This document discusses promoting health and well-being in cities of India and the concept of healthy cities in India. Some key points discussed include:
- The rapid growth of urban populations in India presents challenges for basic infrastructure and health services. Non-communicable diseases are also on the rise.
- Health is influenced by factors like housing, transportation, environment, access to healthcare and food. Urban planning needs to consider these social and environmental determinants.
- Attributes of healthy cities as defined by WHO include access to services, community participation, sustainable environment, and overall high health status.
- Indian cities need to embed health in all policies to promote health equity, improve living conditions, and make healthy choices easy
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Healthy Cities India
1. Promoting health
and well-being in
cities of India
towards Healthy
Cities in India
UNHABITAT, State of the World Cities, 2008-09
Amit Samarth
2. Amit Samarth
Our collective purpose as a society
To be economically progressive
To be socially cohesive
To promote health and well-being
To enable individuals to achieve
their intellectual and physical
To ensure that citizens today and
tomorrow will be able to enjoy the
basic amenities of life in a
sustainable and eco-friendly way
3. Amit Samarth
Ecological model of Human Health
Dahlgren and Whitehead model Source: Barton and Grant, 2006
Human health should be seen in a physical, social, behavioural, and ecological context.
Health promotion activities should involve other sectors making a contribution to
health, such as education, food, nutrition, and environment.
4. Amit Samarth
Growth in urban population of India
Population of India - increase from 1029 million to 1400
million in a period from 2001 to 2026
Urban population from 286 million to 575 million
Increase in urban population will almost account for two-
thirds of population increase
Slum dwelling population is also increasing - major
Growth due to natural increase
More than 40% population will be living in the urban
areas by 2026
Change in population dynamics of India - major
implication for health and well being
5. Amit Samarth
What have our cities achieved?
Drivers of economic growth
Hubs of world class
education, commerce and specialized
health care services
Rapidity of growth of urban population
Pressure on basic infrastructure
housing, water, sanitation, transport, gre
en cover, education, employment and
health services
What can we learn from the challenges of
present cities?
Source: Indias Urban Awakening. Building Inclusive cities , Sustaining Economic Growth
8. Amit Samarth
Cities in India are of great contrast
90 million or more urban poor live in
cities of India
Informal sector one of the key drivers
of economic growth
Growing inequalities and growing
Poor living conditions
Poor health outcomes
Loss of productivity
Increasing crime and violence
Environmental degradation due to lack
of waste management
Source: India Urban Poverty Report 2009
9. Amit Samarth
Poor health status of the urban poor
High infant and maternal mortality Urban areas in India
High water-borne diseases have better specialized
High vector borne disease like malaria healthcare services
and dengue but facilities for
Higher incidence of chronic diseases like promotive and primary
hypertension, diabetes and coronary care are non-existent
heart disease
Poor occupational health
Higher mental illnesses
Road traffic injuries
In Andhra Pradesh, there are 7500 slum localities but there are
only 250 Urban Healthcare Centres. Better primary care
services needed.
Source: Living conditions in 8 cities of India. NFHS-III Survey 2005-06
10. Amit Samarth
Epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
Triple burden of disease
Diabetic capital of the world
High prevalence of Hypertension
Obesity and overweight is on the rise
Nutritional transition
More than 50 percent deaths occur in
India due to cardiovascular diseases
Reference Report of National Commission
on Macroeconomics and Health, 2005
11. Amit Samarth
Population in India will Age..!
Projections for Old Population (>60 yrs) in India (in millions)
100 77
Yr 2000 Yr 2015 Yr 2025 Yr 2030 Yr 2035 Yr 2040 Yr 2050
% Population of Old (>60 years) of Total population in India Source:
20.14% Population
15.3% 16.7%
13.76% division,
15 12.22%
9.56% Department of
10 7.55%
Economic and
5 Social
0 Development,
Yr 2000 Yr 2015 Yr 2025 Yr 2030 Yr 2035 Yr 2040 Yr 2050 United Nations
12. Amit Samarth
Population Pyramid for India in year 2000 and projected for
year 2050
Source: Population division, Department of Economic and Social Development,
United Nations
13. Amit Samarth
Population of India will Age
By 2040, 248 million people > 60 yrs
of age
By2050, 308 million people > 60 yrs
of age
Constituting 20 percent of overall
With rapid urbanization most of this
population will be living in urban
Need to build our cities to become
age-friendly and create settlements Need to design/develop
which will help promote well-being cities for them too!
across all age-groups
14. Amit Samarth
WHO launches Global Network of Age-friendly Cities
Launched in 2010
Part of a broader response to the rapid
ageing of populations
By 2050, it is estimated that 80% of the
expected 2 billion people aged 60 years or
over will live in low or middle income
The Network aims to help cities create urban
environments that allow older people to
remain active and healthy participants in
WHO has also established formal agreements
with the French government, the Irish Ageing
Well Network and the Slovenian Network of
Age-friendly Cities to develop affiliated
national programmes
15. Amit Samarth
Poorly planned transport system
Only 2 per cent cities have low air pollution
on the basis of PM10
In 80 per cent of cities at least one criteria
pollutant exceeded the annual average
ambient air quality standards
Exponential growth in private vehicles in last
few years -17 million vehicles in last 7 yrs
Personal vehicles cars and two-wheelers --
use up more than 75 per cent of the road
space, but meet only 20 per cent of the
citys commuting demand Are we creating more
Transport study for Hyderabad Multi space for cars rather
mode Mass Rapid Transport can achieve than for people?
30% reduction in Vehicle Kms Travelled per
Source: State of Air Pollution in Indian Cities 2007, Centre for Science and Environment
17. Amit Samarth
Poor Road Safety in India
Results in deaths of > 100, 000
people in India
Results in 2 million
7.7 million minor injuries
Road traffic accidents next
only to cardio-vascular
Affect age group 5 to 44 yrs
most productive years
Man-made epidemic
Source: Road Traffic and Injury Prevention in India. NIMHANS and WHO India. 2004-05
18. Amit Samarth
Poor Road Safety Role of urban planning
Road safety a complex
Road accidents are preventable
Urban design and engineering
has a major role to prevent
Designing urban spaces to
reduce environmental factors
responsible for accidents
Car/motor-cycles are equal to an weapon on unsafe and ill-
designed roads.We need to make our roads safer and nicer
for everyone in the citycurrently there is too much of priority
on the roads for cars/motor-cycles
19. Amit Samarth
Promoting and protecting health has become a challenge..
Poor waste management
Poor housing
Poor sanitation
Lack of good footpaths
Absence of dedicated cycling
Lack of green spaces
Lack of sports and recreation
Lack of social space
20. Amit Samarth
Green cover and social space is important
To improve air quality and reduce
To reduce heat island effects
To improve physical activity
To improve opportunities for social
Reduce urban heat island effect
To address Cardio-respiratory
diseases, mental illnesses and
21. Temperature related
Pathways by which influences
illness and death
climate change Extreme weather
related health
affects human effects
health Pathways Air pollution related
Transmission health effects
Human Exposure dynamics
Regional Weather Water and food
Climate changes borne diseases
Change Heat waves
Extreme weather Changes in agro- Vector-borne and
Temperature ecosystems and rodent borne
Precipitation hydrology diseases
Effects of food and
water shortages
Socioeconomic Mental, nutritional
and demographic infectious and other
disruption health effects
Source: Climate Change and Human Health Risks and Responses, Summary., WHO 2003 Amit Samarth
22. Amit Samarth
Built Environment
The built environment encompasses land-use patterns and all
buildings, spaces and elements that people construct or modify
This includes homes, schools, workplaces, parks, recreation
areas, green spaces, business districts and transport systems
Urban design is an aspect of urban planning that focuses on
creating a desirable environment to live, work and play
Conditions in the built environment can both negatively and
positively affect participation in physical activity
Need to design the built environment for people
Street layout, land use, the transport system and the location of
recreation facilities, parks and public buildings, are all
components of a community that can either encourage or
discourage active living
Growing dependence on cars and motorization is a serious
23. Amit Samarth
Built Environment
Urban sprawl has been correlated with higher body weight, obesity
and associated chronic diseases
Crowded city centres and a resurgence of urban living may make
finding room for green spaces difficult, especially in
older, established cities
In many countries, cycling and walking have been marginalized in
transport decision-making
Traffic injuries and fatalities resulting from high vehicular
speed, heavy traffic flow and a lack of separate lanes, tracks and
paths are major reasons why people do not walk or cycle in cities
Factors like lack of quality lighting; a lack of access to open spaces
and to sports and recreation facilities; rundown houses and
neighbourhoods; poor aesthetics; and locked stairwells in
workplaces and public buildings also discourage physical activity
Cycling or taking public transport to work may be seen as a sign of
lower status since affluent people typically drive to work
24. Amit Samarth
Impact of Built Environment on health
Built environment can address issues like:
Non-Communicable diseases
Mental health
Air pollution
Road Traffic accidents
Safety to women, children and old people
Availability of nutritious food
Helping cities to become more energy efficient
Easy access to recreational facilities
Easy access to healthcare and educational facilities
Healthy ageing
Waste disposal and Recycling
Water borne diseases
26. Amit Samarth
What we need
to do in
emerging cities
of India to
promote and
protect health?
27. Amit Samarth
Embedding health in all policies
Good urban
governance &
healthy urban
availability Healthy Improve
and access to Urban health and
healthcare Population social equity
living and
28. Amit Samarth
Make Healthy Choice The Easy Choice
Community Basic
Information Housing Good water
& Education Healthcare quality
services Sanitation
Government Education and
Social & services employment
Cultural Waste
activities Good air Health and
quality Social equity
Healthy Environment leading to
Green Healthy Urban
Cheap Spaces Population
Lightings Cheap and
Cheap nutritious
Roads Access to
Energy Nutrition
29. Make Healthy Choice
Amit Samarth
The Easy Choice in cities of India
Present cities Promoting health in urban India Future cities
Basic services
Good water
Affordable quality
Information Housing Sanitation
& Education Healthcare Education &
Government services employment
Social & Cultural Waste management Good air
activities quality
Embedding health in ALL Policies
Cheap Green
Spaces Cheap and
Cheap nutritious
Clean Access to
Public Lightings
transport food
Energy Roads
Multi-disciplinary & multi-sectoral approach
Human and environmental health are intricately linked
30. Amit Samarth
Urban planning and promotion of health
Reduce obesity
Provide better Reduce carbon Reduced levels of
public transport emissions and air cardiovascular
discouraging use pollutants diseases
of private vehicles Improve air Reduced
Facilitate more quality respiratory diseases
walking and Increased Improved social
cycling physical activity capital
Improved social Reduce road
capital traffic accidents
Mitigate climate
Source: Margalit Younger, Heather R. Morrow-Almeida, Stephen M. Vindigni, Andrew L. Dannenberg. The Built Environment, Climate Change, and Health
Opportunities for Co-Bene鍖ts
31. Amit Samarth
Urban planning and promotion of health
Local markets
Urban Reduced obesity
Improved and
agriculture Reduced levels of
better balanced
Promote locally cardiovascular
grown food diseases and
Cheaper diabetes
Provide healthy agricultural
food options and Mitigate climate
information change
Reduced carbon
Restrict fast Sustainable
food restaurants development
and advertising
Source: Margalit Younger, Heather R. Morrow-Almeida, Stephen M. Vindigni, Andrew L. Dannenberg. The Built Environment, Climate Change, and Health
Opportunities for Co-Bene鍖ts
33. Amit Samarth
Attributes of Healthy City (WHO)
A clean, safe physical environment of high quality
(including housing quality)
An ecosystem that is stable now and sustainable in the long
A strong, mutually supportive and non - exploitative
A high degree of participation and control by the public over
the decisions affecting their lives, health and wellbeing
The meeting of basic needs ( for food
, water, shelter, income, safety and work) for all the citys
34. Amit Samarth
Attributes of Healthy City (WHO)
Access to a wide variety of experiences and resources, with
the chance for a wide variety of contact , interactions and
A diverse, vital and innovative city economy
The encouragement of connectedness with the past, with
the cultural and biological heritage of city dwellers and with
other groups and individuals
Urban form that is compatible with and enhances the
preceding ch aracteristics
An optimum level of appropriate public health and sick care
services accessible to all
High health status (high levels of positive health and low
levels of disease)
35. Amit Samarth
Athens declaration on Healthy Cities
Based on key principles of
equity, sustainability, intersectoral cooperation and
Political commitment to reducing the health gap
between and within our cities
Implementing ecological policies for the environment
Maximizing the added health value of all municipal
programmes through systematic assessment of the
health impact of all policies
Determined in making Healthy Cities a global movement
Will develop city health development policies, strategies
and plans that set out to improve the
social, environmental and economic determinants of
36. Amit Samarth
Athens declaration on Healthy Cities
Especially address issues related to,
health needs of children and young
people, women, ethnic minority groups and older
links between poverty and health;
needs of populations at risk;
dangers which arise from tobacco abuse, addiction to
drugs and alcohol, pollution and violence; and
other concerns connected to urban planning, ecological
management and social support
37. Amit Samarth
Cities should
have a
Case Study - Well London Strategy
38. Amit Samarth
Well London Strategy was developed with
Extensive consultations and discussions with
London Food Strategy
Children and Young People Strategy
Older Peoples Strategy
London: Cultural Capital
Strategic framework on mental health and well-being in London
Delivery plan for London Olympics and Paralympics
Economic development strategy
London plan for sports and physical activity
Targeted interventions in 20 communities across London
39. Amit Samarth
Well London Strategy
Projects directed towards
Healthy eating
Physical activity
Mental health and well-
Access to open space
The outcomes of all the
projects are measured using
SMART indicators
40. Amit Samarth
University of Central Lancashire - Healthy Settings Unit
Development, delivery and management of externally-
funded settings-based health promotion programmes
Research, evaluation and knowledge transfer training
Academic teaching
Healthy Settings module leadership and co-ordination of
UCLans Healthy University initiative
Co-ordination of the English National Healthy Universities
Co-ordination of the UK Healthy Cities Network
Chairing the International Union of Health Promotion and
Educations Global Working Group on Healthy Settings
contributing to the development and management of WHOs
Health in Prisons Project
Source :
41. Amit Samarth
European cities involved in Healthy Cities Network
Austria Greece
Belgium Hungary
Bosnia and Herzegovina Israel
Croatia Italy
Cyprus Latvia
Czech Republic Lithuania
Denmark Netherlands
Estonia Norway
Finland Poland
France Portugal
Germany Russian Federation
42. Amit Samarth
European cities involved in Healthy Cities Network
Sweden We should also
Switzerland be having many
of our Indian
United Kingdom of Great
Cities in this
Britain and Northern Ireland network
United Kingdom of Great Where are We?
Britain and Northern Ireland
43. Amit Samarth
Healthy Cities - Belfast City
Health Impact Assessment of the City Master Plan
Based on -
Traffic calming to prioritize pedestrian
linkages and encourage people not cars
Pedestrian and cycle facilities
Quality public spaces mixed land use
Encouraging a 24-hour environment
Destination creation
Commercial attractiveness
Employment generation
Affordable housing
44. Examples are many, but we
need some action..!
We need to do similar for our
cities in India
Knowing is not enough; we must
apply. Willing is not enough; we must
do - Goethe
46. Amit Samarth
Activities of the Center for Healthy Cities
Advocating Health as the important driver of
planning process
Develop observatory urban health observatory to
systematically collect information
Use of information for policy, planning and advocacy
Research on impact of built environment on health in
Indian Cities
Health impact assessments of City Master Plans
Developing Joint Learning Network
Communicating the information to stakeholders
47. Amit Samarth
Developing partnerships
WHO Healthy City Project
WHO Center for Healthy Development
(WKC), Kobe, Japan
WHO SEARO and India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Ministry of Urban Development
Indian Council of Medical Research
National Institute of Epidemiology
Public Health Foundation of India
Urban Health Society of India
48. Amit Samarth
Activities of Joint Learning Network
Practitioner to Practitioner Learning
Get people who have developed and implemented healthy
cities concepts
Directly talk to the practioners in India
Motivate and support their work
Researchers to Practitioner Learning and Vice-Versa
Develop evidence
Create actionable measures from the evidence
Support the practitioners in implementation
Document the findings
49. Amit Samarth
Need for systematic data collection on
Urban population
Social determinants of health
Physical determinants of health
Environmental determinants of health
Health services
Health outcomes
Slum populations
Urban transport
50. Amit Samarth
Objectives of the Urban Health Observatory
Collect information from various urban local bodies
Collect information from other government agencies
Secondary research and review of literature on urban
issues and urban health
Conduct primary research to close information gaps
on key issues
51. Amit Samarth
Objectives of the Urban Health Observatory
Collect information and data from the major Tier
I, II and III cities across India
Create a reporting framework of urban health
These indicators will be cutting across various
social, economic and physical aspects of urban
Some of the indicators will directly be related to
urban poor
52. Amit Samarth
Possible indicators
Air pollution indicators from various cities
Number of two wheelers sold in one year
Number of four wheelers sold in one year
Proportion of people using cycle
Proportion of people using footpaths
Proportion of people using public transport
Number of slums in the city - notified/non-notified
Access to water and sanitation in the slums
Prevalence of diseases chronic and communicable
diseases in these cities
53. We really need to do this kind of work
Kindly provide your thoughts and comments