Aaron Mc Adam completed an internship at Anicca Solutions where he worked as a web developer. He improved both the front end and back end of websites, using his skills in interface design and knowledge of typography. Through working on projects, Aaron solidified his technical skills and learned about business processes. To continue developing, Aaron plans to read more on topics like accessibility and programming languages. He will also work on side projects and contribute to open source communities.
2. The companyI spent my placement at Anicca Solutions, based in Castle View in Leicester. Their portfolio includes everything from large organisations right down to small hotels. My main role was working as a Web Developer.I used my broad skill set to improve both website interfaces, known as the front end and their backend, database-driven systems.
3. My contribution to the organisationOverall, I gelled well with the team, and adapted to the workflow of a busy office. I used my knowledge of Interface Design to contribute ideas and implementations that improve the user experience of a website, e.g. a slideshow that fades each image into the next. (www.greyhoundinn.co.uk)I also worked with the designer regularly, drawing from my knowledge of typography (the study of typefaces) and other design disciplines.I brought in fresh ideas and techniques drawn from the latest web technologies.
4. The skills and attributes I developedI always learn best my putting the things Ive learned from books into real world projects.Through working on a few different projects, Ive solidified and improved my knowledge in some areas. Through completing projects, Ive taken some best practices that Ive repeated with the next one that comes along.My team working skills have improved as, sometimes we might not all agree all the time, pulling together in one direction towards reaching a deadline under pressure is very rewarding.I also learned a little bit about business processes and the day-to-day running of a small business.
5. The skills I need to develop furtherTheres always something to learn within the web industry. Its the part I really like as theres always something new. Ive got a lot of books on my shelf that I havent read yet and they relate to things I want to learn more about:TypographyDesign and Design history, e.g. BauhausAccessibility IssuesProgramming languages each one helps solidify different areas of programming languagesSearch Engine Optimisation an increasingly important area to know about
6. How I plan to improve my developmentIve always kept up to date with the latest ideas and technologies. Im thinking about starting a side project to try these out. There are some open source projects I know about and have been in touch with before, so Id like to become more active within those communities.Being part of these projects shows good team working skills and also provides very good experience.