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heat.pptx it is about heat. the different types of heat
heat.pptx it is about heat. the different types of heat
heat.pptx it is about heat. the different types of heat
heat.pptx it is about heat. the different types of heat
Energy contained within a system
that is responsible for its
Heat is the flow of thermal
Any object is said to possess
thermal energy due to the
movement of its particles.
energy in
Thermal Energy in Water
1. Two glasses will be prepared: one filled
with hot water and the other with cold
2. Few drops of food color will be placed
on each water and observe what
happens to the food color.
The greater the motion of
particles, the higher the thermal
Objects with higher thermal
energy feel warmer than those
with low thermal energy.
Temperature is the measure of
the average thermal energy in a
system or in an object. If an
object has a lot of energy, then it
feels hot, but if it has less energy,
then it feels cold.
Describe what you can see in the image by using
these three terms: thermal energy, movement of
particles, and temperature.
When the atoms in a system
move faster, the system has
more energy and a high
temperature, and when the
atoms are moving slower, the
system has less energy and a
lower temperature.
Hot and
1. A glass with hot water and a glass with cold water
will be prepared together with two spoons.
2. Two volunteers will hold each spoon and feel its
initial temperature.
3. One spoon will be placed in the hot water, the other
in the cold water. For a few seconds the students will
4. Retrieve the spoons and feel the temperature of the
Heat is a transfer of thermal
energy caused by a difference
in temperature.
Understanding heat transfer
 Imagine holding an ice
cube how does the ice
feel on your hand?
 How do you think heat
is being transferred
between your hand and
the ice?
Group 1 and 2 :
Group 3 and 4:
Group 5 and 6:
Radiation Experiment
Materials: spoon, candle, and match (if it is not sunny outside)
1. The students will initially feel the spoon to check the
2. The spoon will then be placed under the sun for two minutes. (In
case the sun is not available, a lighted candle will be prepared.
The students will then place the spoon on top of the candle flame,
without the spoon touching the flame itself.)
3. After two minutes, the students will then carefully touch and feel
the spoon again.
Conduction Experiment
Materials: spoon, candle, small plate
1. The students will light the candle and place three drops of
melted wax on the spoon.
2. A few seconds will be given for the wax to harden again.
3. Light the candle and make it stand on the plate.
4. Carefully place the spoon with the wax on top of the flame.
Make sure that the flame is touching the flame.
5. Observe what happens to the wax.
Convection Experiment
Materials: two empty Coke Mismo bottles with the label removed, hot
water (not boiling) and cold water, liquid food color, dropper, small
1. Place hot water in one bottle (do not fill it too much)
2. Place cold water in another bottle (do not fill it too much)
3. On the hot water, place a few drops of food coloring. Make sure that the
hot water turns dark.
4. Place the bottle with hot water on the basin.
5. Carefully, turn over the bottle with cold water on top of the bottle with
hot water.
6. Observe what happens to the cold water.
By conduction  conduction takes place when
the particles between objects are in contact
and heat transfers from a hot object to a cold
By convection  convection takes place only in
fluids when particles from hot material move
to the cold material.
By radiation  radiation takes place when heat
is transferred by electromagnetic waves (no
direct contact)
Misconception about Heat
Isara niyo and pinto, lalabas ang
Observe in your house what other activities or
situations where you can see heat transfer.
Cite at least 2 examples and identify if it is
radiation, conduction, or convection. Write
it on 遜 sheet of paper (crosswise)

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heat.pptx it is about heat. the different types of heat

  • 8. Thermal Energy Energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature. Heat is the flow of thermal energy Any object is said to possess thermal energy due to the movement of its particles.
  • 10. Thermal Energy in Water 1. Two glasses will be prepared: one filled with hot water and the other with cold water. 2. Few drops of food color will be placed on each water and observe what happens to the food color.
  • 11. The greater the motion of particles, the higher the thermal energy. Objects with higher thermal energy feel warmer than those with low thermal energy.
  • 12. Temperature Temperature is the measure of the average thermal energy in a system or in an object. If an object has a lot of energy, then it feels hot, but if it has less energy, then it feels cold.
  • 13. Describe what you can see in the image by using these three terms: thermal energy, movement of particles, and temperature.
  • 14. When the atoms in a system move faster, the system has more energy and a high temperature, and when the atoms are moving slower, the system has less energy and a lower temperature.
  • 16. 1. A glass with hot water and a glass with cold water will be prepared together with two spoons. 2. Two volunteers will hold each spoon and feel its initial temperature. 3. One spoon will be placed in the hot water, the other in the cold water. For a few seconds the students will wait. 4. Retrieve the spoons and feel the temperature of the spoons.
  • 17. Heat is a transfer of thermal energy caused by a difference in temperature. Understanding heat transfer
  • 18. Imagine holding an ice cube how does the ice , feel on your hand? How do you think heat is being transferred between your hand and the ice?
  • 20. Group 1 and 2 : Radiation Group 3 and 4: Conduction Group 5 and 6: Convection
  • 21. Radiation Experiment Materials: spoon, candle, and match (if it is not sunny outside) 1. The students will initially feel the spoon to check the temperature. 2. The spoon will then be placed under the sun for two minutes. (In case the sun is not available, a lighted candle will be prepared. The students will then place the spoon on top of the candle flame, without the spoon touching the flame itself.) 3. After two minutes, the students will then carefully touch and feel the spoon again.
  • 22. Conduction Experiment Materials: spoon, candle, small plate 1. The students will light the candle and place three drops of melted wax on the spoon. 2. A few seconds will be given for the wax to harden again. 3. Light the candle and make it stand on the plate. 4. Carefully place the spoon with the wax on top of the flame. Make sure that the flame is touching the flame. 5. Observe what happens to the wax.
  • 23. Convection Experiment Materials: two empty Coke Mismo bottles with the label removed, hot water (not boiling) and cold water, liquid food color, dropper, small basin 1. Place hot water in one bottle (do not fill it too much) 2. Place cold water in another bottle (do not fill it too much) 3. On the hot water, place a few drops of food coloring. Make sure that the hot water turns dark. 4. Place the bottle with hot water on the basin. 5. Carefully, turn over the bottle with cold water on top of the bottle with hot water. 6. Observe what happens to the cold water.
  • 24. By conduction conduction takes place when the particles between objects are in contact and heat transfers from a hot object to a cold object. By convection convection takes place only in fluids when particles from hot material move to the cold material. By radiation radiation takes place when heat is transferred by electromagnetic waves (no direct contact)
  • 25. Misconception about Heat Isara niyo and pinto, lalabas ang aircon.
  • 26. ASSIGNMENT Observe in your house what other activities or situations where you can see heat transfer. Cite at least 2 examples and identify if it is radiation, conduction, or convection. Write it on 遜 sheet of paper (crosswise)

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Checking Attendance
  • #3: Class Rules
  • #4: Teacher will review the class of the previous lesson. She will show the class an image. Relate the image on the screen to what you have learned from the previous topic.
  • #5: Compare the wavelength of violet and red. Of all color of light, which has the greatest frequency? How about wavelength? Of all colors of light, which gives the most energy? Aside from illumination, what other things can we get from light?
  • #6: Teacher will elaborate that aside from illumination, light can also give us warmth which is related to heat. Teacher will conduct a pre-test to check student prior knowledge. Can anyone describe a situation in which you remember feeling the coldest or hottest that you have ever been? But what exactly is feeling hot or cold? Why do we feel it?
  • #7: Are the particles stationary or in motion?
  • #9: A demonstration will be conducted to show thermal energy in water. Can anyone describe a situation in which you remember feeling the coldest or hottest that you have ever been? But what exactly is feeling hot or cold? Why do we feel it?
  • #10: Processing Questions: What is the difference between the spreading of food color in hot water and cold water? Why do you think they behaved differently? Which of the two water samples contain the greater thermal energy? Students will answer the questions based on what they have observed. The food color spread faster in hot water compared to cold water. Since the water is hot, the particles are moving faster so it is easier to mix the food color with the water. The hot water contains more energy because the particles are moving much faster.
  • #11: How do we measure thermal energy? Students may answer: by checking the temperature or using a thermometer.
  • #13: A selected student will answer: - Thermal energy is from the movement of particles in an object. The faster the movement, the higher the thermal energy, thus the higher the temperature as well.
  • #14: Teacher will ask the class: Can this energy be transferred from one object to another? A demonstration will be conducted to show how energy is transferred between objects.
  • #15: A demonstration will be conducted to show thermal energy in water. A demonstration will be conducted to show how energy is transferred between objects.
  • #16: Processing Questions: Is energy transferred from the two set-ups? What is the movement of energy in the set ups? Can energy transfer if they all have the same temperature? Students will answer the questions based on what they have observed. Yes. Energy moved from the hot water to the spoon. Energy moved from the spoon to the cold water. No. Because energy must transfer if they have different temperatures.
  • #18: Students will answer: The ice feels cold. The hand transfers energy towards the ice. What are the different ways to transfer heat?
  • #19: A demonstration will be conducted to show thermal energy in water. A demonstration will be conducted to show how energy is transferred between objects.
  • #21: Students may answer: Heat is transferred from the warmth of the sun to the spoon. There is no direct contact between the sun and the spoon. Radiation is a transfer where there is no direct contact between objects such as the heat coming from the sun.
  • #22: Processing Questions: How is heat transferred from the candle flame to the wax? Is there direct contact among the flame, spoon, and the wax? In your own words, define how heat is transferred thru conduction. Students may answer: Heat is transferred from the flame of the candle to the spoon, then to the wax. There is direct contact among the three. Conduction is heat transfer where there is direct contact between objects.
  • #23: Processing Questions: How is heat transferred from the hot water to the cold water? How can you say so? Is there direct contact between the hot water and the cold water? In your own words, define how heat is transferred thru convection. Students may answer: Heat transfers from the hot water towards the cold water. We can see it with the changing of color of the cold water. There is direct contact. Convection happens when there is direct contact of two liquids.
  • #25: It is incorrect to say that the coldness from the aircon will leave the room because, in reality, it is the heat from the outside that can enter the room. That is why we should close the door when the aircon is on to avoid the heat entering the room. In order for heat transfer to occur, what should be the requirement? Students answer: Thermal energy is the energy contained within an object and it is measured by temperature. When this energy is transferred between objects we call it heat. For heat transfer to occur, there should be a difference in temperature between two objects.
  • #26: In order for heat transfer to occur, what should be the requirement? Students answer: Thermal energy is the energy contained within an object and it is measured by temperature. When this energy is transferred between objects we call it heat. For heat transfer to occur, there should be a difference in temperature between two objects.