Babbleware created an automated solution for Virginia Mason Medical Center and Owens & Minor that reduced administrative costs and errors in managing surgical kit orders. The solution uses enterprise apps to filter order data, format it for Owens & Minor's system, and eliminate manual data entry. This saved Owens & Minor over $200,000 annually and can scale to save tens of millions as other customers are onboarded. The hospital also saved substantial administrative time while improving supply reliability.
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Healthcare Success Summary
1. Success Summary - Healthcare
2 hours per day for the Account Rep with a limited
number of procedure/surgeons covered. The
Payoff in First Week program is expanding at a rapid rate as the success,
in spite of the administrative challenges, was helping
BABBLEWARE starts to payoff in Hospitals and VMMC meet its stated goals. The goal of the program
Healthcare Supply Business by saving money in order is to cover all procedures which would require 5 full
administration with an error rate of 0% time employees doing nothing but managing the
order process.
BabbleWare executed our Innovate in a Week
program in conjunction with Owens & Minor Rapid BabbleWares solution was to create an Enterprise
Productivity Improvement Week, a Lean/Kaizen App that receives the un-manipulated order file from
program. During this week the focus was on reducing VMMC via email. Two more Enterprise Apps were
the administrative expense for the Hospital AND developed to receive OM data: inventory master for
Owens & Minor in managing the order process. the supplying warehouse and the procedure master
of those procedures currently supported.
The Hospital, Virginia Mason Medical Center (VMMC)
located in Seattle, WA, is a customer of Owens & Upon receipt of the VMMC data via email,
Minor (OM). OM supplies surgical kits to the Hospital BabbleWare automatically pulls the file into the
based upon scheduled surgeries for a specific Enterprise App and runs a series of filters. The first
surgeon. These kits filter is to look for product ordered in kits that are
relate to a specific not eligible to be shipped in this way hazardous
procedure for a material and items for the US Gov. (military). This
specific surgeon. filter then generates an exception report and emails
the results to the OM Account Rep. The second filter
VMMC places orders looks at the VMMC data to see if there are orders for
each day for kits procedures not currently supported by OM. This also
required for the next generates a report, called the No Match report, that
days surgery is also sent to the Account Rep for notification of
schedule. They use opportunity. The third filter then searches the
Cerners Surgi-net to VMMC data for those procedures/surgeons and items
order their required that are currently active. The Enterprise
procedures. This App then formats the data into the OM format for
ordering process was consuming significant insertion into the OM application.
administrative time by VMMC and OM to support.
The results BabbleWare delivered in one week 3
VMMC would create a report for tomorrows Enterprise Apps that saved OM over $200K per year
surgeries. They would manually manipulate the for one customer. OM has hundreds of customers
report to include only those procedures/surgeons engaged in similar programs and can now absorb
that OM was currently supporting. After they finished customer unique data/order formats without any
creating a revised listing of procedures, they would administrative burden saving tens of millions per
hand filter the procedure for any changes to the kits year in order administration nationwide (once they
required. Then they would send this report, via email, roll out the program to all customers.) VMMC also
saved a substantial amount of administrative time
to OMs Account Rep. The error rate for this process
was over 5%. AND with the reduced error rate can rely even more
on OM to supply the critical components their
patients require in industry leading lead time.
OMs Account Rep then manually reviewed the orders
to make sure that all changes were properly
identified and then manually enter them into OMs For more info : call 1-414-412-5089 ; e-mail
homegrown application called Surgi-track. This took , twitter: BabbleWareInc