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Good Health   Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India
                       The Health of Indias workforce is in serious jeopardy
                       Work life balance is skewed with people working 14 to 15
                       hour shifts in Indias booming software and BPO industry.
                       While outsourcing has led to prosperity, we also have an
                       increasingly ill task force.

                 Some Examples:

                 1.    43 year old COO of a top ranked BPO collapsed on his way home. Was
                       diagnosed with a rare TB of the brain!

                 2.    27 year old woman working in an IT company kept getting weaker and
                       weaker till one day she could not get out of bed.  diagnosed with a rare
                       infection of the spine.

                 3     34 year old man in a top bank had a heart attack while driving back home
                       from work. His boss called him up next day to ask So will you be back next

                      Good Health          Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India
                      In the Global Workplace we not only work harder, we work

                      When we wake up, our counterparts in the US may be just about to
                      sleep To ensure seamless operations Indian team members wake
                      up sooner to take the download from US based offices/clients and
                      we may sleep later to ensure that unfinished work does not impact
                      the next shift.

                 The Impact:

                 1.   Midnight calls may often be taken at home. Work and home life often merge so
                      that the distinction between work time and home time becomes blurred.

                 2    There is often no escape from long hours constant calls and emails Absence
                                                          hours,                  emails.
                      of downtime increases overall feeling of stress.

                 3.   Team members burn out or leave the team, if work hours are not limited, even
                      if compensation is appropriate. Constant flux increases pressure on other team
                      members to compensate for the new Boss or Fellow worker  both of whom
                      may take time to pick up the ropes.

                        When I started this job (BPO) 2 years back, I loved it, the money
                        was good and I enjoyed the culture. Things are different now, I dont
                        feel like going to work, I feel tired all the time and my Blood Pressure
                                  g g          ,                                 y
                        is constantly high.
                                                                   - 25 Year Old BPO Employee

                      Good Health         Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India
                   Is there an email that I havent read? Has anyone called in the ten
                   minutes that I have been away from my Cell phone?.....todays
                   workers are never really free from things that seemingly require
                   immediate and urgent attention.

              The Impact:

              1.   Managers sometimes get 100 emails a day. They can never really respond to them.
                   The cumulative effect of pending work makes sure they always feel that there is a lot
                   to do, long hours and weekends go up in smoke trying to stay ahead.

              2.   After a while the need to stay connected becomes a habit, the net is always on 
                   even if there is really no work, the cell phone is never really switched off and the
                   Electronic Boss makes sure that the co-workers too are always connected 
                   perpetuating the problem.

              3.   Anytime, Anywhere connectivity has meant that you can work while you are travelling
                   or away from your place of work. While this could have led to flexi hours and more
                   humane work life balance, it has in fact meant no escape even during travel, family
                   events and vacations.

                    You cant even get rest on the weekend, says a Senior Manager.

                    There is a funny oft repeated episode of my colleague receiving a call
                    from his boss during his wedding ceremony. They halted the ceremony
                    so that a password could be given to the CTO.

                    My HR head says that my work hours are 9 to 9

                       Good Health             Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India
                       Employees in the city are spending 10-12 hours in the office.
                       This goes up to 14 hours or more at the senior management
                       level. Keeping up with changes in the global market and
                       increased competition ensures that Indians are working
                       harder d l
                       h d and longer.

                 The Impact:

                 1.    Talent crunch has ensured that existing employees are given additional
                       responsibilities. If you are willing t work h d and l
                               ibiliti               illi to     k harder d longer  you will
                       invariably get more work, more pay and less time for yourself.

                 2.    What are my work hours is the wrong question to ask in an interview. You
                       are expected to work late  even if there is no work, you may need to stay
                       back just because your boss is there as well!

                 3.    Longer work hours mean faster burnout  many employees in their 40s start
                       feeling the impact of Long Term Stress.

                        Most Indian companies dont realize that longer work hours only ensure
                        short term results  for a productive, innovative workforce you need a
                        strong, motivated team. Long term impact of insane working hours makes
                        the team slack, prone to mistakes and unproductive.

                        My boss sends me a mail at 11 at night and expects a response by 6 in
                        the next morning!

                      Good Health         Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India
                     Not only is the impact of long hours on personal health but the
                     health and wellbeing of the family. There is no time for ailing
                     parents, small children and family outings. There is more so in
                     cases where both parents are working. If only one person is
                     working the stay at home is left to carry the burden of family

                The Impact:

                1.   Families are increasingly feeling disconnected. Children fend for themselves and
                                             gy      g
                     the elderly feel lonely and uncared for.

                2.   The personal cost of preparing proposals, presentations, late work hours
                     immerse the person completely into the company without a stable balancing
                     influence of the family.

                3.   Lack of Work Life Balance and Family Time leads to guilt which further creates
                     stress for the Executive

                     A COOs ailing daughter remarked   Papa you must love me a lot that you here
                     today on my birthday  The executive had been travelling for months.

                     A senior executives son has severe crying bouts when he knows that his father
                     will be travelling again. He has been diagnosed with a psychological problem
                     born of insecurity and anxiety.

                     Good Health           Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India
                                    Night shifts  disrupted bio rhythms
                                    Constant late nights  14 to 15 hours days

                                    Excessive Travel  (Jet Lag, Travel on Weekends)

                                    High levels of Stress in City Commuting

                                    Competitiveness / Corporate Policies

                                    Unhealthy ti h bit
                                    U h lth eating habits  stress eating / fast food
                                                             t       ti     f tf d

                                    Sedentary Lifestyle  no exercise

                                    Poor Work Life Balance  absence of any slack time

                                                                 Chronic Fatigue

                  Heart Problems            Asthma
                                                         Carpel Tunnel
              Cancer        Thyroid       Diabetes

           Depression      Stress      Frequent Flu, Coughs, Colds         Stroke

              Blood Pressure                    Spondylitis              Back Problems

                        Good Health       Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India
                   Setting up Gyms
                   Most gyms are set up at high cost of space and equipment, but most of them lie
                   unused  to use the office gym seems to imply that I am not working

                   Diagnostic Tie Ups with Hospitals
                   I get the corporate health check up done once a y
                      g          p                    p             year.what g
                                                                               good is that if I
                   am working all hours and weekends.

                   Art of Living Workshops /Yoga Sessions
                   These sessions relieve stress, but should be done more regularly, they are so
                   sporadic and unplanned  Employees
                   What is the tangible benefit to the company of these activities  HR H d
                   Wh t i th t     ibl b    fit t th            f th      ti iti        Heads

                   Insurance Policies
                   Most insurance policies cover in-patient visits to a hospital  whereas
                   employees are looking at OPD cover, Wellness benefits and something for their
                   families Medical Insurance in India is still in its infancy

                   Sport/Club Memberships
                   Club Memberships are given only to senior level executives  for them, playing
                   anything other than golf is pass辿. Cricket championships etc. are organized by
                   ESPN/Local Clubs in which few Companies/Employees p
                                                         p        p y     participate.

                  Good Health          Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India
                       The Need:

                       1.   HR Managers are realizing that sporadic one off
                            activities such as Executive Health Check Ups, Doctor
                            on Call are not very successful.

                       2.   The Need is to foster a change in lifestyles and
                            employee sensitization towards Health and Wellness. In
                            addition, health needs are varied and no single provider
                            can take care of all of them. The need is therefore to
                            change mindsets and constantly track success.

                       3.   The Need is for a SUSTAINED CORPORATE
                            WELLNESS Intervention which is visible and available
                            through the year.

                       4.   Develop an actionable and measureable framework to
                            improve Health and Wellbeing of ALL Employees

                  Good Health      Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India

Is your Staff
                                          Irritated Ti d
                     We can help!!
Healthji Sustained Corporate H lth P
H lthji  S t i d C       t Health Programs D i
                                             Designed t M ti t and I
                                                      d to Motivate d Inspire
            your Employees to achieve the Best for your Business
                          Good Health   Good Life
Corporate Wellness - India

How can healthy
staff benefit your
                                           Higher Morale
                                         Reduce Absenteeism
                                        Team Building
  It is common knowledge that healthier bodies and healthier minds go hand in
    hand so the benefits of a healthy lifestyle plan for your employees might be
         obvious, but healthy staff could actually increase your bottom line!!
                          Good Health     Good Life
Vision  Healthji

                To be the Premier Health and Wellness Portal serving
                     the Global Indian Community with a Brand
                     Synonymous with a Healthy Lifestyle and a
                          Compelling Customer Experience.

                  The Portal will leverage Innovative Technology to
                   Deliver for its Corporate and Individual Clients
                  Sustained Wellness Programs through Health &
                            Wellness Tools and Services.

 C-CubeSM Promise  Consistent and Compelling Customer Experience

                      Good Health   Good Life
Culture - Pride
                                               Innovation  In our
                                               Services, Technology and
             Responsiveness  To the
             needs of our customers 
                                           I   Offerings

             internal and external.

                                 R                         D
                                                                     Determination  To
                                                                     succeed as individuals,
                                                                            d    i di id l
                                                                     teams and the Organization
                                                                     as a whole. WIT  Whatever
                                                                     It Takes.

       Passion  In everything we
       do. Because we believe in
       our Vision, our Culture and                                                    Execution  An un-yielding
       our Values.                                                                    focus on Excellence and to
                                                                              E       Deliver to Promise. To our
                                                                                      community, customers,
                                                                                      colleagues and stakeholders.

               PRIDE in our Work, our Colleagues and our Firm
                                 Good Health     Good Life
Core Value - Touch
                                         Urgency  A sense of
                                         urgency and speed in all our
                                         actions and interactions.

       Openness  A Collaborative
                                               U                        Customers  Delivering a
       and Open environment with
       effective Communication.
                                                                C       consistent and enriching Customer
                                                                        Experience to all Users of our

                                 O                                      Services and Tools.

                                                                                             Healthy Lifestyle  To live and
                                                                                       H     deliver a message of Healthy
                                                                                             Lifestyle and Wellbeing to all our

         Teamwork  Put the cause
                                                                                             Clients and Stakeholders

         of the organization and the
         team ahead of the individual
         at all times.

   TOUCH the lives of Human Beings in a Positive and Meaningful Way

                                    Good Health          Good Life
Become employers of

                                   h i
                            Attract and retain healthier
Healthy C
H lth Companies
                          Enjoy a sustainable competitive


            Good Health    Good Life

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Healthji - Corporate Wellness Solutions

  • 1. Good Health Good Life
  • 2. Corporate Wellness - India The Health of Indias workforce is in serious jeopardy jeopardy. Work life balance is skewed with people working 14 to 15 hour shifts in Indias booming software and BPO industry. While outsourcing has led to prosperity, we also have an increasingly ill task force. Some Examples: 1. 43 year old COO of a top ranked BPO collapsed on his way home. Was diagnosed with a rare TB of the brain! 2. 27 year old woman working in an IT company kept getting weaker and weaker till one day she could not get out of bed. diagnosed with a rare infection of the spine. 3. 3 34 year old man in a top bank had a heart attack while driving back home from work. His boss called him up next day to ask So will you be back next week? Good Health Good Life
  • 3. Corporate Wellness - India In the Global Workplace we not only work harder, we work longer! When we wake up, our counterparts in the US may be just about to sleep. sleep To ensure seamless operations Indian team members wake operations, up sooner to take the download from US based offices/clients and we may sleep later to ensure that unfinished work does not impact the next shift. The Impact: 1. Midnight calls may often be taken at home. Work and home life often merge so that the distinction between work time and home time becomes blurred. 2. 2 There is often no escape from long hours constant calls and emails Absence hours, emails. of downtime increases overall feeling of stress. 3. Team members burn out or leave the team, if work hours are not limited, even if compensation is appropriate. Constant flux increases pressure on other team members to compensate for the new Boss or Fellow worker both of whom may take time to pick up the ropes. When I started this job (BPO) 2 years back, I loved it, the money was good and I enjoyed the culture. Things are different now, I dont feel like going to work, I feel tired all the time and my Blood Pressure g g , y is constantly high. - 25 Year Old BPO Employee Good Health Good Life
  • 4. Corporate Wellness - India Is there an email that I havent read? Has anyone called in the ten minutes that I have been away from my Cell phone?.....todays workers are never really free from things that seemingly require immediate and urgent attention. The Impact: 1. Managers sometimes get 100 emails a day. They can never really respond to them. The cumulative effect of pending work makes sure they always feel that there is a lot to do, long hours and weekends go up in smoke trying to stay ahead. 2. After a while the need to stay connected becomes a habit, the net is always on even if there is really no work, the cell phone is never really switched off and the Electronic Boss makes sure that the co-workers too are always connected perpetuating the problem. 3. Anytime, Anywhere connectivity has meant that you can work while you are travelling or away from your place of work. While this could have led to flexi hours and more humane work life balance, it has in fact meant no escape even during travel, family events and vacations. You cant even get rest on the weekend, says a Senior Manager. There is a funny oft repeated episode of my colleague receiving a call from his boss during his wedding ceremony. They halted the ceremony so that a password could be given to the CTO. My HR head says that my work hours are 9 to 9 Good Health Good Life
  • 5. Corporate Wellness - India Employees in the city are spending 10-12 hours in the office. This goes up to 14 hours or more at the senior management level. Keeping up with changes in the global market and increased competition ensures that Indians are working harder d l h d and longer. The Impact: 1. Talent crunch has ensured that existing employees are given additional responsibilities. If you are willing t work h d and l ibiliti illi to k harder d longer you will ill invariably get more work, more pay and less time for yourself. 2. What are my work hours is the wrong question to ask in an interview. You are expected to work late even if there is no work, you may need to stay back just because your boss is there as well! 3. Longer work hours mean faster burnout many employees in their 40s start feeling the impact of Long Term Stress. Most Indian companies dont realize that longer work hours only ensure short term results for a productive, innovative workforce you need a strong, motivated team. Long term impact of insane working hours makes the team slack, prone to mistakes and unproductive. My boss sends me a mail at 11 at night and expects a response by 6 in My the next morning! Good Health Good Life
  • 6. Corporate Wellness - India Not only is the impact of long hours on personal health but the health and wellbeing of the family. There is no time for ailing parents, small children and family outings. There is more so in cases where both parents are working. If only one person is working the stay at home is left to carry the burden of family alone. The Impact: 1. Families are increasingly feeling disconnected. Children fend for themselves and gy g the elderly feel lonely and uncared for. 2. The personal cost of preparing proposals, presentations, late work hours immerse the person completely into the company without a stable balancing influence of the family. 3. Lack of Work Life Balance and Family Time leads to guilt which further creates stress for the Executive A COOs ailing daughter remarked Papa you must love me a lot that you here today on my birthday The executive had been travelling for months. A senior executives son has severe crying bouts when he knows that his father will be travelling again. He has been diagnosed with a psychological problem born of insecurity and anxiety. anxiety Good Health Good Life
  • 7. Corporate Wellness - India Night shifts disrupted bio rhythms Constant late nights 14 to 15 hours days Excessive Travel (Jet Lag, Travel on Weekends) High levels of Stress in City Commuting Competitiveness / Corporate Policies Unhealthy ti h bit U h lth eating habits stress eating / fast food t ti f tf d Sedentary Lifestyle no exercise Poor Work Life Balance absence of any slack time y Chronic Fatigue Heart Problems Asthma Carpel Tunnel Cancer Thyroid Diabetes Depression Stress Frequent Flu, Coughs, Colds Stroke Blood Pressure Spondylitis Back Problems Good Health Good Life
  • 8. Corporate Wellness - India Setting up Gyms Most gyms are set up at high cost of space and equipment, but most of them lie unused to use the office gym seems to imply that I am not working Diagnostic Tie Ups with Hospitals I get the corporate health check up done once a y g p p year.what g good is that if I am working all hours and weekends. Art of Living Workshops /Yoga Sessions These sessions relieve stress, but should be done more regularly, they are so sporadic and unplanned Employees What is the tangible benefit to the company of these activities HR H d Wh t i th t ibl b fit t th f th ti iti Heads Insurance Policies Most insurance policies cover in-patient visits to a hospital whereas employees are looking at OPD cover, Wellness benefits and something for their families. families Medical Insurance in India is still in its infancy infancy. Sport/Club Memberships Club Memberships are given only to senior level executives for them, playing anything other than golf is pass辿. Cricket championships etc. are organized by ESPN/Local Clubs in which few Companies/Employees p p p y participate. p Good Health Good Life
  • 9. Corporate Wellness - India The Need: 1. HR Managers are realizing that sporadic one off activities such as Executive Health Check Ups, Doctor on Call are not very successful. successful 2. The Need is to foster a change in lifestyles and employee sensitization towards Health and Wellness. In addition, health needs are varied and no single provider can take care of all of them. The need is therefore to change mindsets and constantly track success. 3. The Need is for a SUSTAINED CORPORATE WELLNESS Intervention which is visible and available through the year. 4. Develop an actionable and measureable framework to improve Health and Wellbeing of ALL Employees Good Health Good Life
  • 10. Corporate Wellness - India Is your Staff StressedSad Unhappy Unhealthy Annoyed Irritated Ti d Tired We can help!! Healthji Sustained Corporate H lth P H lthji S t i d C t Health Programs D i Designed t M ti t and I d to Motivate d Inspire i your Employees to achieve the Best for your Business Good Health Good Life
  • 11. Corporate Wellness - India How can healthy Increase Productivity staff benefit your business Higher Morale Reduce Absenteeism Team Building Increase Retention It is common knowledge that healthier bodies and healthier minds go hand in hand so the benefits of a healthy lifestyle plan for your employees might be obvious, but healthy staff could actually increase your bottom line!! Good Health Good Life
  • 12. Vision Healthji To be the Premier Health and Wellness Portal serving the Global Indian Community with a Brand Synonymous with a Healthy Lifestyle and a Compelling Customer Experience. The Portal will leverage Innovative Technology to Deliver for its Corporate and Individual Clients Sustained Wellness Programs through Health & Wellness Tools and Services. C-CubeSM Promise Consistent and Compelling Customer Experience Good Health Good Life
  • 13. Culture - Pride Innovation In our Services, Technology and Responsiveness To the needs of our customers I Offerings internal and external. R D Determination To succeed as individuals, d i di id l teams and the Organization as a whole. WIT Whatever It Takes. P Passion In everything we do. Because we believe in our Vision, our Culture and Execution An un-yielding our Values. focus on Excellence and to E Deliver to Promise. To our community, customers, colleagues and stakeholders. PRIDE in our Work, our Colleagues and our Firm Good Health Good Life
  • 14. Core Value - Touch Urgency A sense of urgency and speed in all our actions and interactions. Openness A Collaborative U Customers Delivering a and Open environment with effective Communication. C consistent and enriching Customer Experience to all Users of our O Services and Tools. Healthy Lifestyle To live and H deliver a message of Healthy Lifestyle and Wellbeing to all our T Teamwork Put the cause Clients and Stakeholders Stakeholders. of the organization and the team ahead of the individual at all times. TOUCH the lives of Human Beings in a Positive and Meaningful Way Good Health Good Life
  • 15. Become employers of choice h i Attract and retain healthier Healthy C H lth Companies i employees Enjoy a sustainable competitive advantage Good Health Good Life