• There is significant rise in cardiac output (30-
50%), heart rate, plasma volume (40-45%) and
red blood cell volume (15-20%) during normal
• All women with heart disease should have
pre-conceptional counseling.
• The women with contraindication of
pregnancy(eg: Eisenmenger’s syndrome)
should be advised against pregnancy
• With valvular disease- should conceive
when they are in NYHA class I & II.
• With mitral stenosis & CHD needing
surgery should have done surgery before
they venture for pregnancy.
Whenever cardiac diseases are diagnosed in pregnancy, the women
should be referred to a tertiary care centre where she should be seen
by an obstetrician and cardiologist.
a. She should be seen every 2 weeks until 30 weeks of pregnancy and
then every week until delivery.
b. Should be checked for PR, B.P, RR, weight gain, jugular venous
distension etc – cardiac failure
c. At each visit she should be monitored for increase in dyspnea or
limitation of activity, fine crepitations on base of lungs
12. DIET
•Iron rich diet- to compact anemia
•Avoid fatty foods
•Avoid added salts
•Avoid much weight gain during
•Avoid alcohol consumption
14. Therapeutic management
• Iron & folic acid supplementation
• Careful vigilance and treatment for pre- eclampsia, if present
• Early diagnosis and management of any infections like UTI,RTI
or dental infections.
• All women with RHS should recive pencillin prophylaxis to
avoid bacterial endocarditis (Inj. Benzanthyl pencillin, Penidura
LA 1.2 mega units) by deep IM every 3 weeks through out
16. Principles in conducting delivery in
heart disease complicated pregnancy
• Induction of labour is best avoided and will wait for
spontaneous onset of labour
• Oxytocin , IV methergin following delivery of anterior
shoulder is also not to be done.
• Cut short the duration of second stage of labour.
• Avoid lithotomy position & plan in semi-recumbent
Editor's Notes
#12: increase in dyspnea or limitation of activity, fine crepitations on base of lungs
she should be monitored for increase in dyspnea or limitation of activity, fine crepitations on base of lungs and orthopnea- signs of cardiac failure
#13: increase in dyspnea or limitation of activity, fine crepitations on base of lungs
she should be monitored for increase in dyspnea or limitation of activity, fine crepitations on base of lungs and orthopnea- signs of cardiac failure