This document discusses developing measures for inequality, inequity, and vulnerability for Oxfam South Africa. It recognizes that inequality is at the heart of South Africa's development problems. Two reports were produced proposing definitions and indicators for inequality in health, gender, and livelihoods. The workshop aims to broadly discuss inequality, inequity, and vulnerability rather than present indicators. It defines the three terms and gives an example measuring inequality and inequity in life expectancy. Small groups then discuss characteristics of vulnerable people and how their work matches this. The conclusion is that considering inequity and vulnerability may be more useful than just inequality and indicators.
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HEARD discussion: Inequality in the context of South Africa
1. Developing measures for Oxfam South Africa:
inequality, inequity & vulnerability.
Tami McKenzie & Nicola Deghaye
Workshop with Oxfam partners: 15 November 2012
2. Introduction
Oxfam recognises inequality is at the heart of the
South African development problem.
It is critical that Oxfam addresses inequality if
they are to achieve the development outcomes
needed to improve the lives of all people living
and working in South Africa.
3. Introduction
HEARD has produced 2 reports for Oxfam:
Phase 1 September 2012:
propose an overarching definition of inequality
outline the most common types of inequality
propose some appropriate inequality measures to be used in
the Oxfam program in South Africa
Phase 2 November 2012:
To describe the dimensions of inequality in health, gender
& livelihoods
To propose a set of inequality indicators for health, gender
and livelihoods
4. Introduction
This work is intended to:
Provide a context for the work Oxfam does.
To provide a big picture for what Oxfam is doing and the
possible impact its programme could have.
To (possibly) assist Oxfam in high level advocacy work.
NOT intended to be used to evaluate partners work.
5. Introduction
The aims for today:
Different to what was advertised.
Instead of presenting a set of indicators, we want to have a
broad discussion about inequality, inequity and vulnerability.
6. Small group discussion 1
1. What is your understanding of the terms
inequality, inequity and vulnerability?
2. Which of these do you consider most
important for the organisation you work for and
(20 min discussion, 10 min report back)
7. Definitions:
Inequality, inequity & vulnerability
concerns multidimensional difference or disparity across a
population (e.g. In income or education)
is concerned about whether the distribution (e.g. income or
education) is fair. Involves a value judgment.
refers to the exposure and sensitivity to livelihood shocks
and indicates the likelihood of an adverse reaction to
various risks or to a disastrous event .
8. An example:
measuring inequality in health.
Inequality in life expectancy at birth:
What are the differences in LE at birth
Richest 20% and poorest 20%.
By gender
By race
By level of education attained
By province or district?
9. An example (cont.): measuring inequity in
life expectancy at birth.
Are the differences in LE at birth between
groups FAIR:
Between the richest 20% and poorest 20%
By gender
By race
By level of education attained
By province or district?
Or are these differences unnecessary,
unavoidable, unfair? (EQUINET, 1998)
10. Vulnerability and life expectancy at birth.
Health and vulnerability are linked.
Poor health and low life expectancy may cause
Vulnerability generally concerns access to
resources (the 5 capitals)
Physical Capital
Human Capital
Social Capital
Natural Capital
Financial Capital
11. Small group discussion 2
(Building on the concept of vulnerability).
Identify the characteristics of a person you consider vulnerable.
Describe this person.
(10 mins)
12. Small group discussion 2
Which groups of people do you work with and why?
How does that match up with the person you just described as
(10 min discussion)
Report back (10 min)
13. Conclusion
Started by looking at inequality
Realised that inequality and inequality measures
themselves may not be so useful.
Within health inequity probably more relevant.
Need to consider vulnerability.
Your input from todays discussion, together with the
HEARD reports will determine the way forward for
Oxfam (in terms of identifying exactly what will be
measured and why).
Editor's Notes
#3: SA is popularly described as the most unequal country in the world.As a middle income country, on average we are not as poor as many other countries, but the distribution of that income is problematic large groups with low income levels something that is masked when we look just at the average income levels in SA.
#4: Although the indicators we have suggested, cover WASH to a large degree too, because of the overlap.The reports we have done is part of a three year process.
#5: Part of the big picture perspective, may be to provide high level guidance on where need is greater. This could be used to guide xfam, but wont necessarily be used in decisions of support for one partner over another.High level advocacy work placing the work and the groups that Oxfam works with in the greater socioeconomic context using the research we have done to produce some popular reporting that would be useful in highlighting the situation of certain population groups.Wont feed into the M&E framework as outcome measures as these measures are population level and there is very little chance that the excellent work that partners do, on the ground will impact on inequality, even at district level.
#6: Now that the first phase the written reports is complete, Oxfam is busy considering some of the recommendations we have made.Why?To get a sense of how these concept fit with you work, programmes and the groups you are working with.To get off the same starting blocks in this process.
#10: Vulnerability is not really used in the context of health as health is an input into livelihoods, so we have not gone into that in this context.
#11: Vulnerability is not really used in the context of health as health is an input into livelihoods,
#12: Explain what we mean by characteristics. (gender, age, )In taking notes on this we need to tease out that the person you describe depends on what you see people are being vulnerable to.
#14: Be ready to explain why inequality may not be that useful.Be ready to discuss how access to various things among the poor and vulnerable is more relevant than knowing there is a great inequality in it. linked to the point of needing to consider vulnerability.