratory tract. Its symptoms are fever and body ache.
  • 22. Poliomyelitis It transmits through contaminated food and water with infected faeces and person to person contact. Its symptoms are irreversible paralysis in the limbs.
  • 23. Hepatitis This disease transmits through contaminated food and water and blood of infected person. It attacks the liver. Some of its symptoms are jaundice,fever,nausea,hea dache,pain in lever, reddening of hands and feet.
  • 24. Chickenpox It transmits through direct contact with infected person and air droplets. It attacks the skin. Some of its symptoms are onset of fever, itchy rashes with pink spots and tiny blisters that dry and become scabs after 4-5 days.
  • 25. Common cold It transmits through air droplets. It affects the upper respiratory system. its effects are watery eyes, dry throat, headache and runny nose.
  • 26. Measles It transmits through droplet infection through coughing, sneezing and spitting. It also attacks the skin. Its effects are Sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes, dry cough with fever; small whitish spots appear on the inner walls of the cheek; red rashes appear first in the neck region and then the whole body.
  • 27. Fungus- Click on the button to learn about fungus diseases
  • 28. Ringworm It transmits through direct contact. It affects the skin. Its effects are red,itchy,scaly,or raised patches; patches may develop blisters; patches may be redder on the outer edges or resemble a ring
  • 30. Through air-droplet infection The germs of some diseases are present in the windpipe, nasal passage, throat and mouth of the person suffering from the disease. A sneeze or cough from an infected person releases a mist of droplets full of microbes into the air. When other people inhale this air, microbes enter their body and infect them.Cold,influenza,tuberculosis, measles and diphtheria are some infections that spread through air .
  • 31. Through food and water Diseases such as typhoid,dysentery,cholera and other intestinal infections spread through contaminated water. Such diseases are called waterborne diseases. Water may get contaminated when infected people bathe, wash or defecate near sources of water, When contaminated water gets mixed with drinking water, it causes infection. Microbes causing infections of ear, nasal passage and throat commonly spread through swimming pools.
  • 32. By Insects and other animals-vectors Heaps of waste and stagnant water serve as breeding grounds for insects such as flies, mosquitoes and fleas. Microbes get attached to these insects when they visit a source of infection. When these insects sit on exposed food items or open wounds on a persons skin or bite them, they transfer the germs and thus the infection. Animals such as rats,pigs,dogs,ticks and mites can also transfer microbes from infected people to healthy ones. These insects and animals that carry disease-causing germs are called vectors
  • 33. Through direct contact Some infections such as conjunctivitis and scabies spread through direct contact between a healthy and an infected person. Sharing things such as drinking glasses, towels and combs used by an infected person can also spread the infection. These are called contagious diseases.
  • 34. How to prevent and control communicable diseases?
  • 36. Make sure there is no stagnant water near your house as mosquitoes breed quickly in such water
  • 41. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue paper or handkerchief when you cough or sneeze.
  • 42. Vaccination is an additional way of boosting immunity against specific diseases such as chickenpox,hepatitis, poliomyelitis and so on.
  • 43. Non-Communicable Diseases These diseases are actually opposite of communicable diseases. They are not passed from person to person and are not caused by pathogens. For example- diabetes, heart problems, kidney disorders, vitamin and mineral deficiencies .
  • 44. Communicable diseases Bites and stings Nutritional deficiency diseases allergies Organ malfunction diseases
  • 45. Nutritional deficiency diseases Inadequate amount or lack of specific nutrients in the diet causes Deficiency Diseases .If a person does not eat sufficient quantity of balanced food, she or he is said to be undernourished. At times, a person may consume enough food but it may lack one or more nutrients causing malnutrition. For example, protein energy malnutrition(PEM)
  • 47. Protein-energy malnutrition It is a condition in which young children (between 1 to 5 years) affected by the deficiency of proteins or carbohydrates and fats or all of these in their diet .It may lead to two diseases-Kwashiorkor and marasmus PROTEIN-ENERGY MALNUTRITION Kwashiorkor Marasmus
  • 48. Kwashiorkor A diet poor in protein during infancy and childhood results in a condition called kwashiorkor. Its symptoms are- Stunted growth and mental retardation Frequent diarrhoea Water retention (oedema) Bulging eyes Protruding belly Thin stick-like legs Discolouration of hair
  • 49. Marasmus It occurs when children below one year do not get adequate amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Some of its symptoms are- Prominent ribs Mental retardation Dry, thin and wrinkled skin Lean and weak body
  • 50. Vitamin and mineral deficiency diseases Vitamins and minerals are needed in every small quantities to ensure proper functioning of various processes. Each vitamin and minerals has a specific function to per form and their deficiency could lead to vitamin and mineral deficiency diseases. Some of the vitamin mineral deficiency diseases are-
  • 51. normal Night blindness Night blindness People with night blindness experience poor vision at night or in dimly lit environments. Vitamin sources for this disease are papaya, mango, vegetables, fish and egg
  • 52. Anemia Vitamin sources for this disease are meat and fish.
  • 53. goiter GOITER A goiter, or goiter, is a swelling in the neck resulting from an enlarged thyroid gland. It is caused due to iodine deficiency and iodine sources are iodized salt and seafood.
  • 54. Organ Malfunction Diseases Certain health issues or diseases occur due to malfunctioning of some body organs such as heart, kidneys and pancreas as a result of impaired metabolism or improper hormonal secretions. Some common organ malfunction diseases are diabetes, heart and renal problems.
  • 55. Diabetes Mellitus This disease is caused due to inadequate secretion of insulin by pancreas. Insulin regulates the level of glucose in the blood by helping the liver to convert excess glucose into glycogen and store it. In diabetic patients The body can neither use sugar not store it in the liver. As a result their blood contains Extra sugar but other tissues lack it .Major symptoms of Diabetes are fatigue, loss of weight, excessive thirst and frequent need to urinate. It can be prevented with 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily and a healthy diet.
  • 56. Heart Diseases Disorders of the heart and blood vessels are directly related to diet and the way of living .A sedentary lifestyle, fat-rich diet leading to weight gain and stress are major causes of heart malfunctions such as the following-
  • 57. Coronary Heart Disease It occurs when the heart muscles do not get enough oxygen due to a reduction in blood supply following deposits of plague or atherosclerosis in the coronary (heart) arteries. It can lead to angina or temporary chest pain.
  • 58. Heart Attack Coronary artery disease leads to a heart attack It occurs when a part of the heart ,muscle is suddenly deprived of its blood supply due to complete blockage in the artery feeding it.
  • 59. Renal Diseases These occur when the kidneys are unable to efficiently filter wastes such as urea, uric acids and water.Thus,they get accumulated in the blood, preventing removal of additional wastes from the cells. Patients with malfunctioning kidneys need periodic dialysis to remove waste or kidney transplants.
  • 60. Arthritis It is a disease of the joints. It is of two types- Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis
  • 61. Rheumatoid Arthritis This disease is characterized by swelling, pain and stiffness in the joints, especially the middle joints of the fingers, which may get twisted.
  • 62. Osteoarthritis It is caused by the breakdown and eventual degradation of cartilage at the joints due to ageing, heredity or injury. It is marked by stiffness and pain in the affected joints such as hips, knees and spine.
  • 64. Allergy An allergy is an unusual hypersensitivity of body tissue to certain tissues. The substances that trigger an allergy are called allergens. They may be certain foods,drugs,cosmetics,dust,pollen grains or perfumes. An allergic reaction van occur when allergens are inhaled or taken into the body through the mouth or direct skin contact.Asthma,eszema and hives are some of the diseases caused by allergic reactions.
  • 65. Bites and stings Bites and stings of certain animals and insects such as snakes, spiders and canines are a cause of great discomfort. They can result in vector born diseases .For example, the bite of a poisonous snake can be fatal if not treated promptly. Poisonous snakes contain venom, which affects the nervous and circulatory systems.
  • 66. Fever Fever itself is not a disease but is indicative of a disease. Fever occurs when a person suffers from a disease or an infection. Fever often occurs when there is inflammation or swelling in any part of body, or when toxins or some foreign bodies enter the bloodstream .The normal temperature of human beings is considered to be 98.4属F or 37属C.When there is a rise in body temperature from the normal value, it is termed as fever. The pulse or heart rate also increases during fever. Rise in body temperature above 105属F or its fall below 96属F are both dangerous
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