The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system. It is located in the middle of the chest, slightly left of the breastbone. The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen, while the left side receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body. The heart's conduction system is responsible for contracting and relaxing the heart muscle, starting with electrical impulses generated in the sinoatrial node that travel through pathways to the ventricles.
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Heart physiology & conduction system in short present by Tanveer A. Ansari
2. What is the heart ?
The Heart is a muscular organ in humans and other
animals, which pumps blood through the blood
vessels of the circulatory system. Blood provides
the body with oxygen and nutrients
3. What is the location of the heart?
Heart located on the left side
of your chest. in the middle of
the chest and slightly towards
the left of the breastbone ,apex
of heart T5 (Thoracic) rib and
Base of heart T2 rib.
4. What part of the heart pumps blood out of the
heart to the lungs?
The right side of the heart
pump blood to the lungs to
pick up oxygen. The left side
of the heart receives the
oxygen-rich blood from
the lungs and pumps it to the
body. The heart has four
chambers and four valves and
is connected to various
blood vessels.
7. Cardiac Conduction System
Conduction system of the heart is responsible for the contraction
and relaxation of the heart muscle.
The sinoatrial node (SA node) is the pacemaker where the
8. Conduction System Pathway
SA node through to the AV node.
AV node delays 0.1 s for atrial diastole.
AV node through to the AV bundle.
AV bundle depolarizes through right & left bundle branches
Bundle branches carry impulses through Purkinje fibers to the
ventricular myocardium for ventricular systole.
Total time of conduction = 0.22 s
10. Time of the Heartbeat
Sa node = 75 b.p.m.
AV node = 50 b.p.m.
AV bundle = 30 b.p.m.
Purkinje fibers = 30 b.p.m.